The madness just never ends…

Breaking: Francis mulls Reform of Papal Election Process

UPDATES 08-NOV-2023:

UPDATES 06-NOV-2023:


Breaking news out of Rome: Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is reportedly mulling a reform of the papal elections process, that is, an official change in how a Pope is chosen, especially by whom.… READ MORE

The usual one-sided and misleading drivel…

Idolatry, the Poor, and the God of Surprises: A Critical Look at Francis’ Sermon Ending the Synod 2023

The 2023 edition of the Synod on Synodality is over, and ‘Pope’ Francis did not fail to give an ideology-laden sermon for the closing ‘Mass’ in St. Peter’s Basilica last Sunday:

The theme of the sermon, based on the day’s Gospel (Mt 22:34-40), was the love of God and neighbor. It is one of Bergoglio’s favorite topics because it is so easy to manipulate and hijack in favor of his apostate agenda.… READ MORE

Celebrity apologist claims Pope is not head of Church…

See Nothing, Hear Nothing, Say Nothing: Scott Hahn’s Botched Attempt to Reassure Catholics during Bergoglio’s Reign of Error

UPDATE 28-NOV-2023: Scott Hahn corrects himself in new podcast: It was wrong of me to say that it is heretical to say the Pope is the head of the Church, because the Pope is the head of the Church.” (see 5:17 time stamp)


The conservative Novus Ordo apologists are at their wits’ end with ‘Pope’ Francis, Jorge Bergoglio.

This was manifest in a recent podcast episode of Pints with Aquinas, hosted by Novus Ordo apologist Matt Fradd.… READ MORE

Reality check for an emerging narrative…

Rumor Control: Was Ratzinger against the Interreligious Prayer Meetings in Assisi?

(image: Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

‘Archbishop’ Georg Gänswein is back in the news.

His tell-all book Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Benedict XVI, the release of which reportedly made ‘Pope’ Francis furious, hit the shelves in Italy at the beginning of this year. At the time, it was not yet clear when or by whom it would be published in English. Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, had just died two weeks prior.

But now, on Oct. 23, 2023, St.READ MORE

And you thought you’d seen it all!

Italy: Little Girl distributes
Communion at Novus Ordo Mass!

The latest liturgical innovation comes to us from the diocese of Bergamo, Italy: At the parish church of St. Vitus in Ossanesga, a young girl helped to distribute the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion this past Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023. Take a look:

(image redacted to protect the innocent)

The image is a still shot taken from a 21-second video originally published by GloriaTV, and which comes to us via the reliable Italian Messa in Latino blog, where we read: “Two altar girls, even of apparently pre-First Communion age, are seen – during Holy Mass – distributing communion to the faithful next to Fr.… READ MORE

Six incredible quotes to make your head spin!

‘Pope’ Francis or the Dalai Lama?

A Fun Catholic Quiz for the whole Family!

The messages ‘Pope’ Francis delivers to the secular world are becoming harder and harder to tell apart from those of the Dalai Lama. That’s not just a smart-alecky, satirical quip, it’s the truth!

Don’t believe it? Then take our challenging but fun quiz:

In Who Said It? Francis or the Dalai Lama?, we present six authentic, verifiable quotes, and you have to guess whether they were said by the false pope in Rome — Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’ — or by the head of Tibetan Buddhism — Tenzin Gyatso, aka the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

‘A Heart On Fire for Demons’: Official Synod Publication Promotes Praying for Reptiles and Devils

We all knew the Synod on Synodality would be demonic. What we didn’t know was that they were going to advertise it so openly.

Not only is the infernal assembly taking place in the hellish Paul VI audience hall, which resembles the head of a snake, has no Catholic artwork in it, and presents a ghastly-looking demon as the ‘Resurrected Christ’. Even more so, the synod’s official spiritual resource guide openly asks people to have a “merciful heart” that is “on fire” not only for other people but also “for the animals, for demons, and for all that exists”.… READ MORE

You don’t say!

Francis Blasts Those Who ‘Talk About Their Vision of Humanity but Never About Jesus’

Jorge Bergoglio’s sense of humor was on display this past Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

As part of his weekly audience ‘catechesis’, which is ironically on “passion for evangelization” and “apostolic zeal” currently, the man whose professional stage name is ‘Pope Francis’ kept a straight face when he warned:

…we risk talking about ourselves, the group to which we belong, a morality or, even worse, a set of rules, but not about Jesus, his love, his mercy. I see this in some new movements that are emerging: they talk about their vision of humanity, they talk about their spirituality and they feel theirs is a new path… But why do you not talk about Jesus?


Condemnation of sundry familiar-sounding errors…

Exclusive Translation:
Pope Pius IX’s Apostolic Letter Multiplices Inter of 1851

Pope Pius IX was the second-longest-reigning Pope in the history of the Catholic Church.

