News Digest November 11, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 11, 2016

Idiotic Dance Performance inside St. Moritz Church: “The 7 Deadly Sins”
CAUTION! Immodesty


Semi-Trads hit new low…

Outrageous! Tradition in Action uses Masonic Source to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry

The web site Tradition in Action (TIA) is, for the most part, a pretty good resource exposing and refuting the errors of the Vatican II Sect. However, the editors of TIA are dyed-in-the-wool semi-traditionalists, that is, they oppose Sedevacantism and stubbornly adhere to the recognize-and-resist position instead, meaning they recognize Francis as Pope but also resist him because they realize he is an apostate who is trying to destroy Catholicism.

Thus, whenever TIA’s editors tackle anything related to the issue of Sedevacantism, all Catholicism goes out the window — and they end up spouting grave errors and scandalize their readers.… READ MORE

Heretical tripe galore…

Full Coverage: Francis celebrates Reformation with Lutherans in Sweden

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It is “Reformation Day” today — basically the high holyday of the Lutheran sects — and the papal pretender Francis has made good on his threat to visit Malmo and Lund, Sweden, to celebrate the “accomplishments” of the Protestant Reformation, which had its official beginning in Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517.

This page provides full coverage of the event.


Official Schedule


Official Web Sites


Recorded Videos and Transcripts


Event Resources/Background


Bergoglio attacks the Great Commission…

Francis: “It is not right to convince others of your Faith”

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From the man who does away with sins such as adultery and fornication as belonging to a hopelessly outdated and rigid past, now comes the introduction of entirely new “sins”, such as supporting the death penalty, failing to recycle, or — the latest now — the “sin” of converting others.

We saw it a few weeks ago in Georgia, where Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — denounced converting the Eastern Orthodox as a “great sin against ecumenism”, and we saw it again on October 13 of this year, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, when Francis received in audience roughly 1,000 ecumenical (mostly Lutheran) “pilgrims” from Germany (photos here).… READ MORE

News Digest October 19, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 19, 2016

The “New Springtime” of Vatican II in 36 Seconds


What’s one more at this point…

HERESY: Francis directly contradicts Council of Trent again

Francis with a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican on Oct. 13, 2016
(WENN US / Alamy Stock Photo)

One of the wonderful things about Francis is that compared to his five predecessors of unhappy memory, he is fairly direct and much more open in his denial of dogma, thus making it easier to convict him of heresy. Here’s a recent example.

On October 13, 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, “Pope” Francis addressed a number of Lutheran “pilgrims” from Germany at the Vatican. … READ MORE

015 TRADCAST (29 SEP 2016)


  • Segment 1: Preview of first anti-Vatican II song ever: Vatican 2! What the Heck are you? by Damo — Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza’s “Sedevacantism, Fatima, and Freemasonry” program of Oct. 24, 2015 (Part 3): Sin vs. crime of heresy; private judgment; pertinacity; Salza’s hypocritical accusation of dishonesty
  • Segment 2: Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza (Part 3) continued: Sedevacantists and “spiritual maladies”; sedevacantists accused of “Protestantism”; private judgment again; alleged lack of unity in sedevacantism; real disunity found in recognize-and-resist camp and Novus Ordo Sect — Request for support
  • Total run time: 1 hr 15 mins

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

The Spirit of Assisi is not the Holy Spirit

Seeking Peace in all the Wrong Ways:
Interreligious Hug Fest in Assisi


And so it happened again: For the fifth time since 1986, the “great religions of the world” descended upon Assisi, Italy, gathering from Sep. 18-20, 2016, at the basilica of St. Francis and the surrounding area in order to come together and deliver endless Naturalistic platitudes about luv, encounter, dialogue, mutual respect, and human dignity — nothing you wouldn’t also find on a Hallmark card –, all as supposed “keys” to peace. Oh, and prayer of course. Not orthodox prayer to the only true God, mind you, but just any sort of lifting of the soul to someone or something one considers to be divine, each in accordance with his own beliefs, preferences, and ideas.… READ MORE

When petitions just don’t cut it…

“We accuse Pope Francis”: Semi-Traditionalist Trio publishes Book of Accusation against Jorge Bergoglio

