Like any Modernist would…

Francis denounces “Decadent Scholasticism”

One of the many things that “went under”, so to speak, in the flurry of breaking news stories from the Vatican in recent weeks, is the question-and-answer session Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) gave to his fellow-Jesuits after presenting a speech at their 36th General Congregation on October 24, 2016. The Rome-based Jesuit periodical La Civiltà Cattolica has published the full Q&A text online here.

No, don’t worry, we will not slog through the entire thing now. Those who have not yet had enough of Francis’ blather can read the whole piece for themselves. … READ MORE

A very important reality check

Hey, Dubia Supporters! Where were you when John Paul II allowed Protestants to receive “Communion”?

John Paul II made it possible: Protestant Bro. Roger Schutz, wheelchair-bound, receives “Communion” from “Card.” Ratzinger (and no, he did NOT convert to Catholicism beforehand) / image credit: Getty Images (ullstein bild)

These days a good portion of the Novus Ordo world is up in arms about “Pope” Francis’ attempts to permit unrepentant public adulterers to receive the [Novus Ordo] sacraments, and rightly so. A veritable schism seems to be forming at this time, as countless clergy and laymen are rallying behind the four no-compromise “cardinals” who have made it clear that they will not stand for this attempt to dispense from the Sixth Commandment.… READ MORE

The disaster that is Novus Ordo theology…

The Trinity, the Muslims, and the Jews:
A Brief Reply to Steve Kellmeyer


What passes for “orthodox Catholic commentary” these days is unbelievable. Take Steve Kellmeyer, for example, author of the blog The Fifth Column. Theologically, Kellmeyer is a product of the Franciscan University of Steubenville / Catholic Answers type of “orthodox Catholicism”, and it shows.

In a blog post entitled “Cardinal Burke’s Breakup” (Nov. 24, 2016), Kellmeyer rebukes “Cardinal” Raymond Burke for daring to maintain that Catholics and Muslims do not worship the same God. While there are many things to criticize Mr.READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 2): A False Church to imitate the True Church

sylvester-berry-church-of-christThe terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII have been predicted and prophesied in Catholic Tradition, in one way or another. In Part 1 of this series of posts, we looked at Fr. E. Sylvester Berry’s explanation of Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse and how it is a prophecy of Satan’s persecution of the Papacy; in this current post we will look at what the same Fr.… READ MORE

015 TRADCAST (29 SEP 2016)


  • Segment 1: Preview of first anti-Vatican II song ever: Vatican 2! What the Heck are you? by Damo — Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza’s “Sedevacantism, Fatima, and Freemasonry” program of Oct. 24, 2015 (Part 3): Sin vs. crime of heresy; private judgment; pertinacity; Salza’s hypocritical accusation of dishonesty
  • Segment 2: Response to Eric Gajewski and John Salza (Part 3) continued: Sedevacantists and “spiritual maladies”; sedevacantists accused of “Protestantism”; private judgment again; alleged lack of unity in sedevacantism; real disunity found in recognize-and-resist camp and Novus Ordo Sect — Request for support
  • Total run time: 1 hr 15 mins

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 1): Satan will Attack the Papacy


This may not be new to frequent visitors of our web site, but it bears repeating, especially now: The terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII were predicted and prophesied, in one way or another. We have had numerous posts on this topic in the past, and today we would like to call to mind one of them: The prediction made by Fr. Elwood Sylvester Berry (1879-1954), professor of apologetics at Mt.… READ MORE

The Rockford Files…

Two Interviews with Fr. Michael Oswalt, former Novus Ordo Priest from Rockford Diocese


Fr. Michael Oswalt is a convert to Sedevacantism from the Novus Ordo Sect, but not just any convert: He was actually a “priest” in the Modernist diocese of Rockford, Illinois, when he began to realize that the religion in which he was operating was not — as he had previously thought — the Roman Catholic religion established by our Lord Jesus Christ, but a Modernistic counterfeit whose beliefs and practices undermine and even outright contradict the traditional Roman Catholic teachings of all Popes until the death of Pius XII in 1958.… READ MORE

Music against Modernism!

The World’s First Anti-Vatican II Song!

“Vatican II — What the Heck are You?!”

