NEWS DIGEST January 31, 2025

Chronicling the unending infernal chaos of the Vatican II Church…

January 31, 2025

‘Light and Blessing’ light show in Essen cathedral, Germany

Guess which side the diocese is taking: City of Toledo, Ohio vs. diocese of Toledo in battle over saving or demolishing historic Catholic church building.

Canadian Jesuits offer three-session course on “The Enneagram – A Practice for Accessing Your Divine Essence.” What, you didn’t know you’re divine? The Jesuits do!

‘Pope’ Francis puts on his evangelizing face for a moment: “Once we’ve encountered Christ, we can’t keep Him to ourselves”. Unless, of course, we’re telling an interreligious audience that Christianity is just one language among many that lead to God, that the different religions express the “richness of different ways of coming to God”, that the diversity of religions is like a mosaic in which each piece is necessary for the beauty of the whole, or that God has given religious diversity as a gift to mankind. Or unless we’re telling Muslims to turn to the Koran for spiritual nourishment, Buddhists to keep being “guided by the thoughts of your spiritual teacher Buddha”, or Jewish people that their way of salvation is the Old Law. Perhaps Francis got his apostate theology from THIS woman?

A typical sorry Novus Ordo attempt at youth outreach: Hamburger party in Italian church, and the ‘bishop’ approves!

Do as I say, not as I do: Bergoglio calls on governments to welcome migrants; meanwhile his own Vatican City state just raised the penalty for illegally crossing into its territory.

Deportations of illegal immigrants: Do the American Novus Ordo bishops have a conflict of interest?

Says all you need to know: Top Jesuit supports ‘LGBTQ Catholics’ event held at order’s headquarters in Rome. In other words, that Boston college professor was right! Reviewing woke Jesuit parish web sites reveals a lot about what they believe these days. Meanwhile, ‘Pope’ Francis massively pushes LGBTQ in Africa and is reportedly willing to appoint more homo-friendly bishops in the United States. No wonder the ‘Cardinal-Archbishop’ of Warsaw is open to supporting a legal recognition of ‘homosexual partnerships’ — could come in handy for ‘Pope’ John Paul II’s former secretary, ‘Cardinal’ Stanisław Dziwisz!

That wearing a beautiful traditional chasuble isn’t enough to make you a Catholic, is demonstrated by ‘Cardinal’ Ulrich Steiner of Brazil’s Amazon region. (Yeah, that one.)

Think a ‘Catholic’ church couldn’t also be a climbing gym at the same time? Then you’re obviously not ‘Bp.’ Hermann Glettler of Innsbruck, Austria!

For those who don’t like that cringey liturgical dancing typical of the United States, Our Lady Aparecida Cathedral in Brasilia, Brazil, offers an exciting voodoo dance instead.

Couldn’t take the contradictory Lefebvrist theology anymore? Former head of SSPX German district Fr. Firmin Udressy changes sides, joins conservative Vatican II community. So he jumped off the fence, but, unfortunately, came down on the wrong side.

You know something is wrong when the ‘Pope’ sounds no different from the U.N. Secretary General.

Conundrum for Bergoglian theology: If a 20-year-old woman is stabbed to death by a Moroccan immigrant, which of the two is the ‘discarded’ with the face of Christ?

Imagine the ‘Pope’ publishes yet another book and nobody cares.

Index of Forbidden Words: The so-called United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has teamed up with the American Jewish Federation to instruct Catholics on what terms they’re not allowed to use anymore in certain contexts. HERE’S THE LIST: “Translate Hate”.

Novus Horror Missae: Welcome to ‘Low Mass’ with ‘Cardinal’ Sebastian Francis. Extremely low!

Remember him? Canadian Novus Ordo priest Rev. Thomas Rosica accused of sexual assault in lawsuit.

Quite a feat! Diocese of Clogher, Northern Ireland, doubles number of seminarians in six years: Now they have two!

You can’t make this stuff up: “Catholic death metal band gives authentic message of hope amid suffering to ‘deathcore’ music scene”. Sounds a lot like this “heavy metal walk with God”.

Put on your surprise face: In English version of ‘papal’ text, Vatican uses secular ‘BCE’ (‘Before the Common Era’) instead of ‘BC’ (‘Before Christ’).

Brilliant: Swiss Novus Ordo bishop warns controversial new suicide capsule is “dangerous”. Well, yeah, especially since killing the person inside it is what it’s been designed to do.