Michael Matt, Christopher Ferrara, and John Vennari have had enough. After three-and-a-half-years of open apostasy by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), the semi-traditionalist newspaper trio have decided to upgrade their resistance from merely providing critical commentary and launching petitions, to issuing a Liber Accusationis (“Book of Accusation”) against the man they believe is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. The charge in a nutshell: He just ain’t a Catholic. (This is something we actually pointed out from the very beginning, while Matt and Ferrara were still trying to spin Francis into a Catholic, but okay.)… READ MORE

New book released…

Benedict XVI:
“No One Tried to Blackmail Me”

“I would not have allowed it”

And the drama continues!

Tomorrow, September 9, Peter Seewald’s last interview book with Joseph Ratzinger (“Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI) will hit the shelves in Germany. It is entitled Letzte Gespräche (“Final Conversations”). It will appear in English translation on November 3 under the title Last Testament: In His Own Words.

Some articles have appeared in the German and English press giving a preview of the book’s contents. One of the topics Seewald discusses with Benedict XVI, of course, is his resignation. Here are the excerpts of two news blurbs dealing with what Benedict says concerning his resignation:

…he dismissed speculation he may have been blackmailed or pressured into retiring.


“Saint” Teresa of Calcutta…

The “Canonization” of the Apostate Mother Teresa — Another Impossibility for a True Pope


Mother Teresa worshipping Buddha — SOURCE/DETAILS HERE

Today (Sep. 4, 2016) was the big day: “Pope” Francis declared the Albanian nun Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (1910-97), commonly known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a “saint”. Not that we needed any more proof, but this is yet another definitive piece of evidence that Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church is false. He is not in fact a valid Pope, and this proves it because canonizations of saints are infallible acts, and it is not possible that Mother Teresa, who was a public apostate, could be a saint in the Catholic Church. … READ MORE

Get ready for “Assisi 5”….

Now it’s Francis’ Turn: New Interreligious Prayer Meeting in Assisi on September 19, with “Decalogue of Human Coexistence”

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[UPDATE 19-AUG-2016: Vatican confirms Francis will take part in Interreligious Prayer meeting in Assisi on Sep. 20]

Since it didn’t work the last four times, they will give it a fifth try: The Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Assisi first perpetrated by “Saint” John Paul II in 1986 will get a remake by “Pope” Francis on September 19 of this year, according to Mohamed Abdel Qader, the local imam in the Assisi region, who attended Francis’ August 4 ceremony celebrating the 800th anniversary of Pope Honorius III’s Portiuncula indulgence.… READ MORE

12 Ways you can help Novus Ordo Watch

As the years pass, our opportunities for helping souls draw closer to their inevitable end. The day will come when our last moment for doing good will have passed.

Therefore, not knowing what the future holds, but seeing the truly frightening state the world and Church are in, we would like to emphasize that it’s time to get busy. If you’ve been agreeing with much of what we say but have mostly been passive, that is, for the most part only receiving information from our web site, we encourage you to become active and help us make things happen.… READ MORE

in Uncategorized   0

014 TRADCAST (14 JUL 2016)


  • Internal Novus Ordo Watch announcement — After 3+ years of Francis: Whose predictions were right? — Scott Montgomery’s Letter to the Editor of Inside the Vatican — Examination of Francis’ claim that most marriages are invalid and “fidelity” in fornication is real marriage — A look at various reactions to Francis’ scandalous remarks
  • [no further segments]
  • Total run time: 58 minutes

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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They’re at their wits’ end…

The Trouble with Jorge:
Semi-Trads at the Breaking Point

The Semi-Traditionalists are reaching their breaking point over “Pope” Francis. Jorge Bergoglio has been putting out so much blasphemous, heretical, and scandalous blather that Christopher Ferrara, the popular Remnant columnist, author, speaker, and retired attorney, can’t write commentaries fast enough to keep up with him.

The next recognize-and-resist self-help conference, scheduled for Sept. 9-11, won’t do much more than simply get the usual people together for their little “we’re the real Catholics” powwow and have exactly zero impact on the Vatican II Sect, which they still claim is the Catholic Church.… READ MORE