NEWS DIGEST January 31, 2025

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

January 31, 2025

‘Light and Blessing’ light show in Essen cathedral, Germany

Guess which side the diocese is taking: City of Toledo, Ohio vs. diocese of Toledo in battle over saving or demolishing historic Catholic church building.

Canadian Jesuits offer three-session course on “The Enneagram – A Practice for Accessing Your Divine Essence.” What, you didn’t know you’re divine? The Jesuits do!

‘Pope’ Francis puts on his evangelizing face for a moment: “Once we’ve encountered Christ, we can’t keep Him to ourselves”. Unless, of course, we’re telling an interreligious audience that Christianity is just one language among many that lead to God, that the different religions express the “richness of different ways of coming to God”, that the diversity of religions is like a mosaic in which each piece is necessary for the beauty of the whole, or that God has given religious diversity as a gift to mankind.… READ MORE

NEWS DIGEST August 13, 2024

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

August 13, 2024

Young Novus Ordos in Poland celebrate their Festival of Life every summer…

Finally, someone has the guts to say it! ‘Pope’ Francis highlights the social value of the game of checkers.

Looks like the Vatican II Church in Belgium will be dead by 2045 at the latest. But fear not, with Francis’ scheduled trip there in September, it might go faster!

All that Vatican II joy is hard to contain: Meet the ‘new’ Franciscans of Brazil.

Why is the international media silent on this ‘Monster Bishop’ protected by Francis?… READ MORE

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

May 24, 2024

Australian Novus Ordo bishops approve ‘Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit’

‘Pope’ Francis’ interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes: A classic exercise in Modernist deception. Plus: George Weigel put together some questions the interviewer should have asked.

Consider yourself warned: Francis asks laity to prepare for Synod’s ‘prophetic’ stage. And if that doesn’t give him what he wants, why he may just overrule it!

Nothing to see here, just a Jesuit-run church in Georgia promoting a transgender movie and a pro-LGBT retreat in its parish bulletin.… READ MORE

News Digest February 13, 2024

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

February 13, 2024

Not for the faint of heart: Novus Ordo Super Cringe Compilation!

For 2024, Bergoglian theology gets an estrogen boost! (In Switzerland, someone is already ahead of the game!)

Now you see him, now you don’t: 79-year-old ‘Cardinal’ Lacunza apologizes for “stupid prank” in disappearing for days.

Caution! ‘Pope’ Francis has discovered another ‘great sin’

Rapping Novus Ordo priests are so yesterday. Here comes the rapping Novus Ordo bishop!

Christ the King is overrated: Francis asks thousands of children to chant ‘Nature Is Our Future’ at Vatican event.… READ MORE

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

July 23, 2023

You can’t miss this ‘Earth Day Mass’ in the San Bernardino diocese!

Vatican’s Prefect of the Dicastery for Communication: Catholic media needs ‘prophetic gaze of communion’. What are these people smoking?

Jesuit magazine discovers the sacred: “Why going to the movies is a sacred act”.

Just so cool, dude: ‘Brother Metal’ is probably another reason why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore.

How about that: “A 40-year-old man drives a car at high speed into Vatican City State, and is arrested after forcing two checkpoints of the Swiss Guard and the Vatican Gendarmerie.”READ MORE

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

March 22, 2023

It’s Lent, but this Pentecost dance will surely cheer you up!

March 13 of this year marked 10 Years of “Pope Francis”! Here’s how it started. And here’s how it’s going. By the way, what’s that mysterious box under his robe?

Intrepid Archlayman of Cincinnati moves to protect his flock from ad orientem worship.

Vatican “Cardinal” Arthur Roche candidly admits that the suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass is ultimately about doctrine — the true Roman Mass simply doesn’t fit into the Vatican II religion.… READ MORE

News Digest November 12, 2022

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

November 12, 2022

Mere facade: Vatican projects short film about life of St. Peter onto front of St. Peter’s Basilica

Some headlines say all you need to know: Italian Novus Ordo bishop attends inauguration ceremony for new Masonic temple.

Francis’ henchman ‘Abp.’ Rino Fisichella of the Dicastery for Evangelization thinks “the essence of the Gospel is to be close, to be near, to be in the service of all people who are weak in the world of today”. Except it’s not. It may be part of living the Gospel, but its essence is supernatural: It’s about Redemption and salvation in Jesus Christ.… READ MORE

News Digest September 29, 2022

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Sect…

September 29, 2022

Francis enjoyed some ‘interpretive dance’ in Assisi this past September 24…

Francis promotes “love poet”: Portuguese ‘Cardinal’ José Tolentino de Mendonça appointed head of Vatican Dicastery for Culture and Education.

