“Cohabitation doesn’t have the Fullness of Marriage”
2010 Book “Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored with Jewish Rabbi Released in English

On Heaven and Earth
by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka
In 2010, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, co-authored a book with a leftist Jewish rabbi by the name of Abraham Skorka. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between the two non-Catholics, and the contents range from conversations about God and religion to same-sex marriage, politics and other topics considered “hot-button” issues in today’s world. The book’s cover is subtitled “Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the 21st Century”. The title is On Heaven and Earth (New York: Image, 2013).
We already know a lot about who Mr. Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is — see here.
But who is Abraham Skorka?
We already reported on Skorka shortly after Francis’ election as head of the Novus Ordo Church (see here). Skorka is “a liberal rabbi of the Benei Tikva community in Buenos Aires” who is also the rector of the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary. Zionist Skorka favors homosexual civil unions (as does Bergoglio/ Francis, actually) and is a personal friend of Bergoglio’s. (Source)
In October of 2012, at the so-called “Pontifical Catholic University of Buenos Aires”, Bergoglio honored his pro-pervert rabbi friend, who received an honorary doctorate from the university. In the presence of the Vatican’s “Apostolic Nuncio” and Bergoglio himself, Skorka gave a speech in which he referred to Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as a “dude”, praised Zionism, falsely claimed that the Nazi ideology is rooted in Catholic theology, that Christianity cannot be known without Judaism, and that Our Lord’s teachings about charity are contained in the Talmud. Just the kind of guy that you’d want to have as your friend and co-author of your book, right?

Rabbi Skorka and Mr. Bergoglio embrace in friendship at the University of Buenos Aires
On Heaven and Earth has some hilarious statements in it by “Cardinal” Bergoglio that will make you laugh out loud. For example, in Chapter 16, on “Same-Sex Marriage”, Bergoglio comments upon the impure practice of a man and a woman who are not married to each other living together: “It is a sociological fact that co-habitation certainly does not have the fullness, or the greatness of marriage…” (p. 116). Spoken like a true modernist! Living in mortal sin doesn’t have the “fullness” of the sacrament of holy matrimony… is he sure about that?! That’s like saying that sewage doesn’t have the fullness of drinking water. No doubt, with words like these “Pope” Francis will prove to be a great defender of the Faith…
Likewise, in the same chapter, Bergoglio states that a Catholic priest does not have the right to “force” anything on a person’s conscience: “he does not have the right to force anything on anyone’s private life. If God, in creation, ran the risk of making us free, who am I to get involved? We condemn spiritual harassment that takes place when a minister imposes directives, conduct, and demands in such a way that it takes away the freedom of the other person” (p. 114).
Wow! A priest imposing Catholic morality on a penitent is “spiritual harassment” for Bergoglio/ Francis! And remember that he is saying this in the context even of “same-sex marriage,” in other words, in the context of the sin of sodomy, a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance. Ah, but who is he to get involved? Definitely not a true shepherd, but at best a hireling, that’s for sure! “But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep: And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep” (John 10:12-13).
Ladies and gentlemen, this Jorge Bergoglio, now “Pope Francis”, is the man that a billion “Catholics” are entrusting their souls to! Novus Ordo Watch exists to tear the mask off these charlatans who are destroying and endangering souls every day. The Vatican II Church is the false church predicted that would deceive the masses so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
First published in 2010 in Argentina, On Heaven and Earth has now been released in English and will do tremendous damage to unsuspecting English-speaking readers. We do not, of course, encourage you to buy this book; in fact, we urge you not to buy it. However, if for some reason you “must” buy it (perhaps to “know thy enemy”), please do it THROUGH THIS LINK and your purchase will benefit Novus Ordo Watch at no additional cost to you — thank you.
Image sources: amazon.com / gloria.tv (screenshot)
Licenses: fair use / fair use
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