For Conclusion of Centennial…

Fatima in the Dark: Audiovisual Light Show to be projected onto Fatima Cathedral

This coming Friday, Oct. 13, marks the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal, which was witnessed on this day in 1917 by approximately 70,000 people, believers and unbelievers alike. Our Lady had foretold that she would work a miracle on this day to underscore the authenticity, importance, and urgency of the message she had given to the three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria beginning on May 13 of the same year.

To commemorate this event and at the same time to close the festivities for the Fatima centennial, the Novus Ordo Sect has once again found a way to dishonor the Virgin Mary and profane the sacred: The facade of the beautiful traditional basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary is to be turned into a projector screen for an audiovisual light show to “pay tribute” to the Mother of God and the Fatima apparitions.… READ MORE

Buon Pranzo!

“Pope” Francis enjoys Lunch inside Bologna Cathedral

Countless Novus Ordo parents who have taught their children not to bring food into church, have egg on their face today, as “Pope” Francis enjoyed a “solidarity luncheon” with prisoners, poor people, and refugees inside San Petronio Basilica in Bologna, Italy. This event was featured explicitly as part of the “Holy Father’s” schedule for the day.

No doubt the usual Francis defenders will find ways to excuse this profanation of a house consecrated for the worship of God. They may point to Francis’ “magnanimity” for the outcast, seek to find precedent in King David’s eating of the show bread in the Temple (see Mt 12:3-4), or remind us that Christ first gave people to eat before He instructed them (see Jn 6).… READ MORE

Another abomination of desolation…

Profanation in Rome:
Anglican Liturgy celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica

Today is the fourth anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio’s election as head of the apostate Vatican II Sect. What’s a fitting way to mark that special day? How about an Anglican liturgy inside St. Peter’s Basilica at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter?

That’s exactly what happened today.

Curiously, the event was not advertised very much; but on Feb. 7, readers of this blog were informed of the upcoming sacrilege:

It remains to be seen if there will be a decent amount of news coverage or if the Vatican and other Novus Ordo news outlets will try to keep reporting on this to a bare minimum. … READ MORE

What difference, at this point, does it make?

First-Ever Anglican Liturgy comes to St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican


[UPDATE 08-FEB-17 15:10 UTC: La Stampa confirms Anglican liturgy will take place at St. Peter’s]

Breaking news from the Anglican Centre in Rome: On March 13, 2017, the Vatican will permit its Anglican friends to celebrate a “Choral Evensong” at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. The Centre‘s web site has announced the event as follows:

On March 13, for the first time ever, Anglican Choral Evensong will be celebrated at the altar of the Chair of St Peter in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.


“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

Brave New Church:
The Counter-Council of Trent

You may recall that on Oct. 31, 2016, “Pope” Francis traveled to Lund, Sweden, for a joint commemoration of the Protestant Reformation (see our coverage here). Well, it didn’t take long for this milestone event to bear its expected rotten fruit.

In the historic city of Trent, Italy, where in the 16th century the Catholic Church held the glorious Council of Trent to refute the errors of Martin Luther and the Reformation, the Italian Conference of Novus Ordo Bishops recently joined up with Protestants to celebrate 500 years of the Lutheran heresy as part of a three-day conference on the Reformation that took place November 16-18, 2016 (see official program brochure here). … READ MORE

Sacrilege 2.0

Profanation in Cologne:

“SilentMOD” Light & Music Show inside Historic Cathedral as Part of Local Video Game Trade Fair

The High Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne, Germany, is one of the most complex and beautiful church buildings in the entire world. Construction of the breathtaking architectural marvel lasted for 632 years, beginning under Pope Innocent IV in 1248 — when St. Albert the Great was still alive — and ending in 1880 under Pope Leo XIII.

This beautiful sacred building is currently undergoing Novus-Ordo-approved profanation by means of a music and light show in connection with the annual local video game trade fair known as Gamescom.… READ MORE

Move over, Last Supper…

Here comes Francis’ Foot-Washing Circus:
3 Heretics, 3 Muslims, 1 Hindu

Time again for Francis to turn all the focus on himself!

It’s that time of the year again: During the most sacred time of the year, when Catholics around the globe are supposed to be focusing on the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the First Holy Mass, at which time Christ instituted the Most Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Priesthood, the Novus Ordo Sect is redirecting everyone’s thoughts to — who else? — Francis. The all-important question on everyone’s mind is: Whose feet will Francis wash this time?READ MORE

It’s a Fun Church, after all…

Mocking the Holy Sacrifice: Francis encourages Altar Boy to treat Holy Mass as a Joke

Oh, the gaudium!

