Surprise: no surprise!

On Epiphany, Bergoglio hijacks Three Magi to slam Traditional Mass, push Surprise Theology

Today the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany), which commemorates the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles with the arrival of the Three Kings (Magi) at the crib of the Infant Savior.

For Jorge Bergoglio, S.J., (“Pope Francis”) this was another opportunity to inculcate his ideological talking points into unsuspecting souls, and that is exactly what we saw in the sermon he gave today during the Novus Ordo worship service at St. Peter’s Basilica:


Bah, humbug!

Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions

Move over, Grinch, Scrooge, and other sourpusses: No one wrecks Christmas like the Frankster!

This past Saturday, Dec. 18, His Phoniness “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) issued an utterly merciless decree against those in his Modernist church who attempt to practice traditional Catholicism while nevertheless recognizing him as Pope. As they are dependent on ready access to the Traditional Latin Mass “in full communion” with the Modernist hierarchy as the center of their sacramental lives, Francis knows exactly the spot at which to strike to ensure they will hurt the most.… READ MORE

No confirmations, no ordinations, but forced concelebrations — and then some!

Enough Already! Francis doubles down on Traditional Latin Mass Restrictions

(REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

It’s amazing how quickly the Modernists occupying the Vatican structures can respond to a set of dubia (questions asking for clarification) if they really want to.

Whereas “Cardinals” Walter Brandmüller and Raymond Burke are still waiting after over five years for answers to their dubia concerning Amoris Laetitia, the Vatican didn’t take long to provide clarification concerning Francis’ July 16, 2021 decree Traditionis Custodes, which severely curtails the right to use the Missal of 1962, commonly referred to as the Traditional Latin Mass.… READ MORE

On expressing and explaining Divine Revelation…

Is there a “Problem” with Transubstantiation?
Response to Hendro Munsterman

The beautiful Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation has long been a thorn in the side of Modernists and other heretical innovators. Not surprisingly, therefore, it is also under attack in the Novus Ordo Church, which, although teaching the dogma in its official universal catechism, denies or attacks it in various other ways.

For instance, the Vatican II Church undermines belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist by the way it offers “Mass”, in the way “Holy Communion” is distributed, and in the fact that it authorizes even heretics and now also public adulterers to receive the ostensible Blessed Sacrament under certain circumstances.… READ MORE

“Impressive”, eh?!

Indelible Signs:
Free Tattoos offered in Novus Ordo church in Frankfurt

If you thought the “Show-Your-Tattoo Mass” we reported on in 2014 was bad, wait till you read this story.

On Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany, the historic 16th-century Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), currently used as a monastic church and occuppied by clerics of the Vatican II Sect, was defiled by an absurd spectacle: For a total of roughly five hours, the church was open for people to enter and get a calligraphical tattoo imprinted on their skin, free of charge. Participants had to choose from one of eight pre-selected words or phrases.… READ MORE

After Vatican visit…

Joe Biden says Francis OK’d him for Communion, said he’s a Good Catholic — Vatican won’t comment

[UPDATE 01-NOV-2021 20:34 UTC: Podcast TRADCAST EXPRESS 142 on the fallout of the Francis-Biden meeting:]

[UPDATE 30-OCT-2021 20:09 UTC: Report: Biden to attend “Mass” at St. Peter’s Basilica Sunday Morning]

[UPDATE 30-OCT-2021 18:37 UTC: “President Joe Biden receives Communion at Mass in Rome”]

Roughly two weeks after welcoming Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi at the Vatican, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) today received U.S. resident Joe Biden. The two had an “unprecedentedly long” meeting (see link below) and, judging from photos and some video clips, clearly enjoyed each other’s company.… READ MORE

“Private event” closes Basilica for visitors…

Novus Ordo Priest uses Papal High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica

“Fr.” Fabio Rosini at the papal high altar on Oct. 2, 2021

This past Saturday, Oct. 2, the Basilica of St. Peter’s in Vatican City was home to an odd sight.

A simple “priest” (Novus Ordo presbyter) from the diocese of Rome offered the “Holy Mass” (Novus Ordo worship service) on the papal high altar as part of a catechetical conference that had essentially “reserved” the entire basilica. The man in question is Fabio Rosini, the diocesan vocations director.

To be clear: This was done with the full knowledge and permission of “Pope” Francis, the Vatican apostate-in-chief.… READ MORE

If this is heaven, what does hell look like?

Spiritually Diseased Architecture:
“Resurrection Church” in Viareggio, Italy

(image: YouTube screenshot)

Eyesores are a curious phenomenon. Even though they are painful to endure, one nevertheless feels the urge to look.

A good example of that would be the Novus Ordo “Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord” (Chiesa della Resurrezione di Nostro Signore) in Viareggio, Italy, between Genoa and Florence. Clearly the architectural expression of the spirit of Vatican II, it sits in the archdiocese of Lucca, where Mr. Paolo Giulietti plays the role of “Catholic archbishop”.