Vatican orders Apostolic Visitation of Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), the indult-Latin-Mass-only community that split from the Lefebvrist SSPX in 1988. That’s probably a sign of trouble. Their efforts to remain communion with the Vatican’s apostate-in-chief may just tear the semi-trads apart.

You can’t make this stuff up: “Jesuit scholar’s search for films’ ‘theology of horror’ finds the sacred in the screams”. In Indonesia, a Jesuit presbyter thought it was a good idea to lie on a pile of garbage in priestly vestments “to denounce the mismanagement of waste disposal in the city of Yogyakarta”. Maybe a psychiatrist can help.

Yes, that’s an actual article title at Where Peter Is: “What the Church no longer teaches about Ephesians 5.” After 1900 years, ‘the Church’ finally figured out what St. Paul was ‘really’ teaching! 😉

Did untold damage to souls: The father of so-called ‘liberation theology’, Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez, was called to judgment on Oct. 22, 2024, at age 96. The supposedly conservative ‘Cardinal’ Gerhard Ludwig Müller thinks he was great!

The Kazakh auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider, who disseminates various errors about the Papacy, has at least admitted now that St. Peter was not yet the Pope when he denied Christ.

Can you guess who wrote the foreword to a book entitled Saved by Migrants?

Talking about his quasi-divine migrants, Bergoglio suddenly remembers theological concept of ‘grave sin’. But wait a minute, what about people who are “not mature enough” or simply “incapable” of acting in accordance with such “rigid rules”?

Novus Ordo celebrity professor Scott Hahn has finally found a study Bible he can endorse — his own!

He knows what matters: Under the intrepid leadership of the uber-woke ‘Bishop’ John Stowe, the Novus Ordo diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, has a plan to be “carbon net-zero by 2030”. They already reached a status of ‘Catholic-zero’ years ago….

Dying to save the environment: If you’re a Novus Ordo in Chicago, you’ll no longer need a casket to be buried in one of their cemeteries. (That’s THIS cemetery.)

Speaking of the environment, when he visited Luxembourg the ‘Pope’ enjoyed this Laudato Si’ dance in the cathedral.

Phil Lawler has a few remarks on those ‘vibrant’ Novus Ordo parishes

If you’re bored and have nothing going on in your life, you could learn about “the first community of Catholic sisters founded specifically for Earth healing and protection within the ecozoic era.” Or not.

This pop quiz is fun but not easy: WHO SAID IT? ‘Pope’ Francis or John Lennon? Six questions!

Francis will never visit Argentina, says the retired Novus Ordo bishop of La Plata, and he would know.

Communists sticking together? ‘Vatican seems to be working with Beijing’ against Chinese Christians.

Crisis Magazine publishes another Catholic-theology-free article on the Papacy. Sadly, that’s a recurring problem at Crisis. Here’s the Catholic magisterium on the Papacy. How about interacting with that?

In Bangkok, Thailand, ‘Divine Mercy Chapel’ brings environmentalism to life — and looks accordingly.

Lest they repent and amend their lives before they die? ‘Catholic’ Retirement Home in Germany Launches LGBTQ+ Senior Care Program.

Kind of yes, kind of no, kind of not sure: Vatican approves Medjugorje ‘apparitions’ circus, but not really. Full English text of Vatican document HERE. (Back in July, Louie Verrecchio had already warned of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s “mystical ruse”.)

The ‘New Springtime’ in Africa: Church in Nigeria urged to address needs of youth who are ‘returning to paganism’.

The ‘New Springtime’ in Europe: “We must accept the decline of Europe”, says ‘Cardinal’ Christoph Schönborn.

What the heck?! On his Singapore heresy of all religions being ways to arrive at God, the Society of St. Pius X’s Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize becomes Francis’ defense lawyer.

Doubling down: Days after uttering his Singapore heresy, Francis tells interreligious gathering that “divine inspiration [is] present in every faith”!

Did you have an “eco-safe Christmas”? If not, here are some tips for this year’s Nativity celebration.

Wait, where’s the outrage over ‘cultural appropriation’? Bergoglio plays Indian

Francis’ strange fondness for geographical diversity in the college of ‘cardinals’ reveals there is Modernist theology at play: For people like him, theology is not a matter of applying reason to revealed truth in order to draw out its implications and conclusions and gain a deeper understanding of it (for which geographical location would be rather irrelevant). Rather, it is for them a matter of reflecting on religious experience — and since such experience depends on the person, it can vary wildly between people in one place and people in another. Francis’ decisions are not just arbitrary; they often flow from Modernist principles. That’s why he has now discovered that “purely male theology is half-hearted” and Catholic theology “needs” the contribution of women!