Since we haven’t heard enough from the “Pope” in the last three years, Francis has just released another book, this time one for children, in which he answers their questions. The work is entitled Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World and has been published in various languages, the English version being offered by Loyola Press.

A few weeks ago, a first preview of the book was made available by the Novus Ordo Rorate Caeli blog, in which a 9-year-old Italian boy named Alessio asked Francis whether he had ever served as an altar boy.… READ MORE

The “New Springtime” strikes again…

Spain: 100-Year-Old Catholic Church Turned into Skate Park

Embed from Getty Images

In the Spanish city of Llanera, Asturias, there is a 100-year-old Catholic church by the name of Santa Barbara, completed in 1917. The church still exists, but its interior has been destroyed: first by the Modernist Vatican II Sect, which used it for its false Modernist worship, and then, after it closed down because more and more people couldn’t see the point of practicing this new religion, by secularists who have literally transformed this sacred building — in which the Son of God Incarnate once dwelled — into a skater park.… READ MORE

The Novus Ordo Religion at work…

The Sacred and the Profane:
Trashing God’s House in France

If there’s one thing the Modernist Novus Ordo Sect is good at, it’s profaning that which is holy. In the original (long version) of the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel composed by Pope Leo XIII, the Sovereign Pontiff speaks of “most crafty enemies” of the Church who “have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions” (see Acta Sanctae Sedis XXIII [1890-91], pp. 743-747.). These impious hands are still actively at work in dismantling every visible reminder of the true religion that still remains, and they come under the guise of legitimate Catholic authorities who are in reality agents of Freemasonry with the aim of eradicating Catholicism from the face of the earth.… READ MORE

If you thought you’d seen it all…

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet if you ain’t seen…
Father Bob Maguire!

We struggle for words to introduce to you Father — yes, he’s actually a real priest — Bob Maguire, an eccentric celebrity in the “Archdiocese” of Melbourne, Australia. “Everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo in one man” — that is perhaps the best one-line description one can give of this anti-Catholic lowlife.

The video below shows Fr. Maguire’s final Novus Ordo “Mass” at his parish of Ss. Peter and Paul, which he perpetrated on January 29, 2012, having resisted his forcible retirement for over two years.… READ MORE

“See what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)…

Belgian “Bishop” Approves of Dog Funeral, Defends “Priest”

You may want to put on your surprise face if you still have one left at this point. On April 25, 2015, we reported on a scandalous prayer event in a Catholic Church in Belgium: A Novus Ordo presbyter had given a funeral-like service to a dog, a chihuahua, to “accompany” the people in their “grief” and extend “compassion” to them. He specifically pointed out that he was doing this as part of a response to “Pope” Francis’ call for reaching out to the “peripheries” of society.… READ MORE

“Give not that which is holy to dogs” (Mt 7:6)…

Gone to the Dogs: “Catholic” Quasi-Funeral Service for Dead Chihuahua in Belgium

The Novus Ordo Sect has reached a new low in Belgium. Explicitly citing “Pope” Francis’ call to reach out to the peripheries, “Fr.” Francis Lallemand has conducted a “Liturgy of the Word” quasi-funeral /bereavement service for a dog in his parish church of St. Victor in Sambreville, Belgium. The abomination took place on Wednesday, April 22. Lallemand is part of the “Catholic” diocese of Namur, whose local “bishop” is Remy Victor Vancottem, appointed by Benedict XVI in 2010.… READ MORE

Worshipping God in church is so pre-Vatican II…

“Night of Lights” Profanes Catholic Church Building

“They have set fire to thy sanctuary: they have defiled the dwelling place of thy name on the earth.” (Ps 73:7)

Watching this 14-minute video above will send shivers down your spine. Once more a traditional Catholic church building — you know, the kind built by Catholics for the sake of adoring God Almighty in the Most Blessed Sacrament — has been abused by the Novus Ordo Sect for anything other than Catholic worship. In the above clip, what you see is a presentation of Nacht der Lichter (“Night of Lights”) in St.… READ MORE

“By their fruits you shall know them…” (Mt 7:16)

Blase Cupich, Enemy of Christ

The following photo is taken from the Catholic Conclave blog, which provides excellent video and pictorial evidence of the catastrophic state the Novus Ordo Church is in. The picture shows St. Turibius chapel at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, before and after the rector, Mr. Blase Cupich, took his axe to it.

[UPDATE 08-SEP-2017: For the sake of truth and fairness we must point out that water damage may have required the mural to be painted over in 1989. However, the entire sanctuary was trashed, not merely the mural painted over with a depressing grey.]READ MORE