Refuting a popular but false narrative…

Taylor Marshall and Quo Primum: Did Pope St. Pius V Really Grant a Perpetual Right to the Traditional Mass?

There are a number of urban legends floating around the traditionalist Catholic world that simply will not die.

One of the more popular ones is the claim that in his 1570 bull Quo Primum, Pope St. Pius V granted to all Catholic priests of the Roman rite the perpetual right to offer Holy Mass according to the rite he was then promulgating, which is today known as the Traditional Latin Mass; and that no subsequent Pope has the authority to withdraw that permission or revoke that right.… READ MORE

Eccentric recognize-and-resist theologian…

The Fanciful Theology of Fr. Gregory Hesse (1953-2006):
Some Worthwhile Observations

This article was updated on Feb. 23, 2024, replacing incorrect documentation with the proper (and even stronger) evidence. Please excuse the oversight.

The Austrian ‘Fr.’ Gregorius D. Hesse (1953-2006) was a one-of-a-kind recognize-and-resist traditionalist from Vienna. Somehow he always managed to sound convincing while he dished out unconventional theological ideas that were usually quite unique to him. He and his devoted cheerleaders considered his theology to be exemplary ‘traditional Catholicism’, of course, and his fan base ate it up (recent case in point: Kennedy Hall).… READ MORE

Chaos Frank triggers his trads!

MELTDOWN: Round-Up of Reactions to Francis’ Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass

Now that almost two weeks have passed since the release of Traditionis Custodes, “Pope” Francis’ motu proprio “Apostolic Letter” that severely limits (and gradually eliminates) the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal), a lot of reactions have poured in from various quarters of the Vatican II Church; especially, of course, from those who consider themselves traditionalists, since they are the ones negatively affected by the suppression of Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum.

By phasing out the Traditional Latin Mass (aka Tridentine Mass), a decision he allegedly made based on answers procured through a questionnaire process, Francis has ripped the heart out of the traditionalists in his church.… READ MORE

Theology has consequences…

Semi-Trads Alarmed: Francis surveys Diocesan Bishops on Summorum Pontificum Latin Mass Culture

The well-connected and journalistically-reliable Rorate Caeli blog reports today that the Unholy See, under the direction of the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has sent a survey to all his Roman rite “bishops” in the world to report on the application of Benedict XVI’s 2007 motu proprio letter Summorum Pontificum, which essentially granted all priests of the Vatican II Church the right to celebrate Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962, commonly (though not entirely correctly) known as the “Traditional Latin Mass.”

Rorate Caeli has posted a copy of the actual survey and its cover letter, dated Mar.… READ MORE

After reversing 1000+ years of Catholic liturgy…

Francis and the “Irreversible” Novus Ordo Liturgy: A Commentary

This past Thursday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis raised not a few eyebrows when during a special audience for some Italian liturgical congress he suddenly invoked his supposed “magisterial authority” to declare “that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible.”

We reported on this and included some initial reactions from the blogosphere in the following post:

It is now time to publish our own commentary on Francis’ musings about the Novus Ordo liturgical revolution.… READ MORE