Novus Ordo “High” Mass?

Flying Monstrance:

“Eucharistic” Drone Delivery in Brazilian Novus Ordo Parish

The absuridty, impiety, sacrilege, and wickedness of the Vatican II Sect knows no bounds. The following video was taken at São Geraldo Majella (St. Gerard Majella) church in Sorocaba, Brazil, located in the “archdiocese” of Sorocaba. It is staffed by Novus Ordo Redemptorist presbyters:

[We had to remove this video from our YouTube channel for copyright reasons.]

The original video can still be viewed on Facebook here

For those unable to play the video: The Novus Ordo version of the Blessed Sacrament (mere bread and wine because invalid due to defect of form, sometimes defect of matter, and almost always defect of valid minister), enclosed in a monstrance, is lifted off the ground by a remote-controlled drone at the entrace of the church.… READ MORE

Just when you thought you’d seen it all…

Two-Horned Beast Altar in Germany

In the town of Zweibrücken, Germany, the Vatican II Sect now offers its Novus Ordo meal service on an “altar” decorated with the head of a two-horned beast. It was the Italian blog Messa in Latino that first drew attention to this monstrosity:

This blasphemous eyesore is the work of a Dominican sister named Burghildis Roth (1932-1987). The cover of a book on 25 of her sculptures gives a hint as to what other beauties she must have produced before God called her to render an account.

According to the parish’s web site, the “altar” is square in shape and displays a theme from the Apocalypse of St.READ MORE

Non-Catholic pseudo-clergy all around…

Brazil: Protestant Women Priests concelebrate Novus Ordo Bishops’ Mass

If there’s one thing “Pope” Francis likes, it’s moving forward. It looks like the Novus Ordo Bishops of Brazil have done just that, and moved even a little further forward than their boss.

The web site Fratres in Unum reports that on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018, in the diocese of Osório, Brazil, a “Catholic Mass” was offered that featured two Protestant women “priests” as concelebrants! What makes this all the more explosive is the fact that this farce of a Catholic liturgy was presided over by the local “bishop” and concelebrated by a number of other “bishops” from Brazil!… READ MORE

Yet it’s been Novus Ordo Law since 1983…

German “Bishops” cause Outrage by allowing “Holy Communion” for Protestants on Case-by-Case Basis

“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio at work distributing the invalid Novus Ordo cookie (video)

There is just never a dull day in Novus Ordo Land. Yesterday, the big story was that, led by the infamous “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx, the German “bishops” had decided to permit the Protestant spouses of “Catholics” to receive the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion. This permission is to apply only, of course, in “individual cases” and only under “certain circumstances” — just like Bergoglio’s permission to commit adultery — and without “chang[ing] any doctrine”.… READ MORE

Part of that “Great Renewal” of Vatican II…

Blasphemy In Your Face:
The Seminary Chapel in Graz, Austria

As the years progress, the apostasy perpetrated by the Novus Ordo Sect gets more and more audacious. Especially in Europe, open blasphemy in church architecture and “art” is not uncommon. We have shown many examples on this web site (for example, recall this beauty here or that outrage there), but a new one has just come to our attention that we do not wish to withhold from our readers. It is the interior of the seminary chapel in the diocese of Graz-Seckau, Austria:

(click image to enlarge)

What we see here is the typical Novus Ordo “sanctuary” with which soon-to-be “Saint” Paul VI graced the world, clearly modeled after the layout of a Masonic lodge.… READ MORE

The Fun Church strikes again!

“Fools’ Mass” in Aachen celebrates Joy of Carnival

One of these three is not a Novus Ordo priest…

It’s that time of the year again: While real Catholics observe the subdued pre-Lenten season of Septuagesima to prepare for the forty holy days of penance known as Lent, the Novus Ordo Sect rolls out its jolly “Fools’ Masses” (Narrenmessen) again, at least in Europe.

A new low has been reached in an abombinable spectable that just took place this past Sunday, Feb. 4, at St. Gangolf church in Heinsberg, Germany, part of the diocese of Aachen.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 020 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 020 Now Available

In this episode we review some of the craziest stories of 2017 and refute various errors of “Pope” Francis, John Joy, Louie Verrecchio, and Christopher Ferrara

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 31: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

TRADCAST 020 covers a number of different topics, including a very quick year-in-review of the worst and craziest stories of 2017.… READ MORE

020 TRADCAST (31 DEC 2017)


  • Segment 1: The scandalous Vatican Nativity scene; news highlights of 2017 in review; Sedevacantism and evidence; how to respond to the argument that God gave us Francis as Pope because we deserve someone like him; “Saint” Paul VI and the infallibility of canonizations, with a response to Christopher Ferrara
  • Segment 2: “Pope” Francis on why we have to go to Mass; critical comments on Louie Verrecchio’s interview on Catholic Kulchur‘s “Saturday Night Trad” podcast on trusting the Church and the Popes; critical comments on John Joy’s essay “Authentic Magisterium and Religious Submission” at One Peter Five on the binding nature of the non-infallible papal Magisterium
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Bergoglio has a “correction” to make…

