Pope Pius XII on the Unchanging Orthodoxy of the Papal Teaching Office
One of the main services Novus Ordo Watch tries to render to the public is the making available of, or raising awareness concerning, Catholic magisterial texts that are not widely known or have not before been published online in English. There is a wealth of pre-Vatican II papal teaching ‘on the books’ that, unfortunately, is largely unknown even to traditional Catholics; thus we are trying to do our part to help remedy this situation. Thankfully, with recent advances in technology, discovering and spreading it has become easier and easier.… READ MORE
Address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to Newlyweds on the Perpetual Teaching of the Living Peter, January 17, 1940
There exists in Rome an ancient and pious practice, which even the most illustrious personages have more than once performed, for newly married couples to make a devout visit to the Patriarchal Basilica of the Vatican, to repeat their Catholic beliefs and to implore perseverance in the faith for their new homes. And you, dear sons and daughters, through a particularly happy coincidence, have come here on the very eve of the day on which the Church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St.… READ MORE
The Holy Death of Pope St. Pius X 110 Years Ago (1914-2024)
Off to Receive his Eternal Reward:Pope St. Pius X died Aug. 20, 1914
Today commemorates a most joyous occasion for all true Catholics: Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, better known as Pope Pius X, gave up his beautiful soul to God exactly 110 years ago today, on August 20, 1914. Despised by the world and by the Modernists, and by many a supposed “Catholic”, St. Giuseppe Sarto was eminently pleasing to His Creator. He cared not for the opinion of this world, He only cared to do the will of God.… READ MORE
The Fanciful Theology of Fr. Gregory Hesse (1953-2006):
Some Worthwhile Observations
This article was updated on Feb. 23, 2024, replacing incorrect documentation with the proper (and even stronger) evidence. Please excuse the oversight.
The Austrian ‘Fr.’ Gregorius D. Hesse (1953-2006) was a one-of-a-kind recognize-and-resist traditionalist from Vienna. Somehow he always managed to sound convincing while he dished out unconventional theological ideas that were usually quite unique to him. He and his devoted cheerleaders considered his theology to be exemplary ‘traditional Catholicism’, of course, and his fan base ate it up (recent case in point: Kennedy Hall).… READ MORE
Address to the Sixth National Week on New Pastoral Methods
September 14, 1956
WITH all Our heart We welcome you, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons who are taking part in the “Sixth National Week on New Pastoral Methods” here in the eternal city.
We realize that in choosing Rome as the site of your meetings this year, your Central Office wanted to pay filial tribute to Our person, while giving evidence of your development and of your firm resolution to spread your influence as far as possible. And, as a matter of fact, this dear mother of ours — Rome — has a way of anointing with the chrism of universality any kind of activity which shares her spirit, even activities which have sprung up in far-off regions, as she receives in exchange the valuable contribution which they have to offer.… READ MORE
‘Paradigm Shift’: Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution
An extremely significant development took place in the Vatican on Nov. 1, 2023: The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, more commonly known under his stage name ‘Pope Francis’, published a so-called Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio — Latin for ‘on his own initiative’ — approving new statutes for the Pontifical Academy of Theology, originally founded by Pope Clement XI in 1718.
In this fairly brief document, so far available on the Vatican web site only in Italian, the false pope calls for nothing less than a revolution in theology, a ‘paradigm shift’ that will have incalculable, frightful consequences in the long term.… READ MORE
In new Interview, Francis rebukes Traditionalists, calls himself ‘Victim of the Holy Spirit’
Few people love to hear themselves talk more than the octogenarian apostate Jorge Bergoglio from Buenos Aires. Under his appropriated moniker ‘Pope Francis’, the stream of words that continually pours from his profane lips does immense damage to countless souls who mistakenly think this Modernist Jesuit is the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ, the Father and Teacher of all Christians.
Segment 1 — Ecclesiastical déjà vu: the eerie similarities between the 1960s and today; critique of a recent Remnant article by Robert Morrison; ecumenical requiem for a glacier; some comments on the Victor Manuel Fernandez appointment; how Vatican City defends its own borders; Vatican condemns desecration of religious symbols as offense against human dignity; president of ‘Pontifical International Marian Academy’ says Marian apparitions that warn of divine punishment are false.
Segment 2 — Francis’ message to World Youth Day pilgrims; Francis to travel to Mongolia; comments on the upcoming Synod on Synodality; response to Remnant editor Michael Matt and his ‘Bellarmine Moment’; critique of Peter Kwasniewski’s attempt to bring a Coptic Orthodox man back to the Vatican II Church.