For a Novus Ordo examination of conscience: Have you sinned against synodality?

Bergoglio’s doctrinal undertaker, ‘Cardinal’ Victor Fernandez, knows whom to appoint to get the desired revolutionary theological outcome.

Care to meet some of the first Vatican II nuns? Didn’t think so.

‘New Springtime’ Update: After 112 years, Our Sunday Visitor ceases publication of weekly newspaper, switches to monthly magazine instead.

If meatless Fridays return to the U.S. Church, it’ll be because of the environment, not because of Catholicism.

“A Catholic college in Pennsylvania allowed a group of Anglicans, including women ‘priests,’ to celebrate an ‘Anglican Eucharist’ inside a historic basilica.” Hey, as long as it’s not the Traditional Roman Catholic Latin Mass…

They can’t figure out why Novus Ordo priestly vocations continue to decline 11 years in a row… Maybe because if all religions lead to God anyway and the priest is now only a celibate social worker presiding over bad liturgy, there’s no point to becoming one?

Because everyone loves a teacher who isn’t sure about what he’s saying: The Synod’s spiritual powerhouse ‘Cardinal’ Timothy Radcliffe wants preachers to come across “as a searcher, a doubter, a questioner”. (That, at least, is one thing he seems rigidly sure of.) Radcliffe is a Dominican, by the way, and the Dominicans are known as the Order of Searchers Doubters Questioners Preachers.

Down under (really far down, in fact): Humanism, paganism, occult symbolism packed into new Novus Ordo church in Australia.

Who’s who among Novus Ordo cardinals? Interactive web site The College of Cardinals Report launched. Direct link to the groundbreaking web site HERE.

While visiting Jakarta, Indonesia, Francis kissed the hand of a Muslim imam. Just saying.

Spain: ‘Cardinal-Archbishop’ of Barcelona successfully protects his flock from a lecture on the Social Kingship of Christ.

U.S. Novus Ordo officials: Sale of church to Muslims no big deal. After all, it’s not like they’d be offering the Traditional Latin Mass in it — only then they’d be worried! Meanwhile: Vatican authorizes 3-year experimental phase for ‘Amazonian Rite of Mass’.

‘Poor Church for the Poor’ Update: Francis makes dramatic appeal to his ‘cardinals’ to save money.

By all means, let’s be merciful and compassionate to so-called ‘sex workers’ (prostitutes) and try to help them convert, but do we really need to “acknowledge God’s presence in them” now?

Introducing ‘Fr.’ Bobby Karle, teacher of ‘Ignatian Yoga’. Hey, nothing like “hold[ing] Ignatian spirituality and the Dharmic traditions in conversation.”

Nothing to see here, folks, just a pagan fire ritual in a ‘Catholic’ church….

Francis receives Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Maybe another ‘Amazon’ Synod in the making? 😉

Talk about an ‘una cum’ Mass: “…a Belgian archdiocese has formalized a directive stating that a laywoman serving as an episcopal delegate will be mentioned in the Canon of the Mass alongside the Pope and the local bishop.”

Catholic vs. Novus Ordo Artificial Intelligence: Get ready for the Robot Wars!

When artificial intelligence meets natural stupidity: “St. Peter’s Chapel in Lucerne, Switzerland, has installed an attempted AI simulation of Jesus in a confessional booth to ‘talk’ to visitors and answer their spiritual questions, without necessarily affirming Catholic teaching.”

Diocese of Coari, Brazil: Young Novus Ordo priest allegedly abused girls and forced them to have abortions.

“Unmitigated disaster”: Francis appoints ‘Cardinal’ Robert McElroy new Archlayman of Washington, D.C.

At National Eucharistic Congress: Novus Ordo bishops rock out to megachurch worship hits.

With Catholicism being gone from the Vatican, the world’s smallest city state now gives environmental tips — from LED lamps to lawn clippings! Some free advice from Novus Ordo Watch: You can spend your whole life generating net-zero carb emissions and still go to hell!

Not funny: Francis publishes Essay on Humor in the New York Times.

According to ‘Cardinal’ Radcliffe, guess from whom the ‘Listening Church’ should learn “a bit of truth”… The newly-appointed ‘Cardinal’ Domenico Battaglia is already doing his part to make that a reality, and so is ‘Abp.’ John Wester. Oh, and ‘Cardinal’ Wilton Gregory is already apologizing — and he’s not the only one! All of this goes back to a flawed concept of revelation — under the guise of “reading the signs of the times” — that was advocated by ‘Pope’ John XXIII and Vatican II.

