For notorious diocese of Lexington, Kentucky…

Director of ‘Catholic’ Sodomite Ministries receives Handwritten Encouragement from ‘Pope’ Francis

The ‘Catholic’ Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, has published a hand-written note from ‘Pope’ Francis sent to a certain Stan ‘J.R.’ Zerkowski.

This Mr. Zerkowski is not just anyone. According to his Facebook page, he is…

And that’s not all. Zerkowski is also the — please pardon the pun — proud author of Coming Out and Coming Home, a work published in 2022 by Butler Books.… READ MORE

St. Paul’s church in Lexington, KY

Novus Ordo Parish blasphemes Our Lady as “Mother of Pride”

All are welcome at St. Paul’s — except for actual Catholics, we suspect…

The “Roman Catholic church” of St. Paul in Lexington, Kentucky, is a paragon of everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo Church, especially under Francis. A quick perusal of its web site and its Facebook page reveals quite clearly what matters most to the false Catholics occupying that traditional church building, and it’s not Catholicism.

The picture shown above is used by this “faith community” as its Facebook banner. It is a testimony to the fact that just about every aberrant sexual inclination a person could possibly have is celebrated and affirmed at this parish (or perish?).… READ MORE