Neither is there salvation in any other” (Acts 4:12)…

Post-Catholic Vatican to Jewish Rabbis:
Old Mosaic Law is “Way of Salvation for Jews”

“Cardinal” Kurt Koch, the Vatican’s top ecumenist

The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) recently got in trouble with Jewish authorities after preaching Christ over Moses in his Aug. 11 Wednesday catechesis on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Some rabbis in Israel and the United States were alarmed and sent letters to the “Pope” demanding a clarification.

After all, had the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) not long replaced — one might say, superseded — the teaching of St.… READ MORE

Can anyone figure out what he means?

Francis Answers Jewish Criticism on Obsoleteness of Old Law

On Aug. 25, 2021, we reported that the papal impostor Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) had received a letter from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel complaining about his Aug. 11 Wednesday catechesis, in which he (correctly) taught, commenting on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, that the Mosaic Law of the Old Covenant is not capable of giving supernatural life to the soul. Rather, this life is only had through sanctifying grace, which has been merited and made available to us in the New Covenant by our Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.… READ MORE

His ‘Elder Brothers’ are not amused!

Not Kosher: Top Jewish Authorities ‘concerned’ after Francis accidentally preaches Christ over Judaism

Antipope Francis with Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch in Jerusalem on May 26, 2014.
(image credit: REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo)

From the beginning, the Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) has been preaching not only a false gospel but even different versions of the same. What message he delivers simply depends on who is listening.

For example, while putatively Catholic ears get to hear from him that the Law of Moses cannot give life and justification can only come from Jesus Christ, the unbelieving Jews have been hearing a different story from the man who falsely claims to be the Vicar of Christ.… READ MORE

Candid comments on the council…

“Cardinal” Avery Dulles in 1976: Vatican II reversed the Prior Magisterium, showed Value of Dissent

Fr. Avery Dulles, S.J., on Feb. 21, 2001
(image: REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

Not that any more confirmation was needed, but it doesn’t hurt: Yes, Vatican II represents a genuine departure from the Roman Catholic magisterium.

Back in 1976, the Jesuit Fr. Avery Dulles (1918-2008) candidly acknowledged that the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) had contradicted and reversed the prior Catholic magisterium on sundry significant points of doctrine and discipline. This admission is noteworthy because most “orthodox” defenders of the council claim that a “correct interpretation” will show the continuity with prior teaching and debunk the allegations of rupture.… READ MORE

Heretical blather, continued…

Ecumenical Journey to Nowhere:
Francis and the Lutherans

A false bishop gives the false pope a chalice made in Taizé, France

On Friday, June 25, 2021, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) received a delegation representing the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), including its current president, “Archbishop” Panti Filibus Musa, pictured above, and its secretary, Rev. Martin Junge.

The LWF is a “global communion of national and regional Lutheran denominations” that has its main offices in Geneva, Switzerland. It was originally founded in Lund, Sweden, a city which Francis excitedly visited on Oct. 31, 2016, in order to celebrate (!)… READ MORE

Matthew 7:6 alert…

Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?

© Vatican Media

Actions speak louder than words, and that is particularly true in the case of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who has been starring as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing theological tragicomedy that is the Vatican II religion.

We only need to recall his happy reception of Italian abortion icon Emma Bonino, his acceptance of the invalid “blessing” of the Anglican Archlayman of Canterbury, or his blessing of the adulterous union of the Colombian president and his mistress. These actions say more than enough — no explanation needed.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

False Church, False Doctrine, but True Pope?

TRADCAST 030 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on May 1: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

TRADCAST 030 addresses a number of topics.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 030 (1 MAY 2021)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ latest heresy: Is Jesus Christ a “Divine-Human Person”? / Why the new book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies, directed at Francis, is guaranteed to fail / Answering objections to the sedevacantist position: (a) If the Catholic Church was so strong before Vatican II, how could the council do so much damage? – excursion on Ecumenism; (b) If Sedevacantism is true, why are there Eucharistic miracles in the Novus Ordo Church?
  • Segment 2: A false church with a true Pope? / Vatican I’s teaching about St. Peter’s perpetual successors and the indefectibility of the Church / Interlude: world’s first anti-Vatican II song / “Abp.”

It’s John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”: How the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer betrays the Crucified Christ

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Logical consequence of Abu Dhabi heresy…

Francis expands the “People of God”:
Now it includes All Religions!

The heresy superspreader Jorge Bergoglio — a.k.a. “Pope Francis” — held another general audience today. The topic this time was the Easter Triduum, that is, the three days leading up to Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.

Not surprisingly, the Argentinian pseudo-pope was busy shifting the focus from Christ’s Passion and Death onto “the sufferings of the sick, the poor, the rejected of this world; …the ‘sacrificed lambs’, the innocent victims of wars, dictatorships, everyday violence, abortions… the too many who are crucified in our time … who are the image of Jesus Crucified….”… READ MORE

Handpicked by the Frankster!

Meet the new “Bishop” of Chur, Switzerland:
Joseph Marie Bonnemain

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the new “bishop” of Chur, Switzerland: Mr. Joseph Marie Bonnemain, O.D. Yes, the 72-year-old is a member of Opus Dei and, although he will be required by church law to tender his resignation in less than two-and-a-half years, when he turns 75, nonetheless “Pope” Francis insisted on having him ordained a bishop and installed in Chur, which occurred on Mar. 19, 2021.

The Vatican’s chief ecumenist, “Cardinal” Kurt Koch, was the main consecrator at the ordination ceremony, which we can say with moral certainty was invalid.… READ MORE

Jorge in Babylon…

Vicar of Antichrist:
How Francis’ Interreligious Lies betray the Gospel

The one in the middle isn’t a Christian either: The apostate Jorge Bergoglio, S.J.

Saturday, March 6, 2021, saw one of the “highlights” of Francis’ 3-day trip to Iraq. Gathered on the plain of Ur, the city from which God called Abram (see Gen 11:31), the apostate Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) led a group of clerics from different religions and sects in a so-called “interreligious encounter”. The stage was set, quite literally, in front of the ruins of what is believed to be Abraham’s house, with the pagan temple known as the Ziggurat of Ur looming behind it.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Iraq:

Bergoglio’s “Apostolic Journey” of Mar. 5-8, 2021

After more than 15 months since his last trip outside the Vatican or Italy, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) embarked on yet another Masonic blather tour deceptively marketed as an “Apostolic Journey” of the “Holy Father.” This time, Francis visited the land of ancient Babylon, the Republic of Iraq, which is 98% Muslim. Interestingly enough, it was his 33rd visit abroad.

On this page you will find all the major links you need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the embattled Asian nation.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s “Ecumenism of Blood” returns…

“Christian Saints of all Confessions”:
Francis again pushes Ecumenical Martyrdom Heresy

In February of 2015, terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS) revealed that they had beheaded 21 men belonging to the Coptic Orthodox religion. Twenty of them were Egyptian, one was from Ghana. The case received a lot of media attention, and on Feb. 21, 2015, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Tawadros II, in a special ceremony declared the men to be saints and martyrs.

Over at the Vatican, the false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) seized the opportunity to preach what he called an “ecumenism of blood”, a kind of “ecumenical martyrdom”.… READ MORE

Rigidly clinging to his certainties…

Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable

The traditionalist wing of the Vatican II Church is concerned. On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, their extremely valid “Pope” opened his mouth about the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and a Catholic’s supposed obligation to adhere to it.

In a flowery discourse to Italian catechists filled with blather about kerygma, encounter, journey, listening, the “dialect of closeness” and what not, the Argentinian apostate playing Pope said:

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church.