The worship of man, not God…

‘Disco Mass’ defiles Catholic Church in Germany

“It is written: My house is the house of prayer…” (Lk 19:46)

‘Pope’ Francis will be relieved to hear this: The Church of the Holy Cross in the tiny settlement of Borkenwirthe in Germany did not offer the Traditional Latin Mass this past January 28. Instead, it had advertised a “Disco Mass” for young people — and it followed through with the threat.

A two-and-a-half minute video report of the spectacle summarizes what took place — audiovisually and verbally:

The pews were packed, perhaps also because there was absolutely no risk of being confronted with Catholicism.… READ MORE

Meant to depict horrors of sexual abuse…

German Synodal Way Ends with Grotesque Performance in Frankfurt Cathedral

The fifth and (hopefully) final assembly of the notorious “Synodal Way” (Synodaler Weg) of the German branch of the Vatican II Church is currently underway in Frankfurt. It began yesterday and will finish tomorrow, Mar. 11, 2023.

The news coming out of today’s meeting is not surprising: “Participants in the synodal way’s final assembly overwhelmingly endorsed a document Friday urging German bishops to permit same-sex blessings officially in their dioceses”, The Pillar reports. Just imagine!

The German Synodal Way is the most radical representation of the Bergoglian ideology, as they lobby for progressivist “reforms” of the most egregious and disgusting nature.… READ MORE

So inviting and edifying!

Welcome to Vienna:
‘Donau City Church’ is waiting for you!

Donau City is a part of Vienna, the capital of Austria. It means “Danube City” and was established in 1996. Home to a lot of skyscrapers with offices and apartments, it has an impressive-looking skyline.

In such hip surroundings, of course a cool, contemporary Novus Ordo church cannot be missing. This is where “Donau City Church” comes in. Actually, its proper name is Christ, Hope of the World Church, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at it, as the image above demonstrates.

Donau City Church is part of a larger parish family and belongs to the Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Vienna, which is still being led by the quasi-Satanist ‘Cardinal’ Christoph Schönborn (b.READ MORE

Conquering new spiritual heights, eh?

Getting into the Swing of Lent… literally

Lent is always a really exciting time in the Vatican II religion, at least in the churches of Germany and Austria. You just never know what you’re going to get when you step inside one of those buildings that still use the misleading label “Catholic church”.

Often the surprises and discoveries encountered in such churches are hard to put into words — they’re things one must simply see or hear to believe.

Perhaps the most bizarre spectacle ever to grace a German church was what took place on Mar.… READ MORE

‘But it’s for the poor!’

Famous Roman Basilica converted into Mess Hall for Christmas Luncheon

(image: Sipa USA / Alamy Stock Photo)

On Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2022, the Sant’Egidio Community of Rome celebrated its 40th annual Christmas luncheon inside the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere.

Vatican News reports excitedly:

Approximately 300 of Rome’s poor, homeless, and elderly people, as well as several Ukrainian refugees, attended the traditional Christmas luncheon organized by the Community of St. Egidio in Rome’s St. Mary in Trastevere Church.

After a countdown and Christmas greetings, guests were treated to generous portions of lasagna, meatloaf, lentils, and typical Christmas desserts.


“An Enemy hath done this…” (Mt 13:28)

‘Electric Church’ Concert profanes Vienna’s historic Votive Church

On April 29 of this year, the beautiful Catholic Votive Church (Votivkirche) of Vienna, Austria, was profaned with an infernal spectacle that must be seen to be believed.

The concerts of “Electric Church” have been defiling traditional Catholic church buildings for nearly 10 years, but always with the blessing of the official Novus Ordo authorities.

Long-time readers of this blog may recall that we first reported on Electric Church back in 2014:

A brief video review of this year’s Electric Church concert has been published on YouTube.… READ MORE

They must think we’re all idiots…

Words Fail: ‘Sacred Art’ in Austrian Chapel

What you see in the above image is not vandalism. It is much worse.

The red doodling on the walls and the ceiling is the work of Austrian artist Otto Zitko, perpetrated in 2003. He was commissioned to deface the holy space like this, apparently by the pastor.

The location of this frightful abomination is a side chapel, dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, that is part of St. Andrew’s parish (Sankt Andrä) in Graz, Austria. It lies within the diocese of Graz-Seckau, where “Bishop” Egon Kapellari was in charge at the time this blasphemous work was carried out.… READ MORE

The ‘Fun Church’ strikes again…

‘God is a DJ and We are the Music’:
Absurd Spectacle in German Novus Ordo Parish

The Catholic church of St. Bartholomew in Klarenthal near Saarbrücken, Germany, was built from 1925-27. Today the sacred edifice is occupied by the false Catholics of the Vatican II religion.

