Document allegedly to be released in Holy Week…

Details emerge: Bergoglio’s rumored Next Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass

The false pope is determined to protect the world from the liturgical books of 1962…

On Jan. 14, 2023, the German indult blog Summorum Pontificum reported on a credible rumor about “Pope Francis” and his liturgical henchmen preparing another, more severe set of restrictions for the use of the Roman Missal of 1962, after the implementation of Traditionis Custodes has apparently been too lackluster and too slow for the man whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio:

Today, Feb.… READ MORE

See, they won’t let just anyone receive!

Kneeling not allowed?
Man refused ‘Communion’ at Ratzinger Funeral (Video)

Today the funeral for ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI took place in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, with Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) presiding. When it came time for the distribution of the invalid communion hosts, a curious incident occurred — and was caught on video.

A man wearing a hoodie walks up to the rail to receive the ‘Eucharist’, kneels down, and removes the hood from his head, as is proper. He opens his mouth to receive, but the Novus Ordo priest signals his unwillingness to give him the host in that way.… READ MORE

Totally edifying, no?

Welcome to ‘Garnet Chapel’ in Austria

Nothing expresses the new religion of Vatican II better than the bizarre “sacred” art and architecture that have accompanied it. On this blog, we occasionally feature some of the worst examples in that regard.

Today we would like to showcase the so-called “Garnet Chapel” (Granatkapelle) in Tyrol, Austria. It was constructed in 2013, the year Jorge Bergoglio became “Pope Francis”. Not that there is any kind of connection there, but it does fit, since the chapel is built in the shape of what is called a “rhombic dodecahedron”, and Francis is a big fan of polyhedrons, at least philosophically (see ‘Apostolic Exhortation’ Evangelii Gaudium, n.… READ MORE

Another day, another heresy…

Francis again misleads, claims Baptism makes us ‘Children of God Forever’

Today is the great feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day celebrated even in the Vatican II Church.

In keeping with the custom, Francis gave an Angelus address today; and no, he did not deny the dogma defined by Pope Pius IX (see Denz. 1641) but in fact affirmed it quite clearly.

That is not to say, however, that he didn’t promote some other heresy — not with regard to the Bl. Virgin Mary (he has done that on other occasions), but on one of the effects of the sacrament of baptism.… READ MORE

Rev. Leonardo Holtz becomes Catholic priest

Brazilian Novus Ordo Priest ‘Excommunicated’ for becoming Sedevacantist, receiving Ordination

This time it was valid: Fr. Leonardo Holtz after his ordination by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva

News broke the other day that ‘Cardinal’ Orani João Tempesta (b. 1950), who is the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has declared one of his former presbyters excommunicated (from the ‘Conciliar’ Church).

The happy soul in question is Fr. Leonardo Holtz Peixoto, who, having become a sedevacantist and rejected the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), was properly ordained a Catholic priest by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva on Nov.… READ MORE

They must think we’re all idiots…

Words Fail: ‘Sacred Art’ in Austrian Chapel

What you see in the above image is not vandalism. It is much worse.

The red doodling on the walls and the ceiling is the work of Austrian artist Otto Zitko, perpetrated in 2003. He was commissioned to deface the holy space like this, apparently by the pastor.

The location of this frightful abomination is a side chapel, dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, that is part of St. Andrew’s parish (Sankt Andrä) in Graz, Austria. It lies within the diocese of Graz-Seckau, where “Bishop” Egon Kapellari was in charge at the time this blasphemous work was carried out.… READ MORE

Regarding worthy reception of Holy Communion…

Four Novus Ordo Bishops accuse Francis of HERESY

The apostate Jorge Bergoglio in Istanbul, Turkey, Nov. 30, 2014
(image: Shutterstock/Alexandros Michailidis/cropped)

Five years ago today, on Sep. 24, 2017, a number of conservative and traditionalist adherents of the religious establishment headed by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) made public a long letter (dated Aug. 11, 2017) in which they accused their incredibly valid ‘Vicar of Christ’ of heresy, that is, of denying defined Catholic dogma.

Named Correctio Filialis (“Filial Correction”), the document did not merely contradict Francis’ errors, it de facto purported to overrule (“correct”) them.… READ MORE

From the Vatican II religion to Catholicism…

From Novus Ordo Presbyter to Roman Catholic Priest:
An Interview with Father Michael DeSaye

Few things could be more difficult than for a Novus Ordo priest to realize that, despite his sincere love of God and genuine piety, the religion to which he has been unwittingly adhering all his life is not in fact the Roman Catholic religion of time immemorial but a counterfeit concocted in the 20th century.

