“Private event” closes Basilica for visitors…

Novus Ordo Priest uses Papal High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica

“Fr.” Fabio Rosini at the papal high altar on Oct. 2, 2021

This past Saturday, Oct. 2, the Basilica of St. Peter’s in Vatican City was home to an odd sight.

A simple “priest” (Novus Ordo presbyter) from the diocese of Rome offered the “Holy Mass” (Novus Ordo worship service) on the papal high altar as part of a catechetical conference that had essentially “reserved” the entire basilica. The man in question is Fabio Rosini, the diocesan vocations director.

To be clear: This was done with the full knowledge and permission of “Pope” Francis, the Vatican apostate-in-chief.… READ MORE