The Last Encyclical:
Pope Pius XII and the Persecuted Church
On July 14, 1958, Pope Pius XII released the encyclical letter Meminisse Iuvat, on the Persecuted Church. It was his last encyclical and thus the last such document from a true Pope for the time being.
The full text in English is available at the Papal Encyclicals Online web site:
That the Holy Father’s final encyclical should have the Church Persecuted for its main theme proved to be providential, considering what transpired after his death, especially during and after the so-called Second Vatican Council (1962-65).… READ MORE
Beware of false apparitions and suspect devotions…
The Divine Mercy Devotion:
Condemned by the Vatican in 1959
Only few people have never heard of the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion. It has its origin in the alleged visions of a Polish nun by the name of Sr. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. The “Divine Mercy” devotion is extremely popular in the Vatican II Church, owing for the most part to the efforts of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, first as the “Archbishop” of Cracow, then as “Pope” John Paul II.
A great number of traditional Catholics, as well, have been led to accept this devotion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes confused with the most noble and laudable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is based chiefly on the revelations of Our Lord to St.… READ MORE
In a Jan. 31 article suspiciously entitled “The Eucharist is about More than the Real Presence” — a write-up meant to contribute to the “Eucharistic revival” the Novus Ordo bishops of the United States want to bring about — Reese openly proclaims his rejection of Transubstantiation, which was defined dogmatically and infallibly at the Council of Trent in the 16th century.… READ MORE
Refuting ten Bergoglian errors about capital punishment…
Bergoglian Naturalism on Display:
New ‘Pope Video’ seeks Abolition of Death Penalty
The Vatican has released the September 2022 edition of its monthly Pope Video.
Begun in January of 2016 with a bold promotion of Indifferentism, the Pope Video is an elaborate way to showcase “Pope” Francis’ prayer intentions for each month. It is an initiative of the so-called Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
For September 2022, the intention of the man otherwise known as Jorge Bergoglio is “for the abolition of the death penalty”, and it is phrased as follows: “We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.”… READ MORE
The Vatican and the Ecumenical Movement:
From Stern Condemnation to Enthusiastic Approval
The Second Vatican Council in session (image: manhai/Flickr/CC BY 2.0; cropped)
The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is the Modernist robber synod that was presided over by Angelo Roncalli (“Pope John XXIII”) and Giovanni Battista Montini (“Pope Paul VI”) to usher in the new religion that has since replaced Catholicism not only in the Vatican but also in all dioceses and religious orders under its jurisdiction.
To this very day there are still people who claim that the documents released by this fateful assembly, typically abbreviated as “Vatican II”, do not represent a genuine rupture in Catholic doctrine compared to the prior magisterium of 1,900 years.… READ MORE
As wrong as it is to mistreat others, it’s not sacrilege…
Francis claims mistreating Human Beings is “Sacrilege”:
A Reality Check on the Sacred and the Profane
When it concerns man rather than God, he gets serious: The apostate pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio
You know something is off when Francis complains about sacrilege. He’s just not into religion enough to be concerned about the profanation of the sacred. In fact, if there is one thing he is really good at, besides uttering heresy and blasphemy, it’s committing sacrilege.
Breaking news out of Rome: The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) has announced he will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, together with the Ukraine, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25. … READ MORE
How ironic, but it seems that Francis is now in a similar situation as Benedict XVI was from 2013-22: He sits in the Vatican and is shielded from the world - almost no one gets to see him. #popefrancis #catholic #vatican
Nothing to see here, just that "controversial story of former Catholic bishop Xavier Novell, who left the priesthood for satanic-erotica author Silvia Caballol" - #catholictwitter #catholicchurch
@badatcatholic @MeyerRen3 @ian11511 @FrJMawdsley This is what we're talking about: "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have this bread (or wine) to offer, fruit of the earth (vine) and work of human hands, It will become for us the bread of life (spiritual drink)" - https://t.co/A1cYWcT89J
@habibianalytics Easy to say so many years after the fact with so much information easily available at our fingertrips. Regardless, all these Popes had to answer before God, who judged them much better than you or I ever could.
@ceclricr Because then it would reach a lot more people, for example. When Mr. Burke denounces apostasy, no secular media outlet cares. If he were to denounce 'Pope' Francis as an apostate destroying the Church, that would get media attention.
Vatican News wants you to believe Francis was "leading from the hospital" because he signed off on a few things, denounced wars, and allegedly wrote a letter to a newspaper in between getting treated for pneumonia, having choking attacks, suffering the beginnings of kidney