Watch at your own risk…

They’ve lost it completely:
“Ash Wednesday of Artists” in Cologne Basilica

The Modernist layman who currently pretends to be the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, Mr. Rainer Maria Woelki, led an Ash Wednesday “Mass” in the Basilica of St. Cunibert on March 6. The liturgical horror how was entitled Aschermittwoch der Künstler, literally, “Ash Wednesday of Artists”.

Words cannot describe what you are about to witness. The woman making the noises with her mouth and feet is Irene Kurka.

One thing is certain: Watching this is Lenten penance on steroids, strictest mortification of the sense of hearing.… READ MORE

“…make not the house of my Father a house of traffic” (Jn 2:16)

“Cardinal” Barbarin turns Church into Restaurant for World Day of the Poor

“Thou, O Lord, hast chosen this house for thy name to be called upon therein,
that it might be a house of prayer and supplication for thy people.” (1 Machabees 7:37)

Since there hasn’t been enough sacrilege and desecration in (formerly) Catholic churches throughout France since the 1960s, the Archlayman of Lyon, “Cardinal” Philippe Barbarin, decided to help out a bit.

On Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018, on the occasion of the Vatican-created World Day of the Poor, the Modernist pseudo-shepherd invited 700 needy people to a professionally-catered luncheon inside the beautiful church of St.READ MORE

Psalm 73:3 Alert…

“Cardinal” Schönborn hosts Flamboyant Rock Play in Cathedral Sanctuary

Photo Credit: © APA/Hans Punz

December 1 is World AIDS Day, and for the Chief Modernist in Vienna that means it’s time to desecrate the Cathedral of St. Stephen again.

Last year, the Austrian capital’s “Cardinal-Archbishop” Christoph Schönborn used the beautiful and historic cathedral as a venue for an interconfessional prayer service he co-hosted with a blasphemous transvestite. What was officially labeled Mozart Requiem was de facto a massive “gay pride” promo celebrating Sodom and Gomorrah.

This year, Schönborn found another way to profane St. Stephen’s Cathedral: He invited a rock ensemble to perform a flamboyant play called Jedermann (reloaded) — “Everyman (reloaded)”.… READ MORE

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, example no. 829

An Ode to Francis:
Irish Singer gushes over Bergoglio

Later this month, the man most people in the world believe to be the Pope of the Catholic Church will be traveling to Dublin, Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families congress that will be held there from Aug. 21-26. One attendee who will be particularly excited about his arrival on the Emerald Isle is Emily Clarke, an Irish singer who has written a veritable ode to Jorge Bergoglio.

A video of Clarke performing her song inside a very traditional-looking Novus Ordo church has been published on YouTube, and you can watch it here:

The overall performance is grotesque.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

Novus Ordo Bishop puts Slogan on Cathedral Facade: “As long as God has a Beard, I am a Feminist”

A Masonic tool? The “Catholic Bishop” of Innsbruck, Austria: Mr. Hermann Glettler

If the Novus Ordo hierarchs aren’t busy committing heresy, it’s because they’re busy committing blasphemy. The latest example of that is found in Innsbruck, Austria. The diocesan Cathedral of St. James is currently undergoing exterior renovations, and with all the scaffolding in place, there is ample opportunity to affix a large banner with a message for all to see.

This fact did not escape the notice of the local “bishop”, Mr.READ MORE

The gates of hell are now open!

Welcome to Monster Church!

We all know that Francis is a big fan of open doors, at least when they’re not the doors to the Vatican finance offices.

By that standard, his favorite Novus Ordo church would have to be Sacred Heart Church (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Munich, pictured above, because no other building in the world can presumably open its doors more strikingly than this one. The building is essentially a cube made almost entirely out of glass, and its front facade consists of a gigantic portal that can be opened and closed at the push of a button.… READ MORE

Heretics worship at St. Paul’s-Outside-the-Walls in Rome…

Vatican permits Coptic Orthodox Mass in Catholic Basilica

Heretical-schismatic bishop Tawadros II enthroned in a Catholic basilica
(click image to enlarge)

[UPDATE 21-JUL-2018 06:37 UTC: Some say that the Copts have renounced their Monophysitism, pointing to an alleged 1988 common declaration with the Novus Ordo Sect. Apparently they claim to be “Miaphysites” instead. We apologize if we have unwittingly distorted precisely what Copts believe, but the main point of this article remains valid: The Vatican has permitted a heretical-schismatic sect to conduct its public worship in a Catholic basilica, and that is a grave affront to Almighty God and a scandal to souls.READ MORE

The sacred and the profane…

Rock Concert profanes Historic Catholic Shrine in Germany

The Novus Ordo Sect in Germany has once again managed to desecrate a beautiful traditional Catholic church building. This time, the place to be profaned was the historic Shrine of the Visitation (Wallfahrtskirche Maria Heimsuchung) in Klausen, a small town in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. As a place of pilgrimage, the historic site goes back to the late 1400s. More information, including plenty of photos, can be found at the following links:

On Friday, March 16, 2018, this beautiful church was profaned by a concert of the pelvis-swinging German rock/pop singer Guildo Horn (b.READ MORE

Novus Ordo “High” Mass?

