Says court ruling “challenges the whole world”…

Vatican Academy for Life issues Lackluster Reaction to Supreme Court’s Overturning of Roe v. Wade Abortion Decision

Today the Supreme Court of the United States issued its definitive ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson case in favor of Dobbs. It explicitly overturns the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 and the Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision of 1992:


At least no one will mistake it for a Catholic event now…

Official Logo for Francis’ Trip to Canada released

Today the Vatican officially confirmed that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will go on another blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to Canada from July 24-30, 2022. There he will visit Edmonton, Maskwacis, Lac Ste. Anne, Québec, and Iqaluit. The full program has been published here.

Chief purpose of the trip is to offer some more apologies to natives, who had visited the false pope in the Vatican earlier this year, after having discovered alleged mass graves near Catholic educational institutions, which the indigenous assume are testimony to ghastly deeds committed by Catholics against their prior generations many decades ago.… READ MORE

The synthesis of all heresies in one person…

Francis receives notorious New Age Apostate
‘Fr.’ Richard Rohr in Private Audience

[UPDATE 01-JUL-2022: Statement from Richard Rohr, OFM, after meeting Francis]

On June 20, 2022, the Vatican’s daily press bulletin stated that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had received in private audience the Rev. Richard Rohr, OFM (b. 1943), founder of the neo-pagan Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Rohr, an American, has long been a big name in the United States, but not in a good way. One might say that he is a New Age version of hellboy James Martin, S.J.READ MORE

Claims traditionalists are stuck on Trent…

Francis: Today’s Problem is the Non-Acceptance of Vatican II

Post-conciliar “renewal” in one person: Jorge Bergoglio on Oct. 4, 2013, in Assisi, Italy

Founded in 1850 under Pope Pius IX, the Italian Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica was once the pride and glory of the Roman Pontiff. After the apostate Second Vatican Council (1962-65), it quickly degenerated into the Modernist rag it is today. Its current editor is the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J.

Today La Civiltà Cattolica published an English translation of the question-and-answer session the Jesuit pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had had with ten editors of various European Jesuit journals in the Vatican on May 19, 2022:

In this post we will touch on some of the “highlights” found in Francis’ words.… READ MORE

Profound ecumenical thoughts galore…

Ecumenism instead of Catholicism:
Francis misleads Eastern Orthodox Monks

Always has his mouth open, especially when he has nothing to say: Jorge Bergoglio aka “Pope” Francis

On June 3, 2022, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) received into his presence a delegation of young priests and monks who are members of the Eastern Orthodox religion. His address for the occasion was relatively brief, but long enough to fill it with the usual ecumenical blather about the common “journey” towards that “unity” that comes only from the “Spirit”.

In this post we will briefly examine Bergoglio’s insufferable twaddle.… READ MORE

“…but what are these among so many?” (Jn 6:9)

A “Miracle of Sharing, Not Multiplying”:
Francis on Christ’s Feeding of the Five Thousand

Yesterday, on May 30, 2022, the world’s most talkative Jesuit, “Pope” Francis, gave an address to participants in the General Chapters of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence, gathered at the Vatican.

The man more properly known as Jorge Bergoglio did not fail to include some fancy Novus Ordo terminology in his speech. For example, he spoke of the “prophecy of communion”, “creative fidelity”, a “culture of providence”, “sterile nostalgia”, and the “dream of God”. Mention was also made of the “paternal and maternal face of God”.… READ MORE

Eternal Beatitude in Heaven is overrated…

Building Paradise on Earth:
Francis’ Message for World Day of Migrants

Dead serious: Club Bergoglio claims God has entrusted humanity with the building of an earthly paradise

The Vatican has released Jorge Bergoglio’s message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be observed on Sep. 25, 2022. Bergoglio is the Argentinian apostate who stars as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing Modernist circus in Vatican City that began when Cardinal Angelo Roncalli presented himself as “Pope John XXIII” in 1958.

Unlike fundamental theology, philanthropy is something Bergoglio gets really excited about. Unfortunately, this false pope has the bad habit of misusing legitimate humanitarian concerns to advance an apostate Naturalist agenda, an agenda that is utterly destructive of Catholic Supernaturalism at its very root.… READ MORE

‘Moving forward’ at all costs…

Francis warns: Don’t Commit the “Sin of Going Backwards”!

In an interview book published in French on Sep. 6, 2017, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) told the journalist Dominique Wolton: “The least serious sins are the sins of the flesh.”

