St. Mary’s in Red Deer, Alberta

The Stuff of Nightmares: Novus Ordo Church in Canada Among World’s Most Hideous

(image source:; cropped/fair use)

It’s fairly easy to find ugly Novus Ordo churches because they’re practically everywhere. But every so often, one comes across a humdinger of a post-Vatican II ‘Catholic church’ that is so extraordinarily hideous that it deserves a special dishonorable mention.

Of such a kind is the building known as ‘St. Mary’s Catholic Church’ in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. What at first glance looks more like a sewage plant or an indoor water park turns out to be a ‘Roman Catholic church’ of the Archdiocese of Edmonton.… READ MORE

About as edifying as a morgue…

Newly-Renovated Berlin Cathedral Perfectly Mirrors Novus Ordo Religion: Earthly, Sterile, Pointless

No, this isn’t construction debris that was left behind, it’s the new ‘sanctuary’ of St. Hedwig’s Cathedral
(image: Erzbistum Berlin, YouTube screenshot)

Saint Hedwig (c. 1174-1243) is a popular saint in Poland and Germany. Canonized by Pope Clement IV less than 24 years after her death, she is one of the earliest saints from Silesia. She is the patron saint of Berlin, the German capital, and the diocesan cathedral is dedicated to her.

As the first Catholic church that was allowed to be built in Protestant Berlin after the so-called Reformation, the construction of St.… READ MORE

False pope distorts sacrament of Extreme Unction…

Bergoglio the Naturalist: If You Think Anointing of the Sick is Only for the Dying, You’ve Given Up Hope!

For years we’ve been pointing out that ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) is a Naturalist. The supernatural is typically not his primary concern, and often it is of no concern at all to him. Although he does verbally admit the supernatural on occasion, he is often quick to downplay it, or he misappropriates it to serve his ideological agenda.

We see this, for example, when the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires speaks about the Last Judgment.… READ MORE

An important reality check…

Are Novus Ordos Rediscovering Belief in the Real Presence, as a Recent Poll Claims? Not So Fast…

Every now and then, a new poll or research study gets published showing that only a certain (low) percentage of people in the United States who identify as Roman Catholics (and even attend Mass the ‘Eucharistic celebration’ frequently) actually believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist; that is, only so many self-proclaimed Catholics actually adhere to the Church’s dogmatic teaching of Transubstantiation.

For example, in the summer of 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that, based on a scientific survey it had conducted, only one-third of “self-described Catholics” in the U.S.… READ MORE

Some extra Lenten penance, anyone?

Mortification for the Eyes:
The ‘Jubilee Church’ in Rome

(image: Wikimedia Commons [Simona poncia] / License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

If you can’t identify the object in the photo above as a Roman Catholic Church, that’s because it isn’t one. Rather, it’s a worship center by and for the Vatican II Church, a Modernist sect which illegitimately calls itself the Roman Catholic Church and has occupied many Catholic structures for roughly six decades now.

The official name of this hideous ‘Catholic’ edifice is Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso (“Church of God the Merciful Father”), although it is also known as the ‘Jubilee Church’.… READ MORE

Architectural blasphemy…

Nightmare in Concrete:
The ‘Queen of Peace’ Pilgrimage Church of Neviges

(image: Shutterstock/Lato Pictures)

In a contest for most hideous Novus Ordo church in the world, the Mariendom in the German town of Neviges would no doubt be a formidable contender.

Officially known as Mary Queen of Peace Pilgrimage Church, this monstrosity is a prime example of the architectural style appropriately called ‘brutalism’. Construction of the edifice began in 1966; it was solemnly dedicated on May 22, 1968.

Neviges is a district of Velbert, which is part of the archdiocese of Cologne. The town has been a site of pilgrimage in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary since the 17th century.… READ MORE

Eccentric recognize-and-resist theologian…

The Fanciful Theology of Fr. Gregory Hesse (1953-2006):
Some Worthwhile Observations

This article was updated on Feb. 23, 2024, replacing incorrect documentation with the proper (and even stronger) evidence. Please excuse the oversight.

The Austrian ‘Fr.’ Gregorius D. Hesse (1953-2006) was a one-of-a-kind recognize-and-resist traditionalist from Vienna. Somehow he always managed to sound convincing while he dished out unconventional theological ideas that were usually quite unique to him. He and his devoted cheerleaders considered his theology to be exemplary ‘traditional Catholicism’, of course, and his fan base ate it up (recent case in point: Kennedy Hall).… READ MORE

In Ruhstorf, diocese of Passau…

Chicken Dance for Communion!
Insane Carnival’s ‘Mass’ in German Novus Ordo Parish

Here’s something new for your ever-increasing “You can’t make this stuff up!” folder of Novus Ordo absurdities.

