A whirlwind of error and confusion…

Viganò’s Theological Vortex: A Critical Commentary
(PART 1)

In recent weeks, the now well-known former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò, has spoken at great length again about his position on the Second Vatican Council and the “conciliar sect” (his words) that emerged from it. On Sep. 1 and 3, respectively, the recognize-and-resist paper Catholic Family News published two of his latest monographs on its web site. They can be found in the following posts:

Upon reading these texts, we decided that a critical commentary on them would be fitting. … READ MORE

Overhyped and underresearched…

Assessing Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration:
Bold Exposé or Controlled Opposition?

Resisting Francis to his face? On May 15, 2019, Dr. Taylor Marshall met “Pope” Francis in Rome at a general audience, at which time he gave him the first (signed) copy of Infiltration, days before its official release. Later, when discussing the meeting in a video, Marshall said, “People on social media have attacked me on both sides as being too nice to the Pope, or too mean to the Pope…” This is precisely the confusion one expects from the recognize-and-resist position he espouses — opposition to the “Holy Father”, but a cordial and ultimately insipid opposition.READ MORE

Of course, he’s against it… isn’t he?

Bergoglio and the Pro$perity Gospel:
An Assessment

Rich man, poor man — Self-proclaimed billionaire televangelist Kenneth Copeland leads “Pope” Francis the Humble in prayer at the Vatican on June 24, 2014. The ecumenical encounter took place during a three-hour meeting with a delegation of Protestants, including a luncheon at Santa Marta Inn. (image: kcm.org/fair use)

by Francis Del Sarto

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health-and-wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith) is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth.


What Marshall omitted from Paul VI’s words…

Busted! How Taylor Marshall distorts what Paul VI really said about Vatican II

Abysmal research meets poor argumentation: Marshall holds up a copy of his book Infiltration in a July 16, 2020 video

Dr. Taylor Marshall has been busy cranking out YouTube videos and promoting his bestselling hack job Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (2019). How much his research and analysis are worth, can be seen in one of his latest clips.

After a recent flare-up in controversies about the apostate fake Second Vatican Council (1962-65), Marshall released a 66-minute video entitled “Does Vatican II Contain Error?READ MORE

Infernal Art and Architecture in the Vatican

The Vatican’s Hell Hall:
The Weird Mysteries of the Paul VI Audience Hall

Darkness Visible: Eerie, shrieking skull-like faces seem to peer out menacingly from the base 0f La Resurrezione, an eight ton sculpture, as “Pope” Francis speaks during an audience on November 21, 2015 at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. It is only one of the many bizarre things associated with this auditorium. (image: Getty Images/AFP / rights-managed)

by Francis Del Sarto

G.K. Chesterton once referred to architecture as “the most practical and the most dangerous of the arts.”… READ MORE

“Hermeneutic of Continuity” update…

Vatican celebrates 60 Years of Ecumenism:
How it Contradicts Catholic Doctrine

Jorge Bergoglio with other non-Catholics in 2014

On Jan. 6, 1928, Pope Pius XI released Mortalium Animos, a magnificent encyclical against the false attempts at religious unity, today collectively known as “ecumenism”, that were beginning to blossom at the time.

Although the ecumenism that the Vatican II religion today worships as a new Golden Calf is not entirely identical to the ecumenism Pius XI condemned almost 100 years ago, it is nevertheless the very same error in essence, for it arose from it and still seeks a union between Catholics and non-Catholics that does not consist of what the same Pope identified as the only possible union: “…[T]he union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it” (Mortalium Animos, n.… READ MORE

Utterly explosive indictment…

Viganò lets it rip: Former Vatican Nuncio publishes scathing Condemnation of Vatican II Religion

Fr. Viganò at Rome’s “National March for Life” on May 19, 2018
(photo: Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images)

One day after we blasted “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò‘s open letter to President Trump for containing “dangerous heresy in attractive wrapping paper”, the former Vatican nuncio to the United States released yet another statement.

Contrary to our expectations, however, it wasn’t simply “more of the same” as his previous contributions. This time, he delivered a stunningly severe condemnation of the entire Novus Ordo religion and correctly pointed to the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as its root cause.… READ MORE

“Hermeneutic of continuity” check…

Before and After Vatican II:
What is the Essential Purpose of Holy Matrimony?