It took over 50 years, but it was worth the wait: The world’s first-ever Catholic song against the Novus Ordo Sect’s disastrous Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) has been released! “Vatican 2! What the Heck Are You?” is sung and performed by Damo of True Restoration, and it’s a song you don’t want to miss!

A catchy tune, hilarious lyrics, and a noticeable Australian accent make Damo’s ditty a real keeper!

So… are you curious? Listen free to the entire song right here:

The single was produced by True Restoration and is available with full lyrics from their web site, where you can also purchase a copy of the song through iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and other popular music services:


The gospel of man, continued…

“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise

Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).

The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:

Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades.… READ MORE

Watch out! “Parishes of the New Type” are coming!

German Journalist: Shortage of Priests is Intentional to make way for  “Participatory Churches”

German author and journalist Alexander Kissler (pictured above) has published an article on the catastrophic state of the Novus Ordo Sect in his country, with the provocative title: “The Shortage of Priests is Intentional”. A brief synopsis reads: “The number of new priests is declining constantly. Behind this decline lies a strategy. Priests are an obstacle to the new type of church that many diocesan leaders want.”

Kissler’s article was published in Cicero, a magazine for culture and politics based in Berlin, on August 18, 2016. … READ MORE

Easy to follow, airtight reasoning

An Introduction to Sedevacantism

Part I: Vatican II’s New Doctrine on the Church

We have begun making a series of videos that is meant to introduce newcomers to Sedevacantism in a way that is easy to follow, provides airtight argumentation, and does not overwhelm.

The first part of the series puts before the viewer the Second Vatican Council’s new doctrine on the Church (ecclesiology), according to which the Church of Jesus Christ no longer is the Catholic Church, as taught by Pope Pius XII and all of his predecessors, but instead now “subsists in” it. This bizarre new teaching is typically known as communio ecclesiology, elements ecclesiology, “Frankenchurch”, or — our preferred term — patchwork ecclesiology, because it holds that the Church of Jesus Christ exists in elements: The Catholic Church has all of them, but various other religions also have some of them and hence there exists a “partial communion” between them and the “Catholic” (i.e.… READ MORE

SSPX deal on the home stretch…

Vatican “Abp.” Pozzo:

Bp. Fellay has Accepted Personal Prelature Proposal for SSPX, Details being Worked Out

[UPDATE 29-JUL-16 19:01 UTC: Society of St. Pius X (SSPX): What is and what is not negotiable for reconciliation with the Catholic Church? (Vatican Insider)]

The head of the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo, has revealed in an interview with the German Christ & Welt that Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), has agreed to canonical regularization under a personal prelature solution, although details are still being worked out.… READ MORE

New Interview with SSPX Superior

Bishop Fellay:

“We’ve never wanted to be separated from Rome”; “Vatican never called us Schismatic”; “Rome tacitly approves of our Ordinations”

As things deteriorate rapidly in the Vatican II Sect under Francis, the Society of St. Pius X is more eager than ever to obtain regularization and full recognition by Rome. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, gave an interview to Josef Bruckmoser of the Austrian paper Salzburger Nachrichten.

The one-page interview is now available online, and we have translated it from the original German into English (Bp.… READ MORE

Voodoo You Trust?
John Paul II’s Betrayal in Benin


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

“You have a strong attachment to the traditions handed on by your ancestors.
It is legitimate to be grateful to your forbears who passed on this sense of the sacred,
belief in a single God who is good, a sense of celebration, esteem for the moral life and for harmony in society.”

—John Paul II (to voodoo representatives of Benin on 4 February 1993 at Cotonou)


The following study deals with very disturbing subject matter, and reader discretion is advised, both as to text and accompanying pictures. … READ MORE

Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly?
The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium

by John S. Daly

Second, Revised Edition

First printed in The Four Marks

Album / Alamy Stock Photo

Most traditional Catholics know that Vatican II taught heresies and other errors. They rightly refuse to accept this false teaching. But when asked how it can be right to reject the teaching of a General Council of the Catholic Church, they reply that Vatican II was a special kind of council; it was non-dogmatic and non-infallible. As such it could err, and did err, and Catholics may reject its errors without doubting the legitimacy of the authority that promulgated those errors.