“Pope” Francis wants to change the Our Father

[Update: You can also listen also to our mini podcast discussing this topic]

Ladies and gentlemen, we can all breathe easier now: After 2,000 years of Catholics praying the Lord’s Prayer incorrectly, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) has now come to deliver Christendom from a frightening “mistranslation” of the words revealed directly by the Lord Jesus Christ: The line in the Our Father that says “And lead us not into temptation” is a thorn in the side of the Jesuit apostate, since it insinuates, so he claims, that God would ever tempt His own children to sin, which is not something a father would do.… READ MORE

To “avoid any misunderstanding”!

Francis rushes to clarify Shift in Authority for Liturgical Translations

What do you know! It’s amazing how quickly Francis can move to clarify something he has written when he really wants to.

On Sep. 9, 2017, the Vatican’s Chief Apostate released a motu proprio entitled Magnum Principium, in which he decreed a modification to the 1983 Code of Canon Law. The change concerns the final authority in matters of translation of liturgical texts, which Francis has now shifted away from the “Holy See” to national or regional episcopal conferences. Whereas formerly it was necessary for the Vatican to approve liturgical translations, the role of the “Holy See” is now one merely of confirming what episcopal conferences approve. … READ MORE

First Invalid Masses in United States

Unhappy Anniversary:
50 Years since “Black Sunday”

The year of our Lord 2017 has proven to be a year of significant anniversaries, both positive and negative. Another such is today: Sunday, October 22, 1967, was the first time that the Vatican II Sect in the United States mandated the use of a New Canon (“Eucharistic Prayer”) at Mass — a “canon” which included modified words of consecration and was recited entirely in the vernacular.

On Mar. 12, 1968, Fr. Lawrence S. Brey (1927-2006), a priest in the archdiocese of Milwaukee, summed up the problem with Black Sunday as follows:

Was October 22, 1967 the most ominous and frightening day in the two-thousand-year history of the Catholic Church, and certainly in the history of the Church in the United States of America? 


Fair Warning, Trial Balloon, or Fake News?

Una Voce Blog: Francis may impose Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary on Indult Mass in 2018

This past Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, the blog of the Una Voce Federation in Malta posted a piece of news that has some semi-traditionalists in the New Church panicking. There is a well-founded rumor that “Pope” Francis is preparing to impose the Novus Ordo Lectionary and liturgical calendar on the Traditional Latin Mass offered in communion with — and at the limited permission of — the Vatican II hierarchy (the so-called “Indult Mass”):

Reliable sources close to the Holy See have indicated that sometime in the second half of 2018, the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are to be imposed upon the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Mass.


Chaos Frank strikes again!

Motu Inapproprio: Francis allows local Bishops’ Conferences to Approve Liturgical Translations

In an oddly-timed move, while Francis is visiting Colombia and most journalists are busy covering that, the Vatican Press Office announced this morning the release of a new “Apostolic Letter” motu proprio, entitled Magnum Principium, in which the “Pope” makes a change to Canon 838 of Novus Ordo Canon Law, which pertains to the translation of liturgical texts. The modification has been decreed to take effect on Oct. 1, 2017.

Until then, Canon 838 reads as follows:

Can.  838

§1. The direction of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church which resides in the Apostolic See and, according to the norm of law, the diocesan bishop.


After reversing 1000+ years of Catholic liturgy…

Francis and the “Irreversible” Novus Ordo Liturgy: A Commentary

This past Thursday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis raised not a few eyebrows when during a special audience for some Italian liturgical congress he suddenly invoked his supposed “magisterial authority” to declare “that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible.”

We reported on this and included some initial reactions from the blogosphere in the following post:

It is now time to publish our own commentary on Francis’ musings about the Novus Ordo liturgical revolution.… READ MORE

Unlike Catholic moral norms, eh?

Francis declares “with Magisterial Authority” that Novus Ordo Liturgical Changes are “Irreversible”

Yesterday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis sent shockwaves throughout conservative and semi-traditionalist Novus Ordo Land as he declared “with magisterial authority that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible”. Such are rather harsh and unmistakble words for someone who at other times — especially when it comes to irreversible moral norms given by God Himself — loves to speak ambiguously, use metaphors, and blast “rigid” black-and-white thinking under the guise of “mercy” and “compassion”.

At a special audience for participants in the 68th National Italian Liturgical Week, the Jesuit Antipope lauded the Modernist liturgical circus as the glorious fruit of a long process of reform begun roughly 100 years ago, while warning, of course, of “practices that disfigure it”.… READ MORE