Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!

Every day we are being drowned in news about “Pope” Francis and the Vatican machinery. The incessant flood of information is becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to process, which means it is easy for stories to get missed.

Such was apparently the case with a real bombshell Francis dropped on February 26, 2017 while visiting an Anglican parish church in Rome. Virtually everyone seems to have missed it. What happened? During a Q&A session in which Francis was answering people’s questions off the cuff, he related an anecdote about ecumenical practice with Anglicans in his homeland of Argentina.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 19, 2017

Please help yourself: “Cafeteria Catholicism” in the Philippines


Strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered…” (Zac 13:7)

When the Shepherd is struck:

The Papacy and Sedevacantist “Disunity”

The following article appeared in the sedevacantist quarterly The Reign of Mary, vol. XLV, no. 155, in the summer of 2014. It addresses a phenomenon that a lot of people seeking to be genuine traditional Catholics struggle with: the apparent “disunity” among sedevacantists. If Sedevacantism is the correct position to take in the face of the apostasy of the Novus Ordo Church, why then are there different groups of sedevacantists that are at odds with each other over various issues?… READ MORE

Aww, shucks!

Formal Correction of “Pope” Francis
— Not going to happen?

The perpetual Vatican soap opera about the blasphemous-heretical “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia released last April by “Pope” Francis appears to be going into the next round.

On November 15, 2016, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke said in an interview with the National Catholic Register that there would be a “formal act of correction” of Francis if he should refuse to answer the dubia (doubts, questions) that had been submitted to him regarding certain points of doctrine contained in the exhortation:

There is, in the Tradition of the Church, the practice of correction of the Roman Pontiff.


Another argument goes down in flames…

The Case of Pope Celestine III:
A Refutation of Robert J. Siscoe

The Pope is the one on the left

The master theologians of the recognize-and-resist camp are just too smart for their own good. On Feb. 21, 2017, Remnant contributor and True or False Pope? co-author Robert J. Siscoe published what he thought was a slam dunk against Sedevacantism. In an essay entitled “Pope Celestine III’s Error on the Indissolubility of Marriage”, published in the online edition of The Remnant, Siscoe argued that Pope Celestine III (1191-1198) had committed a serious doctrinal error which was later incorporated into universal Church law by Pope Gregory IX.… READ MORE

Making sense of today’s craziness

The Papacy & the Passion of the Church

During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, gave a most informative lecture on the subject of the Catholic Papacy and the Church’s Mystical Passion. We are happy to be able to share the audio and also a written version of this presentation.

What has happened to the Catholic Church? This is the question that everyone who has a love for the Church is asking himself in our time. The Church of Jesus Christ is divinely guaranteed to be indefectible: She cannot change in her essence; she cannot defect from her divine mission; she cannot compromise with the errors of the world; she cannot lose the Faith and suddenly promote a different religion.… READ MORE

Mayhem at full throttle…

Francis’ Raging Mess:
On Recent Vatican News & Rumors


The Vatican today is a complete mess. Not that that’s anything new, but it’s probably never been worse than it is now. It has been well over 3 years now that Francis first told people at World Youth Day 2013 to “make a mess”, and he’s been leading by splendid example.

Ten days ago we reported on the anti-Francis posters that had mysteriously popped up on Saturday morning in Rome. This rather unusual way of criticizing the pretend-Pontifex did not end there, however. In fact, it was perhaps just the beginning: A few days ago a spoofed cover of the official Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano made the rounds (see image below).… READ MORE

News Digest February 1, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 1, 2017

Parody: Dean Martin meets Amoris Laetitia


Interview on French TV

SSPX Superior Bishop Fellay and the Vatican’s “Stamp of Approval” (now with full English Translation)

On Jan. 29, 2017, the internet-based French television station TV Libertés broadcast an interview with the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay. The interview, which is roughly 17 minutes in length, was part of the program Terres de Mission and can be watched here:

This video has English subtitles, and a complete English transcript is posted further below.

Bp. Fellay has essentially communicated that de facto relations between the Vatican and the SSPX are already normal, and it is not necessary to wait until everything is “totally satisfactory”. … READ MORE

News Digest January 19, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 19, 2017

How things used to be…
Beautiful Video promoting Vocations – “Captains in His Army


Off the cliff at full throttle…

Bp. Fellay, “Bp.” Schneider, and Chaos Frank:
A Commentary on Recent Developments

Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X

As far back as April 3, 2013, a mere 21 days after his election, we predicted that Francis would eventually be known as the “Chaos Pope”; from this we derived his moniker “Chaos Frank”. After almost four years of the blasphemous-heretical buffoon at the helm of the Vatican II Sect, most people would agree. In fact, even the Novus Ordo press is finally starting to wake up to the real Francis, the one about whom we’ve been reporting accurately and realistically since day one, when everyone else was still lauding him for his great “humility” and “Marian piety of the most traditional sort”.… READ MORE

2017: Year of Anniversaries

Pondering the year ahead…

2017: Year of Anniversaries

Another year has passed. It is now 2017 Anno Domini. The reason we live in this time period of history and not in any other is a matter of Divine Providence. In His perfect omniscience and omnibenevolence, the Triune God, “who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4), has placed us in the world at this time and no other because, despite how it may seem at times, this is the period of world history that is most conducive to the eternal salvation of our very own particular soul.… READ MORE

016 TRADCAST (24 DEC 2016)


  • Segment 1: “Papal” election advice; Amoris Laetitia, its critics, and the “Communion” double standard; Steve Kellmeyer and the dumbest blog post of the year; dissecting Michael Matt’s comments in The Remnant Underground 11: “Cardinal Sins: Resisting Pope Francis”
  • Segment 2: SSPX distancing itself from Salza/Siscoe book True or False Pope?; thank-you to benefactors; advice for Roberto de Mattei; a glance at Tom Hoopes’ What Pope Francis Really Said; response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke’s “refutation” of sedevacantism; a game for semi-traditionalists; square peg meets round hole: distorting the papacy to fit Francis into it; The Remnant‘s disingenuous combox moderation; TRADCAST announcement for 2017
  • Total run time: 2 hrs 3 mins
  • Please note: In this TRADCAST episode, we mistakenly say Christopher Ferrara called Francis an “Antichrist Pope”.

Things are heating up…

“Cardinal” Burke: Francis Not in Heresy, but Heretical Pope would Lose Office automatically

Embed from Getty Images

The Amoris Laetitia controversy is far from over. If anything, it’s entering now into its hottest phase yet.

American “Cardinal” Raymond Burke has recently given some interviews on the dubia and their non-response by “Pope” Francis and explained what is to happen next if the dubia remain unanswered. Previously Burke had already threatened a “formal act of correction” against Francis, but without giving details or a timeline. Now Burke has upped the ante.

On December 15, 2016, EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo interviewed the Novus Ordo cardinal on his nightly news program, The World Over.… READ MORE

A very important reality check

Hey, Dubia Supporters! Where were you when John Paul II allowed Protestants to receive “Communion”?

John Paul II made it possible: Protestant Bro. Roger Schutz, wheelchair-bound, receives “Communion” from “Card.” Ratzinger (and no, he did NOT convert to Catholicism beforehand) / image credit: Getty Images (ullstein bild)

These days a good portion of the Novus Ordo world is up in arms about “Pope” Francis’ attempts to permit unrepentant public adulterers to receive the [Novus Ordo] sacraments, and rightly so. A veritable schism seems to be forming at this time, as countless clergy and laymen are rallying behind the four no-compromise “cardinals” who have made it clear that they will not stand for this attempt to dispense from the Sixth Commandment.… READ MORE