What part about Mark 9:41 was unclear?

Brazilian Novus Ordo parish celebrates
“Day of the Drag Queen”

“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end;
see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.” (Psalm 73:3)

Albert Roggenbuck is the name of a “Catholic” sodomite who likes to go around dressed up as a drag queen (“Dindry Buck”). He gives performances at which he spreads “joy”, talks about “discrimination”, or lobbies for prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases. His Dindry Buck Facebook page tells you all you need to know, and plenty you don’t.

In November 2016, Buck was invited to perform at the Novus Ordo parish of Sant’Ana (Facebook page here) in Itaquera, São Paulo, Brazil (see photo above).… READ MORE

Flying carpets and hair dryers in church — what’s not to like?

“How Long is Now?” – Bizarre Advent Art Installation at Swiss Novus Ordo Parish

The Novus Ordo church of Dreikönigen (“Church of the Three Kings”) in Zürich, Switzerland, is currently hosting a “kinetic installation” under the title How long is now?, and it looks accordingly.

While you’re pondering this profound question that has puzzled humanity for millennia, we will introduce you to some of the details of this incredibly edifying Advent project currently gracing the inside of Dreikönigen church. Proceed at your own risk.

First, a video released by the Katholisches Medienzentrum (“Catholic media center”), an official media portal of the Novus Ordo Sect’s Swiss branch, introducing the exhibition:

The large cloths are held in the air by strings or cords fastened to columns, but the fun doesn’t end there.… READ MORE

Off the rocker…

Bergoglio’s Rocker: Buenos Aires Rocker “Priest” has Endorsement from “Pope” Francis

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Cesar Scicchitano is the name of an Argentinian Novus Ordo priest in his mid-50s who is the frontman of a rock band called Los Pecadores. While such is by no means an unusual occurrence in Novus Ordo Land, this one comes with an added twist: “Father” Cesar’s undertaking has the explicit blessing of Jorge Bergoglio, the man otherwise known as “Pope” Francis. And that’s just the beginning.

According to a report published by the The China Post in 2013, Scicchitano has been friends with Francis for (now) over twenty years.… READ MORE

St. Paul’s church in Lexington, KY

Novus Ordo Parish blasphemes Our Lady as “Mother of Pride”

All are welcome at St. Paul’s — except for actual Catholics, we suspect…

The “Roman Catholic church” of St. Paul in Lexington, Kentucky, is a paragon of everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo Church, especially under Francis. A quick perusal of its web site and its Facebook page reveals quite clearly what matters most to the false Catholics occupying that traditional church building, and it’s not Catholicism.

The picture shown above is used by this “faith community” as its Facebook banner. It is a testimony to the fact that just about every aberrant sexual inclination a person could possibly have is celebrated and affirmed at this parish (or perish?).… READ MORE

Modernist “Catholic” church in Vienna…

New Churches for a New Religion:
Welcome to “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Austria

What do you mean, your mind isn’t raised to heavenly things?!

In the toxic theological wasteland known as the “New Springtime” of Vatican II, it is difficult to determine just which Novus Ordo “Catholic” church is the absolutely worst piece of sculptural garbage out there. However, the building officially known as Most Holy Trinity Church in Austria’s capital of Vienna is definitely among the top ten.

The picture above really speaks for itself; and although it only shows one side of the building, the rest of the monstrous edifice doesn’t get any better.… READ MORE

Liturgical freak show in Land of Luther…

Send in the Clowns:
Liturgical Theater of the Absurd in Germany

The infamous Nativity of Mary (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, Germany, has done it again.

On Sunday, July 5, its pastor, Mr. Markus Krauth, uploaded three videos showing who-knows-what going on in his wreckovated church, apparently either before or during “Mass”. The spectacle is so absurd, you have to see it to believe it. Don’t speak German? Don’t worry — those who do, won’t understand what’s going on either:

In case the videos won’t play embedded in this post, you can watch them directly on YouTube here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


Evangelization in reverse!

Meet the Novus Ordo High Priest of Heavy Metal

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The Vatican II Sect is infamous for promoting, approving of, encouraging, and tolerating all kinds of evils and aberrations.

When in late 2017, a co-founder of the Australian hard rock band AC/DC was called to render an account before his Creator — and then probably quickly found himself on the highway to hell for the rock’n’roll damnation his band loved to sing about — the Novus Ordo Sect was right there to “accompany” the Satan admirers with a “Catholic” (i.e.READ MORE

The “Great Renewal” at work…

Lent in the Vatican II Church:
Introducing… Horror Stations of the Cross!