The chief mission of this web site is to demonstrate how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, whose last known Pope was Pius XII (d. 1958), differ in essence from those of the Novus Ordo religion, whose doctrinal mother lode is the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). This infernal assembly was called and opened by Antipope John XXIII (1958-63) and promulgated and concluded by Antipope Paul VI (1963-78), both of whom, naturally, have officially been declared “saints” by the Novus Ordo Church since.… READ MORE

His death in 1958 prevented it…

Drafts discovered: Pope Pius XII had planned to write new Encyclical against Modern Errors

Embed from Getty Images

When the Vatican opened its Apostolic Archives on the pontificate of Pope Pius XII (1939-58) on Mar. 2 of this year, most people were focused on what researchers would find about His Holiness’ work to protect Jews persecuted during World War II. While there is no doubt that the archives contain much information on that, a thorough research into all the available materials is also uncovering other things of even greater importance.… READ MORE

The Modernist Robber Synod dismantled…

The Theological Errors of the Second Vatican Council

A Substantial Collection of Resources

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

The so-called Second Vatican Council convened from 1962 until 1965. It was called by the false pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) and promulgated and concluded by his no less false successor, Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini).

Vatican II, as it is typically called for short, marks the definitive beginning of what we call the Novus Ordo religion and provides its doctrinal foundation. It is the be-all and end-all of the Modernist institution that has been occupying the Catholic structures since John XXIII usurped the Holy See at the 1958 conclave.… READ MORE

Welcome to Vatican II ecclesiology…

Francis: Lutherans are “Members of one and the same Mystical Body of Christ” as Catholics

While everyone is busy with the ongoing fallout from the Ratzinger/Sarah book — the latest is that “Card.” Sarah met with Benedict XVI today — Chaos Frank received an ecumenical delegation of the Lutheran Church of Finland today, Jan. 17, on their annual trip to Rome for the feast of St. Henrik.

In his address to his fellow-non-Catholics, the false pope declared:

Together you are journeying – as all of us are – in communion of faith, so as to encourage one another and to strengthen one another in Christian discipleship.


Chaos Frank lets it rip…

Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload:

Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia

The Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires currently occupying Vatican City, Jorge Bergoglio, has once again outdone himself. In a 3500-word “Christmas address” to the Roman Curia, the 83-year-old man who presents himself to the world under the pseudonym “Pope Francis” delivered yet another Modernist manifesto, with the clear aim of getting his sheeple in line to accept the next tidal wave of doctrinal and disciplinary change.

The Vatican has provided a full transcript and English translation of the talk, as well as the video footage:

An interesting backstory to this speech was supposed to remain secret but has been revealed by Sandro Magister.… READ MORE

Vatican II condemned in 1833…

Pope Gregory XVI condemns Innovators who would “Renew” the Church

The ideas of the Vatican II revolution weren’t new in the 1960s. In the post-Reformation period, various errors along the lines of Liberalism and Modernism had already infected sundry innovators who were trying to introduce these novelties into the Church. The errors manifested themselves in revolutionary movements to bring the Church “up to date”, introducing vernacular tongues into the sacred liturgy, changing the Mass to correspond more to the demands of modern man, adapting Church discipline to modernity, etc.

The Holy See, of course, always sternly and competently condemned these errors and defended the Immaculate Bride of Christ from the snares of the innovators.… READ MORE

Borrowing his way out of debt…

Denying the Papacy to affirm Francis is Pope:
John Salza’s Conundrum

Affirming that Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is a legitimate and valid Roman Pontiff comes at a hefty price: One has to deny the Catholic doctrine on the Papacy in return. Our Francis Papacy Test illustrates this very well, but in this post we wish to focus specifically on something John Salza said in a live interview on YouTube that aired on November 7.

There is a lot that ought to be said about Salza’s claims in the interview, but since he merely made assertions and did not prove anything in the video, we will take the liberty of addressing only one particular issue: the Catholic’s obligation to submit to all papal teaching, not merely that which is infallible or has “always been taught.”… READ MORE

More like the devil’s den…

Introducing “God’s Castle”

The eyesore you are looking at above is not a garbage incinerator, a silo complex, or an unfinished nuclear power plant. It is St. Vincent’s “Catholic” Church in Untermarchtal, Germany, part of the notorious Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, where Mr. Gebhard Fürst presides over the systematic destruction of Catholicism. It serves as the mother church for the St. Vincent de Paul Sisters in the region, who are utterly in love with the building.

Although the building is hideous on the outside, the interior isn’t any better. The following video is in German but it gives a pictorial tour of what’s inside the building.… READ MORE