The monstrosity in question, designed by Italian architect Massimo Lepore, comes with all the grace and style of a meat processing plant, at least on the outside.… READ MORE

Sedevacantist resources on ‘Traditionis Custodes’

Free Transcript: Bp. Donald Sanborn analyzes Traditionis Custodes – PLUS: More Resources

On July 24, 2021, the folks at True Restoration released a phenomenal podcast episode of their popular FRANCIS WATCH program. It was a special episode (no. 47) dedicated to the decree Traditionis Custodes the false pope had just released, in which he essentially phases out, however gradually, the use of the 1962 Roncalli Missal (the “Traditional Latin Mass”, for all intents and purposes) in the Vatican II Church.

In the podcast, host Matthew Gaskins interviews Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, regarding the historical and theological claims made in Traditionis Custodes.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Where the Sacred IS the Profane:
St. Nicholas Church in Neuried, Germany

Why make it beautiful when you can make it ugly?
(image: EOM/Florian Holzherr)

The German Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, currently headed by “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx, is home to “God’s Ski Jump” as well as “Monster Church”. It is also home to many other Novus Ordo architectural crimes.

Today we would like to introduce you to the “Roman Catholic” parish of Sankt Nikolaus (St. Nicholas) in the small town of Neuried, outside of Munich. It has a beautiful old little village church (Dorfkirche) as well as a hideous modern parochial center.… READ MORE

Asking for a friend…

Odd Painting at ‘Papal Mass’:

Today “Pope” Francis offered the Novus Ordo worship service in Šaštin, Slovakia, before returning to the Vatican (see our coverage of his press conference here).

Gracing the liturgical backdrop was a big artistic rendition of… well, we’re not exactly sure of what. But here’s what it looks like:

Surely one will be allowed to ask: Just what in the world is THAT supposed to be?

We see the upper torso of an unclothed man, quite muscular, bald, perhaps in early middle age. Is he perhaps the poor beggar of the Vatican’s 2017 harrowing Nativity scene (aka Frankie’s Horror Picture Show)?… READ MORE

Consistorial allocution of May 24, 1976

Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old

Abp. Giovanni Montini played “Pope Paul VI” from 1963-78
(image credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

If you’ve been researching Catholic Traditionalism for a while, chances are you’ve come across the argument made by recognize-and-resist apologists that “Pope” Paul VI (1963-78) himself confirmed that his Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was neither infallible nor binding.

The line of argumentation given in Taylor Marshall’s 2019 book Infiltration is characteristic of this approach:

Pope Paul VI promulgated Dignitatis humanae on 7 December 1965, and the next day he closed the Second Vatican Council and stated: “The magisterium of the Church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements” [footnote: Pope Paul VI, Discourse closing Vatican II, 7 December 1965].


Antipope Paul VI

Allocution to the Consistory of May 24, 1976

Giovanni Battista Montini as “Pope Paul VI”
(image credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

Venerable Brothers,

Since the day on which, now more than three years ago, by the fixing of the number of Cardinal Electors, we filled the gaps created in your Sacred College, this latter has suffered the sad loss of our Brethren whom we all remember with affectionate sorrow, and on the other hand, some of its members have reached the established age at which they can no longer take part in the election of the Roman Pontiff.… READ MORE

If he didn’t have a double standard, he’d have no standard at all!

Francis’ Double Standard: Traditional Latin Mass forbidden, but Anglican Service is fine

On July 16, 2021, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) made it abundantly clear that he has no love for the traditional Roman rite of the Holy Catholic Mass, also called the Tridentine Mass, which was codified by Pope St. Pius V in the 16th century. It is, after all, the perfect worship directed to the Most Holy Trinity and the liturgical expression of the Roman Catholic Faith.

On the other hand, there is a liturgy dating back to the 16th century this fake pope does approve of: that of the heretico-schismatic “Church of England”, a human institution founded by King Henry VIII after Pope Clement VII, untainted by Amoris Laetitia or the “god of surprises”, refused to grant his request for a marriage annulment.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank triggers his trads!

MELTDOWN: Round-Up of Reactions to Francis’ Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass

Now that almost two weeks have passed since the release of Traditionis Custodes, “Pope” Francis’ motu proprio “Apostolic Letter” that severely limits (and gradually eliminates) the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal), a lot of reactions have poured in from various quarters of the Vatican II Church; especially, of course, from those who consider themselves traditionalists, since they are the ones negatively affected by the suppression of Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum.

By phasing out the Traditional Latin Mass (aka Tridentine Mass), a decision he allegedly made based on answers procured through a questionnaire process, Francis has ripped the heart out of the traditionalists in his church.… READ MORE