Talk about a ‘Listening Church’: Novus Ordo church in diocese of Essen, Germany, hosts ‘Vinyl Devotions’ — one hour of focussed listening to vinyl records.

So-called ‘Catholic Charities’ of East Washington celebrates pro-LGBT ‘Coming Out Day’. Celebrating mortal sin? So charitable!

Great news! The Vatican is helping to save the world from climate catastrophe with a new solar plant!

Francis must think he’s wiser than God: Just omit the Sign of the Cross and any reference to the Trinity and you can give a blessing that’s “valid for all religions!”

The conservative Dutch Novus Ordo auxiliary bishop Robert Mutsaerts reminds the world that ‘All Are Welcome’ is only true in hell.

Interesting and readable: Italian journalist Aurelio Porfiri publishes The Right Hand of the Lord Is Exalted: A History of Catholic Traditionalism from Vatican II to Traditionis Custodes. Obviously this is not a sedevacantist work, but it is useful and interesting as a history of who did what at what time.

Sorry, semi-trads, but ‘public defection from the Faith’ — which results in automatic tacit resignation from office — DOES NOT require that one join a non-Catholic sect.

No, you shouldn’t turn to Eastern Orthodoxy as the solution. Here’s why.

The WM Review critically examines the Material-Formal Thesis (aka Cassiciacum Thesis) regarding the Papacy.

A sede blogger looks at the Vatican II Sect and UFOs and exposes the innocuous-sounding but soul-destroying phenomenon of ‘gay adoption’.

Louie Verrecchio explains why praying a novena “for the conversion of Pope Francis” is impossible, and he shows that Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., has misrepresented the true position of St. Robert Bellarmine. He also asks why EWTN is telling Zionist lies.

By the way… Are you a ‘radical traditionalist’? Asking for a friend.

Dilexit Nos, that encyclical on the Sacred Heart ‘Pope’ Francis published on Oct. 24, 2024… It’s not what you think it is.

The enemies of Christ were attacking the Papacy for centuries; how come they stopped after Vatican II?

A refutation of Prof. Roberto de Mattei’s defense of Francis’ legitimacy can be found here.

What the Catholic Church teaches about Christian fashion, was once explained by Pope Pius XII.

What Pope Leo XIII would have thought of Vatican II’s declaration of religious liberty can be gleaned from this papal letter published in 1889.

Want to immerse yourslef in real Catholic literature but don’t have time to read? The newly-established Roman Catholic Audiobooks is there to help!

Brief new book makes the biblical case for the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist: Unless You Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood.

Sean D. Wright argues that everything you’ve heard about Cardinal John Henry Newman’s ‘toast to conscience’ is probably wrong.

Did you know? “St Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, taught that laymen can discern true pastors from false [ones] by their contradiction of previous teaching, and that they should anathematise them.”

From Novus Ordo layman to Sedevacantist bishop: An interview with Nigerian Bp. Bede Nkamuke.

Got teenagers? The YouTube channel Teens and Faith: Catholic Conversations has wholesome programming for sede teens.

So you’ve been told that it doesn’t matter what Francis does or says because medieval peasants didn’t even know the Pope’s name! Oh, really? Here’s what Abp. Marcel Lefebvre — NOT a sedevacantist — thought of that argument.

Proof that it’s not hopeless to pray for the conversion of Jesuits and other Novus Ordo clerics: Former Jesuit and pro-life stalwart Fr. James Marshall conditionally ordained to the priesthood by sedevacantist Bp. Germán Fliess. Congratulations, Father!

Historical video tidbit: Pope Pius XII celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker for the first time (1956).

The semi-trad organization Tradition in Action has published a 92-page article against the Errors of Nazism and Other Forms of National Socialism.

Nigerian Fr. Thomas Ojeka responds to the objection that Sedevacantists should ‘fight from within’ the Vatican II Church. And don’t forget: Sedevacantism is right even if it’s wrong! 😉

How is the Pope the source of jurisdiction? Let Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton explain it, writing in 1949.

The Catholic Family Podcast has published a vintage sermon of Fr. Conrad Altenbach (1901-1985).

And The WM Review explains why it is impossible to oppose the Conciliar-Synodal Church’s religious revolution and still have the standing to say that ‘universal and peaceful acceptance’ proves Francis is Pope.

And one for the road…

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