Historical tidbit from 1954…

No False Unity: Cardinal Stritch’s Rebuff of the Ecumenical Movement

His Eminence Cardinal Samuel Alphonsus Stritch (1887-1958) was the Archbishop of Chicago, Illinois, from 1940 until 1958.

In 1910 he was ordained a priest in Rome at the young age of 22 after Pope St. Pius X had granted him a special dispensation. Pope Benedict XV appointed him bishop of Toledo, Ohio, and named him a Domestic Prelate of His Holiness in 1921. Bp. Stritch became Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1930, and was appointed Archbishop of Chicago nine years later. Pope Pius XII elevated him to the status of cardinal in 1946.… READ MORE

The little-known Encyclical ‘Quartus Supra’…

Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of LEFEBVRIST Errors (1873)

On January 6, 1873, the magnificent Pope Pius IX published the encyclical letter Quartus Supra. It is addressed to “Our Venerable Brothers Anthony Peter IX, Patriarch of Cilicia, and the Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy and Laity, Our Beloved Children of the Armenian Rite Who are in Loving Communion with the Apostolic See.”

This beautiful magisterial text concerns the threat of an emerging schism in the Armenian church and refutes the specious argumentation brought forward by those trying to justify their disobedience while still claiming to be loyal subjects of the Pope.… READ MORE

When sentimentalism replaces Catholicism…

False Forgiveness: Bergoglio promotes Feelings-Based Theology in Sermon for Divine Mercy Sunday

In the Roman rite of the Catholic Church, the first Sunday after Easter is traditionally known as Low Sunday, White Sunday, or Quasimodo Sunday. This year, it fell on April 24.

In the Vatican II Sect, it has been known as “Divine Mercy Sunday” since 2000 on account of the suspect and dangerous Divine Mercy devotion that was allegedly revealed to Sister Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). Although it was condemned in 1959 along with pictures and writings promoting it, the devotion was later rehabilitated and promoted especially by “Pope” John Paul II, who “canonized” Sr.… READ MORE

Fr. Felix Cappello, S.J., on a hot-button issue…

Distinguished Pre-Vatican II Theologian:
A Heretical Pope is Impossible

The Jesuit Fr. Felix Cappello (1879-1962) was an outstanding theologian of the Catholic Church. He held doctorates in Sacred Theology, philosophy, and canon law. He taught at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 1920 to 1959 and served as a Vatican advisor.

In 1911/12, Fr. Cappello’s 2-volume work De Curia Romana (“On the Roman Curia”) was published. Volume 2 deals specifically with the Roman Curia during a time when there is no Pope, the state of sede vacante. It contains a treatment of the question of the “heretical Pope” (Papa haereticus) and whether the Church has the power to depose him.… READ MORE

“Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying” (2 Th 2:10)…

Fatima Farce: Apostate Antipope consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Francis’ much-anticipated “Consecration of Russia” to the Immaculate Heart took place as scheduled today, Mar. 25, 2022, in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican as part of a penitential liturgy during which he himself ostentatiously went to confession. This blog post features the most important resources related to this event.

We call his stunt a “Fatima farce” not because we would in any way cast doubt on the authenticity of the apparitions, messages, warnings, or requests of Our Lady of Fatima, but because the man who performed the consecration is not the Pope, is not a Catholic, and is not a friend of Our Lady, the Mother of God.… READ MORE

Why some Catholics hold to the ‘Material-Formal Thesis’…

Apostolic Succession after Pope Pius XII:
Where is the Catholic Hierarchy?

In recent weeks there has been a considerable amount of online controversy among sedevacantists about the so-called “Material/Formal Theory” regarding the status of the Novus Ordo hierarchy, especially its so-called “popes”. Some cling adamantly to this thesis because they believe it to be significantly helpful or even essential to a proper understanding of the situation in the Catholic Church today, whereas others repudiate it because they judge it to be misleading or even a danger to the Faith. There are also those “in the middle” who do or don’t subscribe to the thesis but simply consider it a possible theological option, one that it would not be prudent to spend much time fighting over.… READ MORE

Allocution of Pope Pius XII

Magnificate Dominum (1954)

Address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to Cardinals, Archbishops, and Bishops on the Catholic Church and her Powers of Sanctifying and Ruling, Nov. 2, 1954

“Magnify the Lord with me; together let us extoll His name” (Ps. 33,4), for by a new favor from Heaven has Our desire been fulfilled, and at the same time We rejoice at the sight of you, beloved sons and venerable brothers, gathered before Us in such large numbers. And the consideration of the new liturgical feast of Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and Earth, which We just recently solemnly proclaimed, swells Our holy joy; for it is only fitting for her children to rejoice when they see an increase of honor accorded their mother.… READ MORE

Secretary to “one of the most powerful Vatican Cardinals”…

Vatican Source: ‘Pope is Dying’, Conclave Prep underway, credible Journalist reports

“Pope” Francis on Feb. 26, 2020

One has to be very careful with big breaking news stories, and few are bigger than the (supposed) Pope dying. Therefore, we will tread carefully here, but tread we must.