The sanctuary worship space has the unmistakable look of the “great renewal” of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), and really it is only the architecture of the building as a whole and the old pews that still remind one of the religion for which the church was originally built.… READ MORE

Watering down the Modernist liturgy…

Novus Ordo “Mass” in the Ocean
— with Air Mattress Altar

UPDATES 27-JUL-2022:

Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae, the “New Mass” of the Vatican II Church, is the gift that keeps on giving.

While Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is currently making an apology tour through Canada, even donning a Native American headdress and getting smudged by the indigenous, an Italian news site is reporting on a “Mass at Sea” in which an air mattress was used as an altar.… READ MORE

Pachamama is hanging in there…

Mother Earth in Church:
‘Gaia’ Exhibition defiles Catholic Cathedral in Ireland

A gigantic spinning globe hangs from the ceiling of St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, June 15-26, 2022

How much the world has invaded the church since the 1960s is currently on striking display at St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, County Cork, Ireland.

A spinning giant replica of planet earth presently hangs from the ceiling of the magnificent Catholic cathedral that was constructed between 1868 and 1919. Called “Gaia”, after a pagan earth deity, this installation was created by artist Luke Jerram and is part of the Cork Midsummer Festival (June 15-26, 2022).… READ MORE

So graduates will ‘reach for the sky’…

The Heights of Absurdity:
Rock-Climbing Wall installed in Vienna Cathedral

The Archlayman of Vienna, “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, has once again found a way to defile the Cathedral of St. Stephen and hold it up to the mockery of the world.

Although this time it wasn’t a homosexual prayer service, a flamboyant rock play, or a fundraising gala featuring the sodomite lobby that disgraced the sacred place, nonetheless the scandalous false shepherd once again managed to pull off an entirely farcical and unworthy spectacle in this temple originally consecrated to the worship of the Most Holy Trinity.… READ MORE

“Lenten shroud” hung above high altar…

Despicable “Art” Installation at Austrian Church for Lent

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

The beautiful 18th-century Church of St. John Nepomucene (Johanneskirche) in Innsbruck, Austria, is currently being defiled with a most despicable piece of “art” that is obviously meant to profane the sacred, provoke the imagination and the emotions, and make a mockery of Roman Catholicism yet again.

The project comes with the official approval of the notorious “Bishop” Hermann Glettler, the ordinary of Innsbruck, who delights in all kinds of works that allow him to express his contempt for the sacred under the cover of promoting “art”.… READ MORE

“Impressive”, eh?!

Indelible Signs:
Free Tattoos offered in Novus Ordo church in Frankfurt

If you thought the “Show-Your-Tattoo Mass” we reported on in 2014 was bad, wait till you read this story.

On Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany, the historic 16th-century Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), currently used as a monastic church and occuppied by clerics of the Vatican II Sect, was defiled by an absurd spectacle: For a total of roughly five hours, the church was open for people to enter and get a calligraphical tattoo imprinted on their skin, free of charge. Participants had to choose from one of eight pre-selected words or phrases.… READ MORE

For a “new bond with the earth”…

Eco-Religion: “Earth Altar” installed at Novus Ordo Parish in Germany

The notorious Novus Ordo parish of Maria Geburt (“Nativity of Mary”) in Aschaffenburg, Germany, has done it again.

This past Oct. 3, while Roman Catholics were celebrating the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux and the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost, pastor Markus Krauth was celebrating something else at this former, and formerly gorgeous, Catholic church.

Officially, it was the German Erntedankfest, an annual feast of thanksgiving to God for the harvest that is commemorated also liturgically. Krauth decided to commemorate it as Erdedankfest, meaning he replaced the word for “harvest” (Ernte) with the word for “earth” (Erde).… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

The Stuff of Nightmares:
“Catholic” Horror Chapel in Manila, Philippines

After focusing on so much news about Traditionis Custodes, we take a brief break today to publish another one of our famous “ugly church” posts — and here we’re using the term “church” rather loosely.

Today’s beauty comes from the Philippines. It is the “Chapel of the La Sallian Martyrs” and is part of De La Salle–College of Saint Benilde, Vito Cruz campus, in the Filipino capital of Manila. The “chapel” is located in the School of Design and Arts building, which says a lot about the school’s understanding of both.… READ MORE