Response to Hilary White

Comedy Hour at The Remnant: “Francis is the Pope Until the Pope Says He’s Not”

Peek-a-boo! Is he or isn’t he?

Apparently there is a new policy in place at the semi-traditionalist flagship publication The Remnant: Bloggers can write whatever they please about the Papacy, even if it contradicts the Faith, as long as they don’t endorse Sedevacantism.

Most recent case in point: A blog post by Hilary White (pictured left) entitled, “Francis is the Pope Until the Pope Says He’s Not”. The title offers a good preview of the confused theology that follows in the body of the text, where a copious amount of hot air combines with unorthodox theological ideas to create a dangerous concoction that seeks to make up for a woeful lack of Catholicism.… READ MORE

Barnhardt goes Resignationist…

Ann Barnhardt dumps Francis,
seeks Refuge in Benedict XVI

She’s finally figured it out: Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church. The outspoken colorful controversialist Ann Barnhardt has announced on her web site that she can no longer hold that Francis is or ever was a true Pope, the Vicar of Christ. The reason for Miss Barnhardt’s change of mind is found in the very opening paragraphs of her blog post:

It is now clear to me, and I feel it morally incumbent upon me given my position to publicly state that I believe Jorge Bergoglio, “Francis” to be an Antipope, never having been canonically elected, and that Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI is still the Roman Pontiff.


Voodoo You Trust?
John Paul II’s Betrayal in Benin


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

“You have a strong attachment to the traditions handed on by your ancestors.
It is legitimate to be grateful to your forbears who passed on this sense of the sacred,
belief in a single God who is good, a sense of celebration, esteem for the moral life and for harmony in society.”

—John Paul II (to voodoo representatives of Benin on 4 February 1993 at Cotonou)


The following study deals with very disturbing subject matter, and reader discretion is advised, both as to text and accompanying pictures. … READ MORE



The Vacancy of the Papal Throne since the Death of Pope Pius XII

The Chair of St. Peter in Vatican City (image:

On this page we present a slew of links to articles, blog posts, books, audios, and videos dealing with the subject matter of the Papacy, Sedevacantism, the false theological position known as “recognize-but-resist”, the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), the Second Vatican Council, and the Novus Ordo Magisterium. We have tried as much as possible to group the links by topic. Due to the recent publication of the book True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, there is a separate group of links relating just to that.… READ MORE

Exclusive Internet Reprint

John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to India


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

This article originally appeared in Catholic Restoration and Sacerdotium magazines in the early 1990s. It has been scanned and automatically converted into text. Therefore, the original formatting has been lost, the illustrations and pictures have been deleted, and words that originally appear in italics are reproduced in regular print. Footnotes will be found at the end of the document. This essay is being reproduced with the express permission of the author and publisher.

In the years since the Second Vatican Council, a common practice among the more traditionally-minded members of the Conciliar Church is to show their support for some aspect of Catholic life (e.g.,… READ MORE


You Can’t Have It “Your Way”:

A Response to Fr. Chazal’s Arguments against Sedevacantism in his Dec. 8 Letter to “Fr.” Paul Kramer

At the end of November 2013, the well-known traditionalist Novus Ordo priest Rev. Paul Kramer, editor of the popular book The Devil’s Final Battle, declared publicly that Francis could not possibly be the Pope of the Catholic Church and that the Holy See was vacant. As Kramer had hitherto been loosely affiliated with the Fatima Center, The Remnant, and Catholic Family News and had joined their well-known opposition to sedevacantism, this announcement came as quite a surprise to many.


Archived Pages

Novus Ordo Watch Archive of Old Pages

Novus Ordo Watch made its first online appearance in 2002. Since then, a lot has changed in terms of the design and presentation of the web site.

Since one of Novus Ordo Watch’s main purposes is to keep an eye on the happenings in the Novus Ordo Church, a lot of our content, past and present, consists of hyperlinks to other web sites. Over the years, many of these links have become obsolete because web site content has been moved, deleted, or otherwise reorganized.