Born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti in 1792, he reigned as Pope Pius IX for nearly 32 years, from June 16, 1846 until his death on Feb. 7, 1878. The only Pope who reigned longer than he was St. Peter.

One of the highlights of Pius IX’s long pontificate was the Syllabus of Errors, released on Dec. 8, 1864, along with the encyclical letter Quanta Cura, in which he declared:

But now, as is well known to you, Venerable Brethren, already, scarcely had we been elevated to this Chair of Peter (by the hidden counsel of Divine Providence, certainly by no merit of our own), when, seeing with the greatest grief of Our soul a truly awful storm excited by so many evil opinions, and (seeing also) the most grievous calamities never sufficiently to be deplored which overspread the Christian people from so many errors, according to the duty of Our Apostolic Ministry, and following the illustrious example of Our Predecessors, We raised Our voice, and in many published Encyclical Letters and Allocutions delivered in Consistory, and other Apostolic Letters, we condemned the chief errors of this most unhappy age, and we excited your admirable episcopal vigilance, and we again and again admonished and exhorted all sons of the Catholic Church, to us most dear, that they should altogether abhor and flee from the contagion of so dire a pestilence.


For notorious diocese of Lexington, Kentucky…

Director of ‘Catholic’ Sodomite Ministries receives Handwritten Encouragement from ‘Pope’ Francis

The ‘Catholic’ Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, has published a hand-written note from ‘Pope’ Francis sent to a certain Stan ‘J.R.’ Zerkowski.

This Mr. Zerkowski is not just anyone. According to his Facebook page, he is…

And that’s not all. Zerkowski is also the — please pardon the pun — proud author of Coming Out and Coming Home, a work published in 2022 by Butler Books.… READ MORE

The Bergoglian shell game continues…

Did Francis approve Blessings for Homo Couples? Examining his Response to the Pre-Synod Dubia

October 2 of this year was D-Day — ‘Dubia Day’: The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, now headed by ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, released official and authoritative responses (personally signed by Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) to two sets of Dubia that had been submitted in July: one set of ten questions by ‘Cardinal’ Dominik Duka, and one set of five questions by ‘Cardinals’ Raymond Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Walter Brandmüller, Robert Sarah, and Joseph Zen.

As was to be expected, the Vatican responses were loaded with fireworks.… READ MORE

Watch conference lectures free!

VIDEO: Sedevacantist Fatima Conference
in Spokane, Washington, Oct. 11-15, 2023

[UPDATED Oct 15, 2023]

Every year the Fatima Conference, sponsored by the sedevacantist Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), takes place at historic Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, during the month of October.

This year’s gathering is taking place right now and will last until the evening of Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023. All of the main lectures are/will be available on YouTube. The full conference schedule is posted here (all times mentioned are Pacific Time):

The motto for this year’s conference is Ecce Ancilla Domini (“Behold the Handmaid of the Lord”).… READ MORE

Informative, witty, compelling!

Podcast: The Synod, the Dubia, and Chaos Frank

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 179, was published this past Saturday, and it covers recent major Vatican developments that demonstrate how much more the Roman apostasy has advanced. We present it here in a separate blog post to ensure it will get as much exposure as possible. It runs 28:33 minutes in length.

The main topics covered in this podcast are the Vatican’s recent Dubia circus, especially ‘Pope’ Francis’ effective claim that for some people adultery may only be a venial sin. Furthermore, we look at how the false pope tries to authorize blessings for sodomite couples through the backdoor.… READ MORE

Priceless dance performance in ultimate Novus Ordo parish…

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore
(Example No. 12,804,229)

Theater of the Absurd at Nativity of Mary church in Aschaffenburg, Germany

This just in from Germany: The notorious ‘Nativity of Mary’ (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, home of the craziest liturgical and extra-liturgical spectacles, recently featured a dance performance of which they have now shared three brief video clips.

What you are about to see is so whacko that it rivals the ‘Ash Wednesday of Artists’ shrieking performance in a Cologne basilica in 2019. Please proceed with caution.

To be clear: This did not take place as part of a ‘Mass’ — but it was inside the church, where they usually gather for their ‘Eucharistic celebration’.… READ MORE

Priceless question, hilarious response…

Journalist at Synod Press Conference:
How do we know it’s the HOLY Spirit acting at the Synod?

Dr. Paolo Ruffini on Oct. 6, 2023, as he provides a word salad for Diane Montagna (insert)

The American journalist Diane Montagna did the world a favor today.

At the daily Vatican press briefing on the ongoing Synod on Synodality with Dr. Paolo Ruffini, the Vatican’s Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication, Montagna asked point-blank how, with all this incessant talk about the Holy Ghost being the “protagonist” of the Synod, the synodal assembly will know whether something comes from the Holy Spirit and not from some other spirit, perhaps one not so holy.… READ MORE