Not only was it one of those infamous ‘carnival masses’ that are routinely carried out in parts of Germany and Austria during this time of the year, it even included a ridiculous Chicken Dance performance the entire congregation was encouraged to participate in — during ‘Communion’ time, no less!

The following 30-second video clip has been on Facebook for a few days now, but we didn’t want to share it until we were able to confirm that this took place indeed at a Novus Ordo church in full communion with ‘Pope’ Francis and his Vatican II Sect (and not at an Anglican, ‘Old Catholic’, or Protestant service, for example).… READ MORE

Defending Bergoglio has its risks…

‘Popesplaining’ Gone Wrong:
‘Pope’ Francis Rains on Michael Lofton’s Parade

Right: Mr. Michael Lofton, Th.D. candidate and owner of expensive books

As we duly reported on this blog on Jan. 25, 2024, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby — himself a mere layman on account of the general invalidity of Anglican orders — offered an invalid Mass (‘Eucharistic liturgy’) at the Catholic Basilica of St. Bartholomew in Rome, and he did so with the permission of ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio):

The nullity (invalidity) of Anglican orders was declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae.… READ MORE

Might as well, at this point…

German Diocese Officially Allows ‘Eucharistic Sharing’ with Protestants

The diocese of Osnabrück in Germany is currently vacant, even from a Novus Ordo perspective. Its most recent ‘bishop’ was Franz-Josef Bode, who resigned on March 25, 2023, over his handling of abuse cases in the diocese.

To get an idea of what kind of ‘shepherd’ had led the ‘Catholics’ of Osnabrück since 1995, it suffices to know that in 2014, Bode was responsible for an abominable quasi-nude spectacle taking place in the diocesan cathedral, and that he thinks highly of Dr. Stephan Goertz, a lay theologian who is on record suggesting that “a committed, loving homosexual union, which sees itself as a relationship of faith in the God of Israel and Jesus” might actually “possess a sacramental character.”… READ MORE

Archlayman of Canterbury presides…

Francis Permits Invalid Anglican Eucharist in Roman Basilica

Anglican layman Justin Welby raises bread at the ‘Eucharist’ in St. Bartholomew’s on Jan. 25, 2024

Last year, on Apr. 18, 2023, a big fuss ensued over Anglican bishop Jonathan Baker offering a ‘Eucharistic celebration’ at the papal cathedral of Saint John Lateran in Rome. And rightly so, for not only is the Anglican religion (Church of England, known in the United States as the Episcopal Church) heretical and schismatic, but its clergy do not even have valid ordinations.

The nullity (invalidity) of Anglican orders was declared by Pope Leo XIII in his 1896 bull Apostolicae Curae.… READ MORE

Historical tidbit found on VHS…

Video: Sedevacantism Debate
with SSPV Clergy and Indult Traditionalists

top left to right: Rev. Brian Harrison, Bp. Clarence Kelly
bottom left to right: Fr. William W. Jenkins, Count Neri Capponi

A reader of this web site recently found a real treasure buried on an old VHS tape: a debate on Sedevacantism between Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) clergy and ‘mainstream’ traditionalists.

The length of the recording is 2 hours 43 minutes. The exchange must have taken place around 1995. The participants were Bp. Clarence Kelly and Fr. William Jenkins for the SSPV, versus Fr.’READ MORE

Dicastery for Doctrine answers more dubia…

Vatican Opens Way for Transgender Godparents, Baptisms, and Marriage Witnesses

Godfather or godmother? Vatican allows transgender godparents at baptisms…

Once again, breaking news out of Rome.

Once again, the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has given answers to so-called dubia, which are questions (“doubts”) submitted to it concerning a point of doctrine or practice to be resolved.

Once again, the prefect, ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez of ‘mouth-healing’ infamy, wrote the response and had it personally approved by ‘Pope’ Francis, whose signature appears at the end.

And once again, the text of the response is ambiguous and nuanced enough to where both proponents and opponents of transgender inclusion can quote the document in their favor.… READ MORE

And you thought you’d seen it all!

Italy: Little Girl distributes
Communion at Novus Ordo Mass!

The latest liturgical innovation comes to us from the diocese of Bergamo, Italy: At the parish church of St. Vitus in Ossanesga, a young girl helped to distribute the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion this past Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023. Take a look:

(image redacted to protect the innocent)

The image is a still shot taken from a 21-second video originally published by GloriaTV, and which comes to us via the reliable Italian Messa in Latino blog, where we read: “Two altar girls, even of apparently pre-First Communion age, are seen – during Holy Mass – distributing communion to the faithful next to Fr.… READ MORE

Resources on the ultimate Vatican blather circus…

The Mother of All Synods is here:
Chronicling the 2023 SYNOD ON SYNODALITY

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Synodality Synod
(October 4-29, 2023)

Official Vatican Sites

General Information about the Synod 2023

Pre-Synodal ‘Spiritual Preparation’ and Synodal ‘Spiritual Reflections’