The following is a list of links to our archived HTML pages, which we are retaining now only in PDF format.… READ MORE

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Video, Links & Resources

Showdown in Rome:
Complete Synod 2015 Coverage

Embed from Getty Images

The Official Synod 2015 Documents

Official Video Recordings — available on demand:


Explosive 1964 Karl Rahner Testimony
on Joseph Ratzinger, John XXIII, Paul VI

Fr. Karl Rahner, left, was a suit-and-tie priest early on

Discovered in 2011, Karl Rahner Testimony from 1963-64 confirms Theological “Bloodbath” at Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

A formerly hidden letter by Karl Rahner to his brother Fr. Hugo Rahner, dated Nov. 2, 1963, was exhibited at a Carmelite church in Munich, Germany, in 2012, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. (This letter had been in the possession of the son of Karl Rahner’s younger sister, Elisabeth Cremer [d. 2004], and was turned over to the official Karl Rahner Archive in 2011.)



So you just stumbled upon this web site and are wondering what in the world this is all about? Then this page is for you!

What’s going on? Why this odd web site?

To make a long story short: What is today known as Roman Catholicism is in fact not the Roman Catholicism of the past. You can verify this for yourself just by looking at Church history, and virtually all disinterested historians will confirm this. The big rupture occurred at the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of all Catholic bishops called in 1959 by the newly-elected “Pope John XXIII”.… READ MORE

A Doctor of the Church weighs in…

Can a Pope be a Private Heretic?

St. Robert Bellarmine Speaks

As we announced approximately one year ago, the monumental theological work De Romano Pontifice (“On the Roman Pontiff”) of Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., has now been translated into English, for the first time ever. The translator is Mr. Ryan Grant of Mediatrix Press, and the English-speaking world owes him a tremendous amount of gratitude.

The English On the Roman Pontiff has been published in two volumes, with the first volume containing Books I and II, and the second volume containing Books III, IV, and V.… READ MORE

Panic all over, some in Denial…


Full Coverage: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Family, Amoris Laetitia, and Chronicling its Aftermath

The big day has come and gone, and it is nothing short of panic and chaos all over! Welcome to our full coverage of the release and presentation of “Pope” Francis’ “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the official Amoris Laetitia Chaos Watch Headquarters: We are providing you with all the information you need to understand what’s going on with this much-anticipated document. Let’s go!


The Worst and most Explosive Passages:
Amoris Laetitia Highlights

Vatican TV Broadcast Feed

(English audio available – click on “Switch Camera” in embedded Player)

Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia:
Click Player to begin stream

Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: The Actual Text, Official Commentary

Here is a word cloud we quickly created based on the English version of Amoris Laetitia (courtesy of Word Cloud Generator).… READ MORE

Now What?

Being a Real Catholic
while the Church is in Eclipse

So you have been reading our web site, you have been praying and thinking, and you are inclined to believe that we are probably right in our assessment of the situation with regard to the Novus Ordo Sect and the Catholic Church, the usurpation by the Modernists, the changes in doctrine, worship, and discipline, and the papal pretenders. Naturally, there is now a burning question on your mind: “Now what? What do we do now? Where do we go from here? How can I be a Catholic today, and where is the Church?… READ MORE

The Facts About “Pope Benedict XVI” – Joseph Alois Ratzinger

What You Need To Know About the Man
who Claimed to be the Pope from 2005-2013

“Benedict XVI”

On April 19, 2005, the German “cardinal” Fr. Joseph Ratzinger was elected “Pope” Benedict XVI. This page is dedicated to demonstrating that Ratzinger’s beliefs and actions reveal that he was not a Catholic, and therefore he could not possibly have held the highest office in the Catholic Church, the Papacy.

Furthermore, the “episcopal consecration” of Fr. Ratzinger in 1977 was invalid, and hence Joseph Ratzinger was not even a bishop but only a priest (ordained in 1951).… READ MORE

The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio

What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope

Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”

Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies

General Information / Miscellaneous