No doubt that came as a great relief to a world that is enslaved by sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Although our Blessed Lord taught that even a lustful gaze is already a violation of God’s law (see Mt 5:27-28), and Our Lady of Fatima said that the primary reason souls go to hell is the sins of the flesh, the man who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church is not terribly worried about such sins.… READ MORE

When sentimentalism replaces Catholicism…

False Forgiveness: Bergoglio promotes Feelings-Based Theology in Sermon for Divine Mercy Sunday

In the Roman rite of the Catholic Church, the first Sunday after Easter is traditionally known as Low Sunday, White Sunday, or Quasimodo Sunday. This year, it fell on April 24.

In the Vatican II Sect, it has been known as “Divine Mercy Sunday” since 2000 on account of the suspect and dangerous Divine Mercy devotion that was allegedly revealed to Sister Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). Although it was condemned in 1959 along with pictures and writings promoting it, the devotion was later rehabilitated and promoted especially by “Pope” John Paul II, who “canonized” Sr.… READ MORE

The fruits of 60 years of Vatican ecumenism…

Francis to Vatican Ecumenists: Catholics need Protestants!

Seated in a wheelchair, Francis speaks on May 6, 2022

These are tough times for Catholic Answers and Novus Ordo apologists in general, because the utter theological rubbish that constantly emanates from the apostate mouth of Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) simply defies belief.

A great example is found in the speech the false pope gave to the participants at the plenary meeting for the so-called Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity this past Friday.

The full text has been released by the Vatican in both English and the original Italian, and it is loaded with fireworks:

This address came on the heels of another incredible statement the pseudo-pope made to the Eastern Orthodox patriarch of Moscow recently, namely: “We are Shepherds of the Same Holy Flock of God”.… READ MORE

Bergoglio rattles the cage again…

In Message to ‘LGBTQ Catholics’,
Francis confirms Aberrosexuals in their ‘Identity’

On May 1, 2022, the Jesuit hellboy Rev. James Martin launched a new web site called “Outreach”. It is to serve as a resource for so-called “LGBTQ Catholics”, where each letter in the acronym stands for a different kind of sexual aberration. It’s the alphabetical version of the perverts’ rainbow, one might say.

As the adherents of this infernal ideology seek to gain social acceptance for ever more perversions, the alphabet string increases accordingly, which is why what started out as LGBT has since expanded to at least LGBTQi+ and who knows what else at this point — this is not the type of thing you want to look up.… READ MORE

Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

Francis to Russian Orthodox Patriarch:
“We are Shepherds of the Same Holy Flock of God”

Over the last 9+ years of his fake pontificate, the papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio has given interviews too numerous to count. We must be somwhere in the 60+ range at this point, and that is especially ironic since in 2013 he was known, based on his own testimony, as “a Pope who does not want to give interviews…” (source).

The latest conversation with Francis was published on May 3, 2022, by the Italian Corriere della Sera newspaper. Online, Vatican News also reported on it.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Sedevacantism and False Alternatives:

TRADCAST 032 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on Apr. 28: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

TRADCAST 032 discusses sundry different topics:

In view of the increasing popularity of the idea that Benedict XVI is “still” the Pope (and Francis’ election was invalid), the first segment begins with a look at the Modernism of Joseph Ratzinger, illustrated by his strange ideas on original sin, which are not compatible with the perennial Catholic doctrine on the matter.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 032 (28 APR 2022)


  • Segment 1: Is Benedict XVI the “real” Pope? The Modernism of Joseph Ratzinger / No essential difference between Francis’ and Benedict’s theology / Francis’ lack of concern for the supernatural life in souls illustrated: his belief that “good” atheists are saved; his reassurance of a homosexual atheist / Francis’ one-sidedness illustrated: Is receiving forgiveness only a matter of asking for it? His condemnation of the destruction of the environment while facilitating the destruction of Faith in souls / Indifferentism and the False Gospel of Humanitarianism / miscellaneous: thank-you to donors and volunteers; two podcast interviews with Novus Ordo Watch; delayed correspondence
  • Segment 2: Kennedy Hall misrepresents Sedevacantism as doubting the Papacy / Rev.

Caution! Bergoglio gives spiritual advice…

Francis twists the Gospel:
“The Lord is not looking for perfect Christians”

For his Regina Caeli address on this first Sunday after Easter today, on which the Gospel of doubting Apostle St. Thomas (Jn 20:19-31) is read, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had plenty to say, and some of it wasn’t pretty.

Seeking an ally for his Faith-wrecking ideology in St. Thomas, the false pope proposed the idea that it’s perfectly alright to doubt the truth of God:

We too struggle at times like that disciple [St. Thomas]: how can we believe that Jesus is risen, that he accompanies us and is the Lord of our life without having seen him, without having touched him?