The expensive ‘assisted suicide’ of the Novus Ordo Church: A new ‘altar’ for a new religion. (Here’s a video of it!)

Since he considers the salvation of souls as overrated, Francis instead focuses on saving the planet.

In a homily in Wausau, Wisconsin, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke warns of an ‘advancing apostasy’ in the Church.… READ MORE

Chronicling the infernal chaos of the Vatican II Sect…

July 24, 2022

Caution! This is a Novus Ordo cringe compilation…

Francis has an important message to Buddhists: “Jesus and Buddha knew the need to overcome the ego”. What he didn’t mention: Only One of the two also provided the spiritual means necessary to accomplish that (and no, “double belonging” won’t work).

So they can’t figure out why no one is taking their Vatican II church seriously, huh?

In this year’s message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Bergoglio wants you to practice an “ecological spirituality” in the “great cathedral of creation” lest the “song of creation” continue to be accompanied by a “chorus of cries of anguish” of “our sister, mother earth”.… READ MORE

May 26, 2022

And now, the Environmental Stations of the Cross…

A “better world” and all that: It turns out that the Novus Ordo Church is already dedicated to the themes of the World Economic Forum. What an incredible coincidence, huh? And now a Vatican official at Davos is confirming that they’re implementing the World Economic Forum agenda.

As the Modernists like to tell us again and again, Vatican II and the liturgical revolution were needed so that Catholic churches wouldn’t end up becoming mere museums. Well, better museums than circuses, kindergartens, music festivals, fashion shows, dens of perversion, and whatever this is.… READ MORE

March 1, 2022

A merciless look at the “unique expression” of the Novus Ordo liturgy – truly, each one is unique!

“Pachamama is a Demon” — dismayed at Francis’ antics, a convert to the Novus Ordo religion shares testimony of a missionary.

Novus Ordo presbyter who thinks “we do not know what we mean by the word ‘god’” wants to lecture you on the Sacred Liturgy. Here’s a preview: “…each situation generates a liturgy, and as the situation changes, so must its liturgy.” Sounds like someone Francis would want to make a “cardinal”!

Do your children feel drawn to members of the same sex?… READ MORE

News Digest December 28, 2021

December 28, 2021

Jesuit Jojo has a Pantheist message for you: Everyone and everything is divine!

After Traditionis Custodes with its Responsa ad Dubia: Vatican said to be preparing visitations for Fraternity of St. Peter, Institute of Christ the King, and Institute of the Good Shepherd to be carried out in February; “papal delegates” may be appointed to oversee existing superiors. And of course contemplative life, too, is on the chopping block. This is one of those times when the “pastors” don’t care to “listen to the flock”….

More aggiornamento, please! “Cardinal” Michael Czerny says the Novus Ordo Church needs to finally get serious about embracing Vatican II.… READ MORE

News Digest October 21, 2021

October 21, 2021

The ‘bad habits’ began in 1965…

The Traditional Latin Mass may be on its way out in the Vatican II Sect, but at least Hindu cremation rituals are still permitted

A new religion advances: “Ecumenical climate pilgrims” walk from Poland to Scotland. Mother Earth will be so pleased!

It’s not like she was veiled and kneeling: Lesbian Methodist receives Novus Ordo communion at “Cardinal” Blase Cupich’s worship service.

“Fratelli Tutti” Foundation launched in the Vatican. You weren’t waiting for a Pascendi Dominici Foundation, were you?

It is undeniable that “Pope Francis sees in Fr.… READ MORE

June 1, 2021

The Emeritus Nope: New documentary on Benedict XVI released

Move over, UFOs: Alien spacecraft are no match for Unidentified Ecclesiastical Objects!

You can’t make this stuff up: Bergoglio-appointed Novus Ordo bishop down under is “concerned that students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender could be harassed” if “gender fluidity” isn’t taught in schools! Good luck getting the guy removed!

Talk about a self-referential church: Upcoming Synod on Synodality has been made into a process about processes. It’s needed to drum up, or at least make it look like there is, massive support for Bergoglio’s ‘new and improved’ Vatican II Church.… READ MORE

News Digest February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021

“Catholicism” in AD 2021…

The Jorge of Babylon: Francis to hold interreligious prayer service at Abraham’s birthplace in ancient city of Ur, Iraq.

The Abomination of Desolation in the Holy Place: Hare Krishna in the Sanctuary in Rio de Janeiro.

It’s Lent, so… what are you doing for the environment?!

Amazing insight: Words can be “kisses” but also “swords”, Francis, obviously bored, writes in yet another foreword to yet another book.

New vices for old: On Italian TV, Francis speaks on the seven capital sins but substitutes five of them for more politically correct ones.… READ MORE