No, it’s not satire…

Watch out, Coronavirus! Jesuit parish introduces “Ministers of Hand Sanitizer”

Distributing “Communion” in hazmat gear: “Fr.” Phil Hurley, S.J. (photo: Hanna Wondmagegn)

The Prophetic Church of the Second Vatican Council just never runs out of gifts, movements, or ministries. The latest one is the “ministry of hand sanitizer” introduced at a Jesuit-run parish in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This past Friday, the Twitter account of the U.S. Eastern Province of the “Society of Jesus” drew attention to it, publishing the following tweet:


Affirmation of loyalty after civil union kerfuffle…

“I believe in Pope Francis…”:

Bizarre Pseudo-Creed recited at Mexican Parish

A curious thing happened on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020, during the Novus Ordo meal service performed at the Parroquia de San Agustín (St. Augustine’s Church) in the city of San Agustín, municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Towards the end of the “Mass”, after the usual parish announcements, the presbyter said they were now going to pray a “creed” for “Pope” Francis — for protection from his enemies, against bad intentions, and against those who seek to undermine the credibility of his words.… READ MORE

Cracks in the Masonry?

“Cardinal” Marx’s Cracked Stone Altar

As long-time readers of this blog may recall, the Modernist Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is the home of “God’s Ski Jump”.

At the same time, the diocese does have some beautiful old and therefore traditional church buildings. Since those don’t really fit their Novus Ordo religion, however, they tend to get wreckovated. After all, such truly Catholic churches were designed for the true worship of the Triune God, and the new-and-improved “Catholicism 2.0” of Vatican II just isn’t into that sort of thing.

Even in churches where the basic traditional architecture and most of the beautiful sanctuary have been retained, the one thing they always do is introduce a so-called “people’s altar”.… READ MORE

A Fun Church update…

Nothing Sacred: Idiotic Buffoonery at Novus Ordo Parish in Nebraska

As stated in big letters on their home page, Sacred Heart Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is a “vibrant” and “diverse” Novus Ordo community. Being part of the Vatican II Sect (Archdiocese of Omaha), it is naturally a church of joy. How that works out in practice could be seen at a “Mass” four months ago.

In the Novus Ordo liturgy, on Sundays the reception of “Holy Communion” is typically followed by parish announcements (such an appropriate time!). On June 21 at Sacred Heart in Omaha, those announcements came with a pool noodle fight and all kinds of other buffooneries only people completely ignorant of, or hostile to, Catholicism would dare to engage in.… READ MORE

Off the rocker…

Bergoglio’s Rocker: Buenos Aires Rocker “Priest” has Endorsement from “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

Cesar Scicchitano is the name of an Argentinian Novus Ordo priest in his mid-50s who is the frontman of a rock band called Los Pecadores. While such is by no means an unusual occurrence in Novus Ordo Land, this one comes with an added twist: “Father” Cesar’s undertaking has the explicit blessing of Jorge Bergoglio, the man otherwise known as “Pope” Francis. And that’s just the beginning.

According to a report published by the The China Post in 2013, Scicchitano has been friends with Francis for (now) over twenty years.… READ MORE

Cross-dressing perverts welcome…

“Transgender Woman” reads Prayer Intention at Novus Ordo Bishop’s Inaugural Mass in Argentina

Francia Lopez, left, is a male sodomite pretending to be a woman
(YouTube screenshot redacted and annotated by Novus Ordo Watch)

In the diocese of San Luis, Argentina, the logical chickens of “integrating weakness” (Amoris Laetitia, Ch. 8) are coming home to roost.

On Aug. 28, 2020, the Novus Ordo news site Crux reported:

Marking an historical first in Pope Francis’s home country, the Diocese of San Luis in northern Argentina invited a transgender woman Tuesday to read one of the prayer intentions at a public Mass celebrated by the local bishop.


Modernist “Catholic” church in Vienna…

New Churches for a New Religion:
Welcome to “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Austria

What do you mean, your mind isn’t raised to heavenly things?!

In the toxic theological wasteland known as the “New Springtime” of Vatican II, it is difficult to determine just which Novus Ordo “Catholic” church is the absolutely worst piece of sculptural garbage out there. However, the building officially known as Most Holy Trinity Church in Austria’s capital of Vienna is definitely among the top ten.

