The first fruits of Vatican II…

Behold the “New American Catholic” of 1968

Fr. William Nerin (1926-2020) presides over a liturgical travesty

In the last post, we saw that Paul VI himself came up with the expression “Conciliar Church” in March of 1966 to describe the ecclesial monstrosity his Second Vatican Council had created.

In the present post, we will look at some of the first fruits, so to speak, of that New Church in the United States.

In June of 1968, the American TV channel NBC aired a 50-minute documentary entitled The New American Catholic, and it shows how unrecognizable this new “Catholic Church” was less than 10 years after Pope Pius XII had died.… READ MORE

A frightening thought!

False Pope Paul VI to Lay Leaders in 1966: Transform Yourselves “into the Image of the Conciliar Church”!

(Image: © KEYSTONE Pictures USA / used with permission)

It is often thought that the first appearance of the term “Conciliar Church” was in 1976, when “Archbishop” (later “Cardinal”) Giovanni Benelli, then the Vatican’s Substitute Secretary of State, wrote in a letter to Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX):

Do not use as a pretext the confused state of the seminarians who were to be ordained: this is just the opportunity to explain to them and to their families that you cannot ordain them to the service of the Church against the will of the supreme Pastor of the Church.


Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Catholicism and the Post-Catholic Church:

TRADCAST 031 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on Nov. 10: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

TRADCAST 031 features a diversity of topics: We begin the first segment by contrasting Francis’ insistence that no one be marginalized, excluded, or discriminated against for being different, with his new Vatican City ordinance that excludes from entry all those who do not present a so-called “Green Pass”.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 031 (10 NOV 2021)


  • Segment 1: No exclusion or discrimination? Vatican hypocrisy at Francis’ direction / From Benedict’s Peace to Francis’s War: Semi-Trads fight losing battle against Francis on Traditional Latin Mass / Are Canonizations Infallible?: Some thoughts on the Novus Ordo canonization controversy / Questions and answers on Vatican II: Word on Fire‘s “Bp.” Robert Barron vs. The Remnant‘s Chris Jackson
  • Segment 2: A fun game: “Pope” Francis vs. the Dalai Lama / Comments on Lecture “The Case for Sedevacantism” / Recent developments at One Peter Five and the tragic fall of Steve Skojec / Analysis and commentary on Pedro Gabriel’s article “The Modernist Root of Radical Traditionalism”
  • Total run time: 1 hr 24 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Consistorial allocution of May 24, 1976

Paul VI in 1976: Vatican II is Binding, New Mass is Obligatory and Replaces the Old

Abp. Giovanni Montini played “Pope Paul VI” from 1963-78
(image credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

If you’ve been researching Catholic Traditionalism for a while, chances are you’ve come across the argument made by recognize-and-resist apologists that “Pope” Paul VI (1963-78) himself confirmed that his Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was neither infallible nor binding.

The line of argumentation given in Taylor Marshall’s 2019 book Infiltration is characteristic of this approach:

Pope Paul VI promulgated Dignitatis humanae on 7 December 1965, and the next day he closed the Second Vatican Council and stated: “The magisterium of the Church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements” [footnote: Pope Paul VI, Discourse closing Vatican II, 7 December 1965].


Antipope Paul VI

Allocution to the Consistory of May 24, 1976

Giovanni Battista Montini as “Pope Paul VI”
(image credit: Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

Venerable Brothers,

Since the day on which, now more than three years ago, by the fixing of the number of Cardinal Electors, we filled the gaps created in your Sacred College, this latter has suffered the sad loss of our Brethren whom we all remember with affectionate sorrow, and on the other hand, some of its members have reached the established age at which they can no longer take part in the election of the Roman Pontiff.… READ MORE

Not just optional suggestions from a pastoral council…

Paul VI in 1970 calls Vatican II “Authoritative Compendium of Doctrine”

Antipope Paul VI misled souls from 1963-1978
(image: World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo)

At a time when the recognize-and-resist traditionlists are running their engines at full throttle, now mainly due to the drama over “Pope” Francis’ Latin Mass suppressant Traditionis Custodes, it is important once again to draw attention to the fact that the popular resistance narratives these people have been spinning for decades simply do not jibe with reality.