For people who can’t figure out why God would permit there to be a Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve got some new explanatory data coming to us from the burial chapel of St. Kilian’s Cathedral in Würzburg, Germany.

As all churches in the country are closed, the diocese of Würzburg released a video today with a “Stations of the Cross” liturgy to allow people to assist at this penitential exercise virtually. It was nothing short of a blasphemous parody of the Passion of Christ. The individual ultimately responsible for it is Mr.… READ MORE

The latest sacrilege in Schonborn’s cathedral…

Lenten Peek-A-Boo:
Oversized Sweater disfigures Cathedral in Vienna

No seamless garment: A view of Vienna cathedral’s sanctuary during Lent 2020

The Archlayman of Vienna, Mr. Christoph Schönborn, is no stranger to scandal, sacrilege, or blasphemy. Despite having been hospitalized recently for a pulmonary embolism, it seems that the 75-year-old apostate has no intention of dying in the state of sanctifying grace.

For the sacred season of Lent, Schonborn’s man in charge of the cathedral, “Fr.” Anton Faber, had the Austrian artist Erwin Wurm, who appears to specialize in the bizarre and the disturbing, design and put up a special Fastentuch (“Lenten cloth”).… READ MORE

“Merry Christmas” from Belgium…

Noël des Cathédrales: Belgian Cathedrals profaned with Flamboyant Theater for Christmas

“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end;
see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.” (Ps 73:3)

Belgium is one of the world’s greatest victims of the “New Springtime” of Vatican II.

By 2018, “Mass” attendance among those claiming to be Catholics there had dropped below 10%; and the youth, that much-touted “future of the Church”, aren’t helping: “Weekly Mass attendance ranged from 2-6 percent among young Catholics in Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Lithuania and Germany”, a 2018 report by Catholic News Agency states.… READ MORE

For World AIDS Day 2019

“Cardinal” Schönborn invites Sodom and Gomorrah back to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Viganò condemns

Drag queen Wurst performs in St. Stephen’s Cathedral at the invitation of “Card.” Schonborn

It’s that time of the year again: “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, the pretend-Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, has once again invited representatives of the sodomite lobby and their abettors to desecrate the Cathedral of St. Stephen (Stephansdom) with “artistic performances” under the pretext of raising money for people who suffer from AIDS or are infected with HIV. He hosted this “charity” event together with his sidekick, the cathedral rector “Fr.”READ MORE

Novus Horror Show…

“Embodied Souls”: Italian Novus Ordo Parish installs Horrid Artwork for Advent

The “Catholic” church of Beata Vergine Immacolata (“Blessed Virgin Immaculate”) in Longuelo, Italy, is an architectural monster, both on the outside (see front and side) and on the inside. Construction on the eyesore was completed in 1965, the last year of the Second Vatican Council, the assembly that made the Novus Ordo religion what it is.

The parish refers to itself on its web site as a “Christian community” and is part of the diocese of Bergamo. That’s the diocese into which Angelo Roncalli was born, the first Antipope of the Vatican II Sect (“St.… READ MORE

A clarification that doesn’t make it much better…

Follow-Up to Novus Ordo Homo “Wedding”:
Diocese explains what happened

Two days ago, we published the post “Official ‘Catholic’ Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ in Austria”, using information from the semi-trad news and commentary site GloriaTV and the Graz-Seckau diocesan web site. What to any reasonable and objective observer looked like a “Catholic” pseudo-wedding ceremony for two lesbians, was almost that but not exactly. Considered in its entirety, what took place is, in a sense, even worse.

The conservative Novus Ordo Austrian news site kath.net contacted the diocese to ask them to explain what happened, and the response they received from the diocesan spokesman, Thomas Stanzer, was translated by Life Site.… READ MORE

Sodomy made into a Novus Ordo sacrament…

Official “Catholic” Same-Sex “Wedding” in Austria

[UPDATE 14-NOV-19: Follow-Up to Homo “Wedding”: Diocese explains what happened

It was bound to happen before long: Two lesbian women have “married” each other in a “Catholic wedding” at St. Margarethen Church in Wolfsberg, Austria, which belongs to the diocese of Gurk in the state of Carinthia.

Gloria TV has published a news blurb on this with numerous photos documenting the abomination:

The spiritual criminal who officiated the ceremony was “Fr.” Michael Kopp, who is himself not exactly the epitome of masculinity at least visually.… READ MORE