The picture above really speaks for itself; and although it only shows one side of the building, the rest of the monstrous edifice doesn’t get any better.… READ MORE

Old sermons published for first time in English…

“In Bread and Wine He Gives Himself Entirely”: Old Ratzinger Sermon denies Transubstantiation

A few months ago, the Novus Ordo publisher Ignatius Press released a collection of sermons by the Modernist theologian Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the man more commonly known today as “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI. The compendium is called Signs of New Life: Homilies on the Church’s Sacraments and was edited by “Fr.” Manuel Schlögl. It contains an introduction by “Bp.” Stefan Oster of Passau. The original German edition (Zeichen des neuen Lebens) was published in 2018.

In a glowing review of the book, “Fr.”… READ MORE

“But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no…” (Mt 5:37)

Bp. Richard Williamson’s Strange Theology on the ‘New Mass’

Long-time readers of this web site may remember the outrage and exasperation the recognize-and-resist bishop Richard Williamson (b. 1940, ex-SSPX) triggered five years ago when he answered a laywoman’s question about whether it was ever permissible to assist at the Novus Ordo Missae (“New Mass”) of Paul VI. The answer the Lefebvrist bishop gave was so lengthy, convoluted, and vacillating that by the end he had said everything and its opposite, from yes to no, to maybe, to ask someone else.… READ MORE

Liturgical freak show in Land of Luther…

Send in the Clowns:
Liturgical Theater of the Absurd in Germany

The infamous Nativity of Mary (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, Germany, has done it again.

On Sunday, July 5, its pastor, Mr. Markus Krauth, uploaded three videos showing who-knows-what going on in his wreckovated church, apparently either before or during “Mass”. The spectacle is so absurd, you have to see it to believe it. Don’t speak German? Don’t worry — those who do, won’t understand what’s going on either:

In case the videos won’t play embedded in this post, you can watch them directly on YouTube here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.… READ MORE

After 55 years of Vatican II…

Novus Ordo Jesuit: “When I repeat the Words of Consecration, I sometimes wonder what Christ meant”

Children say the darndest things. So do Jesuits.

Take the Rev. Dominique Degoul, for example. He’s a Jesuit presbyter for the Vatican II Sect, works as a university chaplain in Paris, and has been assigned the future director of the Teilhard de Chardin Centre. How’s that for advance warning?

Degoul recently gave an interview to the French Novus Ordo publication La Croix “about what the Mass means in the life of a believer”, specifically in the context of the recent Coronavirus restrictions.… READ MORE

Back to the 1965 Hybrid Missal?

Vatican “Cardinal” Koch: Traditional Latin Mass and Novus Ordo Rite need to be Fused Together

Guess which rite he prefers: Kurt Koch (b. 1950)

The Swiss Modernist “Cardinal” Kurt Koch is the Vatican’s chief of ecumenism. In January of 2017, he complained that there was no consensus on even so much as the goal of ecumenism. In other words, they’re all journeying, as Francis likes to say, they just have no idea towards what. All they know is that they’ve got to keep moving forward.

As an ecumenist and liturgist, Mr.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


Theology has consequences…

Semi-Trads Alarmed: Francis surveys Diocesan Bishops on Summorum Pontificum Latin Mass Culture

The well-connected and journalistically-reliable Rorate Caeli blog reports today that the Unholy See, under the direction of the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has sent a survey to all his Roman rite “bishops” in the world to report on the application of Benedict XVI’s 2007 motu proprio letter Summorum Pontificum, which essentially granted all priests of the Vatican II Church the right to celebrate Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962, commonly (though not entirely correctly) known as the “Traditional Latin Mass.”

Rorate Caeli has posted a copy of the actual survey and its cover letter, dated Mar.… READ MORE

Sinister sounds, creepy candlelight, and wicked whispers!

Noises from Hell: “Sound Effects Mass” in Austria

Look creepy to you? Wait till you hear it!

Attenion Novus Ordo adherents!

Tired of that ho-hum, run-of-the-mill Novus Ordo liturgy?

The diocese of Gurk, Austria, can help: Once a year its Heart of Jesus parish in Klagenfurt-Welzenegg conducts a Geräuschmesse — a “Sound Effects Mass”!

What is that, you ask? Words could never succeed in describing it. You have to experience it. Here are some videos of the last few years, beginning in 2012:

So, don’t delay: Attend an Austrian Geräuschmesse and experience the fury of hell like never before!… READ MORE