Whether it be the myth that no Pope could ever abolish St.… READ MORE

Top Lefebvrist contradicts traditional Catholic doctrine

SSPX Superior General blasts Traditionis Custodes:
A Sedevacantist Critique

SSPX Superior General, Fr. Davide Pagliarani

Yesterday, on July 22, 2021, the headquarters of the Lefebvrist Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX or SSPX) in Menzingen, Switzerland, released an official Letter from its Superior General, Fr. Davide Pagliarani, in response to the recent “Apostolic Letter” issued motu proprio by “Pope” Francis, Traditionis Custodes, which severely limits the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 (“Traditional Latin Mass”) and eventually phases it out completely. It can be found here:

Unlike the polemical article “From the Reserve to the Zoo” which the SSPX news team had released on July 17, this more formal reaction from the Superior General is quite different in tone, yet just as stern on the issues.… READ MORE

It’s John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”: How the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer betrays the Crucified Christ

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Video interview with Sr. Mary Bernadette, CMRI

Eyewitness to the Modernist Revolution in the Catholic Church: A Nun tells her Story

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are happy to present to you an exclusive video interview with an eye witness to the Modernist revolution against the Catholic Church that took place during the 1960s.

In an hour-long conversation, Sister Mary Bernadette Urban, CMRI, recalls the turbulent years just after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), when Catholics found themselves bewildered at the Modernist revolution that had begun with the accession of the false popes John XXIII (1958-63) and Paul VI (1963-78).… READ MORE

Guess who was stoking the flames!

Paul VI and the “Smoke of Satan”

On June 29, 1972, for the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, the fake pope Paul VI (Abp. Giovanni Battista Montini) uttered what are perhaps the most well-known and most frequently quoted words of his false pontificate. He said that “through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God” (da qualche fessura entrato il fumo di Satana nel tempio di Dio).

Some time ago Vatican News made the audio clip available in which Montini can be heard uttering these words. It can be found on this page (it’s the seventh clip from the top).… READ MORE

Overhyped and underresearched…

Assessing Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration:
Bold Exposé or Controlled Opposition?

Resisting Francis to his face? On May 15, 2019, Dr. Taylor Marshall met “Pope” Francis in Rome at a general audience, at which time he gave him the first (signed) copy of Infiltration, days before its official release. Later, when discussing the meeting in a video, Marshall said, “People on social media have attacked me on both sides as being too nice to the Pope, or too mean to the Pope…” This is precisely the confusion one expects from the recognize-and-resist position he espouses — opposition to the “Holy Father”, but a cordial and ultimately insipid opposition.READ MORE

What Marshall omitted from Paul VI’s words…

Busted! How Taylor Marshall distorts what Paul VI really said about Vatican II

Abysmal research meets poor argumentation: Marshall holds up a copy of his book Infiltration in a July 16, 2020 video

Dr. Taylor Marshall has been busy cranking out YouTube videos and promoting his bestselling hack job Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (2019). How much his research and analysis are worth, can be seen in one of his latest clips.

After a recent flare-up in controversies about the apostate fake Second Vatican Council (1962-65), Marshall released a 66-minute video entitled “Does Vatican II Contain Error?READ MORE



  • Special Topic: PART 2 of critical review of Taylor R. Marshall’s book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 2019)
  • Segment 1: Chapters 21-32
  • Segment 2: Chapter 32 continued; Chapter 33; appendices; other reviews of Infiltration; how Marshall’s book got over 800 overwhelmingly positive reviews at Amazon on day of release [UPDATE: The electronic Kindle edition was released a week prior — this would account for a certain number of legitimate organic reviews by launch day for the print edition]; a challenge to Taylor Marshall; what Infiltration should have included but didn’t; concluding comments
  • Total run time: 2 hours 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Infernal Art and Architecture in the Vatican

The Vatican’s Hell Hall:
The Weird Mysteries of the Paul VI Audience Hall

Darkness Visible: Eerie, shrieking skull-like faces seem to peer out menacingly from the base 0f La Resurrezione, an eight ton sculpture, as “Pope” Francis speaks during an audience on November 21, 2015 at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. It is only one of the many bizarre things associated with this auditorium. (image: Getty Images/AFP / rights-managed)

by Francis Del Sarto

G.K. Chesterton once referred to architecture as “the most practical and the most dangerous of the arts.”… READ MORE