Conservative journalist John Gizzi, formerly a writer for Human Events, is currently the chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. Today, Dec. 7, he released the following report:

The brief article is behind a paywall, but the $1 immediate access fee will be affordable for most.… READ MORE

Response to Robert Morrison of ‘The Remnant’…

Built on Rock or on Sand? “Pope” Francis and the Divine Foundation of the Roman Catholic Church

On Nov. 16, 2021, the web site of the American semi-traditionalist newspaper The Remnant published an article by Robert Morrison entitled, “How the Modernists and Francis Turn Catholic Foundations into Sand”.

It is a justified critique of the Modernist concept of “faith” and Antipope Francis‘ synodal process, which is obviously aimed at changing the Catholic religion even further than the last 60 years have done. “But if everything is open to debate”, Morrison writes, “then we believe based on the consensus of men” and not on the authority of God revealing.… READ MORE

Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius VI

Super Soliditate (1786)

Bull of Pope Pius VI, issued on November 28, 1786, condemning the errors of Johann Valentin Eybel (1741-1805), also known as “Febronianism”

That the Church was established by Jesus Christ on the solid foundation of the rock (cf. Mt 16:18); that Peter, above all the others, was chosen by the singular favor of Jesus Christ, so that, having the power of his Vicar on earth, he became the Prince of the Apostolic College and received, in consequence, for himself and for his successors to the end of time, the charge and the supreme authority to feed the flock (cf.… READ MORE

Good-bye, Bergoglio?

“A Conclave is in the Air”: Francis Rumored to Resign in December and Regulate Role of ‘Pope Emeritus’

Today the Italian newspaper Libero has an explosive headline on its front page: “Francis ready to resign ‘due to health, not age’. Whispers in the Vatican: ‘There’s a conclave in the air’.”

It is the title to an article written by Vaticanist Antonio Socci. The full text has not yet been published in professional English translation [UPDATE: one is now available here]; however, it can be found online in the original Italian at the Libero site as well as at Socci’s own blog, which can easily be translated using tools such as deepl.comREAD MORE

Papal address of September 14, 1952…

Pope Pius XII on the Moral Limits of Medical Treatment

On Sep. 14, 1952, Pope Pius XII gave an address to the First International Congress on the Histopathology of the Nervous System.

In it, the Holy Father speaks to scientists and doctors about the moral limits of medical research and treatment, specifically with regard to new methods, procedures, and technologies being tried. Pope Pius also addresses the question of what rights the patient has over his own body and psyche, what rights the doctor has over the patient, and, perhaps most importantly of all, what rights the lawful public authority has over individuals in view of the common good — and doesn’t have.… READ MORE

Clear ideas on a confusing subject…

Is the Pope an Absolute Monarch?
The Authority of the Roman Pontiff in the Catholic Church

True Vicar of Christ: His Holiness, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-58)
(image: Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo)

We live in a post-Traditionis Custodes world. It is not surprising, therefore, that it has become more fashionable than ever now for recognize-and-resist traditionalists to try to find all sorts of ways to limit or downplay papal authority, lest they should actually have to submit loyally to the decree their extremely valid “Pope” Francis released this past July 16, which gradually phases out the Traditional Latin Mass.… READ MORE

Checkmate, Lefebvrists!

Pope St. Pius X slams Recognize-and-Resist, says Ultimate Criterion of Orthodoxy is Obedience to Living Magisterium

There is Catholic Tradition and then there is “Catholic Tradition”.

The former is what one actually finds in the traditional (i.e. pre-Vatican II) Catholic theology books and the pronouncements of the papal magisterium, whereas the latter is a popularly-accepted caricature thereof that consists of an assortment of quasi-theological ideas cobbled together from select quotations and slogans that were once popularized by recognize-and-resist apologists like Michael Davies (1936-2004) and have been perpetuated ever since by the Lefebvrists and their theological cousins.

One only has to think of how these would-be traditionalists frequently appeal to alleged “papolatry”, “Ultramontanism”, and “false obedience” to justify their position, and how they make arguments along the lines of “we’ve had bad Popes before”, “St.READ MORE

Encyclical ‘Mediator Dei’ of 1947…

Pope Pius XII on ‘Traditionis Custodes’:

The Authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Sacred Liturgy

In his landmark encyclical letter on the Sacred Liturgy, Pope Pius XII taught clearly and authoritatively:

The Church has further used her right of control over liturgical observance to protect the purity of divine worship against abuse from dangerous and imprudent innovations introduced by private individuals and particular churches. Thus it came about — during the 16th century, when usages and customs of this sort had become increasingly prevalent and exaggerated, and when private initiative in matters liturgical threatened to compromise the integrity of faith and devotion, to the great advantage of heretics and further spread of their errors — that in the year 1588, Our predecessor Sixtus V of immortal memory established the Sacred Congregation of Rites, charged with the defense of the legitimate rites of the Church and with the prohibition of any spurious innovation.