Flying Monstrance:

“Eucharistic” Drone Delivery in Brazilian Novus Ordo Parish

The absuridty, impiety, sacrilege, and wickedness of the Vatican II Sect knows no bounds. The following video was taken at São Geraldo Majella (St. Gerard Majella) church in Sorocaba, Brazil, located in the “archdiocese” of Sorocaba. It is staffed by Novus Ordo Redemptorist presbyters:

[We had to remove this video from our YouTube channel for copyright reasons.]

The original video can still be viewed on Facebook here

For those unable to play the video: The Novus Ordo version of the Blessed Sacrament (mere bread and wine because invalid due to defect of form, sometimes defect of matter, and almost always defect of valid minister), enclosed in a monstrance, is lifted off the ground by a remote-controlled drone at the entrace of the church.… READ MORE

Just when you thought you’d seen it all…

Two-Horned Beast Altar in Germany

In the town of Zweibrücken, Germany, the Vatican II Sect now offers its Novus Ordo meal service on an “altar” decorated with the head of a two-horned beast. It was the Italian blog Messa in Latino that first drew attention to this monstrosity:

This blasphemous eyesore is the work of a Dominican sister named Burghildis Roth (1932-1987). The cover of a book on 25 of her sculptures gives a hint as to what other beauties she must have produced before God called her to render an account.

According to the parish’s web site, the “altar” is square in shape and displays a theme from the Apocalypse of St.READ MORE

Part of that “Great Renewal” of Vatican II…

Blasphemy In Your Face:
The Seminary Chapel in Graz, Austria

As the years progress, the apostasy perpetrated by the Novus Ordo Sect gets more and more audacious. Especially in Europe, open blasphemy in church architecture and “art” is not uncommon. We have shown many examples on this web site (for example, recall this beauty here or that outrage there), but a new one has just come to our attention that we do not wish to withhold from our readers. It is the interior of the seminary chapel in the diocese of Graz-Seckau, Austria:

(click image to enlarge)

What we see here is the typical Novus Ordo “sanctuary” with which soon-to-be “Saint” Paul VI graced the world, clearly modeled after the layout of a Masonic lodge.… READ MORE

Glad tidings of great joy look different…

The Frankie Horror Picture Show:
A Look at the Vatican’s harrowing Nativity Scene

[UPDATE 26-DEC-17: Baby Jesus in St. Peter’s Square Nativity scene is nude, not wrapped in swaddling clothes]

Repulsive, bizarre, frightening. These are adjectives one should not associate with the most beautiful event in history (together with Christ’s Passion and Resurrection), but the Vatican under “Pope” Francis entices people to do exactly that.

On December 7, Vatican City solemnly inaugurated its Christmas tree and Nativity scene at St. Peter’s Square. The video of the entire ceremony can be watched here:

The Nativity display does not, as one would expect, immediately draw one to contemplating the beautiful mystery of the Incarnation of God the Son.… READ MORE

Rock’n’Roll Damnation

On the Highway to Hell:

Satanic Rock Band Co-Founder gets Novus Ordo Funeral in Sydney Cathedral

Just because you are the co-founder, guitarist, and songwriter of a satanic rock band and persevere in this until God calls you to judgment, doesn’t mean you cannot get a “Catholic” funeral in the Vatican II Sect.

This is evident in the case of Malcolm Young, co-founder of AC/DC, the infamous Australian hard rock band that has perverted the souls of generations since its inception in 1973 with such songs as Highway to Hell, Back in Black, Sin City, Hard as a Rock, Rock’n’Roll Damnation, and Hells Bells (caution!… READ MORE

Ugly “road churches” in Germany

Introducing… Autobahn Church!

German Autobahn churches have the ignoble distinction of being typically among the ugliest possible buildings the human race can build, even for Novus Ordo standards.

In this post we will take a close look at just one example, the Autobahn church located in Wilnsdorf, off the A45 interstate expressway in the Siegerland region in southern Westphalia. It is a doozy of an architectural monstrosity. It looks like this:

The infernal building is open 24/7 and has been in operation since 2013. It has its own web site here. Wait till you see the inside (further below)!… READ MORE

Darkness over Fatima…

False Lights at Fatima:
Basilica Façade profaned with Light Show

The pre-announced profanation of the facade of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal, took place as scheduled. On Oct. 12, 13, and 14, an elaborate multimedia light show called Fátima — Tempo de Luz (“Fatima — Time of Light”) was projected onto the facade of the traditional church building consecrated to the worship of God in October of 1953.

Details concerning this light show were included in our Oct. 9 post announcing the event:

Here is the official video made of the 13-minute spectacle as it was performed on Oct.… READ MORE