Transcript of Q&A with Portuguese Jesuits released…

Francis to Jesuits in Portugal: Some Sodomites aren’t ‘Capable’ or ‘Mature Enough’ to Stop Sinning!

When Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) visited Lisbon in early August for World Youth Day, he also met with members of the Jesuit province there, as is his custom.

An English transcript of the question-and-answer session was released on Aug. 28, 2023, by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who just recently published a blasphemous sermon on Our Lord’s encounter with the Canaanite woman:

As always, Francis had a lot to say.… READ MORE

Crying sincerely to Heaven for vengeance…

Vienna’s “Cardinal” Schönborn:
Sincere Sodomite Couples deserve a Blessing

The Satanic “Archbishop” of Vienna, Austria, has commented on the recently-published Vatican document rejecting the blessings of sodomite couples. We are talking about the 76-year-old “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, O.P., a man whose track record exposes him to be one of the most vile prelates the Vatican II Sect has to offer.

In recent days, more than 230 Novus Ordo bishops and theologians/academics from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands had already condemned the decision by the so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.… READ MORE

An old heresy rears its ugly head again…

No, a True Pope CANNOT be Deposed:
Reply to Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As the heresies and scandals of “Pope” Francis are reaching a fever pitch, people are once again scrambling for ways to rid themselves of the man but without having to accept the sedevacantist position, which is that he was never a true Pope to begin with because, for one thing, he is quite simply a public non-Catholic and thus unable to be the head of the Catholic Church. Refusing the only possible position — that Francis has been an impostor from the beginning — they are looking for ways to depose a Pope, by which they typically mean remove him from office against his will.… READ MORE