His favorite target: “Rigidity”!
Francis Unleashed:

“Pius XII freed us from the very heavy cross that was the Eucharistic fast… So many Pharisees were scandalized!”
On Monday, December 15, “Pope” Francis preached another sermon during the “Mass” at the Vatican’s Casa Santa Martha, once again exercising the magisterium of what blogger Tom Droleskey has called Bergoglio’s “Ding-Dong School of Apostasy”. One of his favorite things to rail against is, of course, Roman Catholic discipline, that awful “rigidity” he so detests — you know, the kind that just isn’t open to the “god of surprises” he worships.
Vatican Radio presents a summary of Bergoglio’s tirade here, which is really worth reading because seldom does he come out swinging like this:
Under the guise of extolling Pope Pius XII, Bergoglio attacks the venerable tradition of the Eucharistic fast from midnight, which was reduced by Pope Pius to a three-hour requirement, first only under special circumstances, in the Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus (January 6, 1953), later extended to all, in the Motu Proprio Sacram Communionem (March 19, 1957).
While reducing the Eucharistic fast from midnight to three hours was a prudent measure, especially for priests who had to offer sundry Masses on a difficult schedule and travel great distances, it is definitely not permitted to castigate the previous church law as somehow rotten or evil, and even Pius XII himself calls the prior law that requires fasting from midnight “the old and venerable form of the Eucharistic fast” and says:
We strongly exhort priests and faithful who are able to do so to observe the old and venerable form of the Eucharistic fast before Mass and Holy Communion. All those who will make use of these concessions [of the reduced fast] must compensate for the good received by becoming shining examples of a Christian life and principally with works of penance and charity.
(Pope Pius XII, Motu Proprio Sacram Communionem, March 19, 1957)
Looks like Mr. Bergoglio forgot to mention this part. Oh well. That’s what we’re here for.
One thing is for sure: In the Novus Ordo Church, the “heavy cross” of respect for the Holy Eucharist is definitely no longer an obstacle:
- “Holy Communion” in displosable plastic cups at World Youth Day 2013
- Protestants are allowed “Holy Communion” in the Novus Ordo Church
For those who have eyes to see: Bergoglio is obviously once again prepping his sheeple for more “reforms” to come in the name of “mercy,” especially at Part 2 of the Synod on the Family, scheduled for October 2015. You’re supposed to subject yourself to his “tyranny of mercy” and allow yourself to be “surprised” by whatever impious novelty he may come up with next.
The First Vatican Council, back in 1870, already dealt with Bergoglio’s “god of surprises”, teaching the following:
For, the Holy Spirit was not promised to the successors of Peter that by His revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but that by His help they might guard sacredly the revelation transmitted through the apostles and the deposit of faith, and might faithfully set it forth.
(Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Ch. 4; Denz. 1836.)
If this doesn’t exactly fit what you know about Jorge Bergoglio, there’s one clear reason why: He’s not the successor of St. Peter.
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