Probably the only thing more distressing still is the realization that, through no fault of his own, his ordination to the priesthood was most probably invalid, meaning he has never in his life offered a valid Mass nor granted a single valid absolution.… READ MORE

In other words, “Who am I to judge?!”…

Francis on Biden’s Extreme Abortion Support:
“I leave it to his Conscience and that he speaks to his Bishop”!

Since late June, there has been a flurry of wide-ranging interviews with “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), lest your summer should be calm and peaceful and, worst of all, Bergoglio-free.

The latest one is the fourth in quick succession, and was conducted and released by the Mexican-American TelevisaUnivision. In the United States it aired yesterday, July 11, on Univision.

The entire conversation, conducted in Bergoglio’s native language, Spanish, lasted two hours, and it underscores once more that the apostate from Buenos Aires likes nothing more than to hear himself talk, offering his infinite wisdom to this poor world.… READ MORE

Why make it beautiful when you can make it ugly?

Welcome to the Beehive:
St. John’s Abbey Church in Collegeville, MN

(image: Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0)

Today we would like to introduce you to a gem of Brutalist architecture, the famed church associated with St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.

The architect who committed this eyesore is Marcel Breuer (1902-81), who is also responsible for St. Francis de Sales church in Norton Shores, Michigan.

Design and construction of this church began in the 1950s, so one can see how deeply the spirit of Modernism and the subsequent Vatican II religion was alive and well during that time.… READ MORE

Well, at least it was invalid…

Muslim Politician given Novus Ordo Eucharist at ‘Catholic Congress’ in Germany

Muslim politician Muhterem Aras, right, with Rottenburg-Stuttgart “Bishop” Gebhard Fürst and a colleague
(image source: Twitter; cropped)

The 102nd edition of the notorious German Katholikentag (“Catholic Congress”) is currently underway in the city of Stuttgart. The official web site has a section for English speakers here.

The Katholikentag (pronounced cut-oh-LEAK-un-tuhg) has genuinely Catholic origins in the 1800s, but since at least 1968 it has been an insufferable sewer of anti-Catholic ideas and rebellion against God’s order. At this point it is an utter cesspool of Modernism, Indifferentism, feminism, Marxism, environmentalism, sexual immorality, and liturgical chaos — to be outdone only by its Lutheran counterpart.… READ MORE

Bah, humbug!

Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions

Move over, Grinch, Scrooge, and other sourpusses: No one wrecks Christmas like the Frankster!

This past Saturday, Dec. 18, His Phoniness “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) issued an utterly merciless decree against those in his Modernist church who attempt to practice traditional Catholicism while nevertheless recognizing him as Pope. As they are dependent on ready access to the Traditional Latin Mass “in full communion” with the Modernist hierarchy as the center of their sacramental lives, Francis knows exactly the spot at which to strike to ensure they will hurt the most.… READ MORE

No confirmations, no ordinations, but forced concelebrations — and then some!

Enough Already! Francis doubles down on Traditional Latin Mass Restrictions

(REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

It’s amazing how quickly the Modernists occupying the Vatican structures can respond to a set of dubia (questions asking for clarification) if they really want to.

Whereas “Cardinals” Walter Brandmüller and Raymond Burke are still waiting after over five years for answers to their dubia concerning Amoris Laetitia, the Vatican didn’t take long to provide clarification concerning Francis’ July 16, 2021 decree Traditionis Custodes, which severely curtails the right to use the Missal of 1962, commonly referred to as the Traditional Latin Mass.… READ MORE

On expressing and explaining Divine Revelation…

Is there a “Problem” with Transubstantiation?
Response to Hendro Munsterman

The beautiful Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation has long been a thorn in the side of Modernists and other heretical innovators. Not surprisingly, therefore, it is also under attack in the Novus Ordo Church, which, although teaching the dogma in its official universal catechism, denies or attacks it in various other ways.

For instance, the Vatican II Church undermines belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist by the way it offers “Mass”, in the way “Holy Communion” is distributed, and in the fact that it authorizes even heretics and now also public adulterers to receive the ostensible Blessed Sacrament under certain circumstances.… READ MORE

After Vatican visit…

Joe Biden says Francis OK’d him for Communion, said he’s a Good Catholic — Vatican won’t comment

[UPDATE 01-NOV-2021 20:34 UTC: Podcast TRADCAST EXPRESS 142 on the fallout of the Francis-Biden meeting:]

[UPDATE 30-OCT-2021 20:09 UTC: Report: Biden to attend “Mass” at St. Peter’s Basilica Sunday Morning]

[UPDATE 30-OCT-2021 18:37 UTC: “President Joe Biden receives Communion at Mass in Rome”]

Roughly two weeks after welcoming Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi at the Vatican, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) today received U.S. resident Joe Biden. The two had an “unprecedentedly long” meeting (see link below) and, judging from photos and some video clips, clearly enjoyed each other’s company.… READ MORE