Introducing “ecocide”…

Pacha Papa: Francis announces he may update Catechism to include ‘Ecological Sins’

Will the cover of the next edition of the Novus Ordo Catechism look like this?

After leaving the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church untouched for over a whole year, it looks like it’s time for another major update. At least that’s an idea Francis is entertaining these days, and he’s not afraid to say so out loud.

As more and more real sins are becoming obsolete under the false Francis magisterium, new “sins” have to be made up to fill the void. The last update to the Novus Ordo Catechism made the state’s use of the death penalty into a mortal sin; the next addition could introduce the concept of “ecocide” — the killing of the environment.… READ MORE

A clarification that doesn’t make it much better…

Follow-Up to Novus Ordo Homo “Wedding”:
Diocese explains what happened

Two days ago, we published the post “Official ‘Catholic’ Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ in Austria”, using information from the semi-trad news and commentary site GloriaTV and the Graz-Seckau diocesan web site. What to any reasonable and objective observer looked like a “Catholic” pseudo-wedding ceremony for two lesbians, was almost that but not exactly. Considered in its entirety, what took place is, in a sense, even worse.

The conservative Novus Ordo Austrian news site contacted the diocese to ask them to explain what happened, and the response they received from the diocesan spokesman, Thomas Stanzer, was translated by Life Site.… READ MORE

Another online tempest in a tea pot…

“Against Recent Sacrileges”: 100 Novus Ordo Clerics & Scholars protest Francis’ Pachamama Idolatry

“An international group of 100 priests and lay scholars published a statement today to protest the pagan worship of Pachamama that took place last month during the Amazon Synod in Rome with Pope Francis’ active participation and apparent support”, Maike Hickson reports for Life Site in a report released today, Nov. 12.

The statement, dated Nov. 9, 2019, is posted at a web site put up specifically for this cause, where other clergy and scholars can request their own names to be appended to the document to express their support.… READ MORE

Sodomy made into a Novus Ordo sacrament…

Official “Catholic” Same-Sex “Wedding” in Austria

[UPDATE 14-NOV-19: Follow-Up to Homo “Wedding”: Diocese explains what happened

It was bound to happen before long: Two lesbian women have “married” each other in a “Catholic wedding” at St. Margarethen Church in Wolfsberg, Austria, which belongs to the diocese of Gurk in the state of Carinthia.

Gloria TV has published a news blurb on this with numerous photos documenting the abomination:

The spiritual criminal who officiated the ceremony was “Fr.” Michael Kopp, who is himself not exactly the epitome of masculinity at least visually.… READ MORE

Borrowing his way out of debt…

Denying the Papacy to affirm Francis is Pope:
John Salza’s Conundrum

Affirming that Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is a legitimate and valid Roman Pontiff comes at a hefty price: One has to deny the Catholic doctrine on the Papacy in return. Our Francis Papacy Test illustrates this very well, but in this post we wish to focus specifically on something John Salza said in a live interview on YouTube that aired on November 7.

There is a lot that ought to be said about Salza’s claims in the interview, but since he merely made assertions and did not prove anything in the video, we will take the liberty of addressing only one particular issue: the Catholic’s obligation to submit to all papal teaching, not merely that which is infallible or has “always been taught.”… READ MORE

Response to theological sophistry…

Is Francis the Pope?
A Devastating Refutation of Eric Sammons

Is Francis the Pope?

That is the question Eric Sammons asks in a recent article on the One Peter Five web site. Of course even without reading it you already know what his conclusion is; for were it anything other than affirmative, One Peter Five wouldn’t have published it to begin with. To test the merits of the author’s arguments is the purpose of this post.

Sammons’ essay “Is Francis the Pope?”, released on Oct. 29, 2019, follows a common pattern among writers of the recognize-and-resist (aka semi-traditionalist) camp: It’s got plenty to say but is woefully short on documenting assertions made from traditional Catholic teaching.… READ MORE

Walking together – towards hell…

Apostasy Rising: Vatican boldly promotes Evolution of Dogma in wake of Amazon Synod

After a turbulent Pan-Amazon Synod that included open idolatry in addition to the usual errors and heresies, the occupied Vatican clearly feels emboldened to take the next step in its relentless pursuit of apostasy and snuffing out the last remaining vestiges of Catholicism from souls haplessly caught up in its tentacles.

On Oct. 29, two days after the official close of the synod, Vatican Media published an article by Sergio Centofanti, entitled “Development of doctrine is a people that walks together”. As the idiotic title suggests, the content is anything but Catholic; in fact, it is openly Modernist.… READ MORE

Six minutes of insufferable drivel…

Psychobabble on Steroids:
Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young


Although he loves to talk about “preaching the Gospel”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, currently occupying Vatican City under the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, refuses to do precisely that whenever the opportunity presents itself.

The latest case in point is his video message to participants of the 4th World Meeting of Young People sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes, a beloved pet project of his going back to his days in Buenos Aires.

On Oct. 31, the Vatican released the 6-minute clip, in which Francis supposedly “reflects on the meaning of death”.… READ MORE

Is Francis a “bad father but still your father”?

The “But we’ve had Bad Popes before” Objection

With the recent idolatrous, heretical, and blasphemous circus surrounding the Amazon Synod, Novus Ordo and semi-traditionalist authorities and apologists are once again offering false solutions to their hapless followers, solutions aimed at mostly one thing: the continued acceptance of Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) as the Pope of the Catholic Church, no matter how absurd and indefensible the idea may be — for the only truly intolerable view for them is that of Sedevacantism.

One of the most common objections one hears against Sedevacantism is, “But we’ve had bad Popes before” or, “A bad father is still your father!”… READ MORE

More like the devil’s den…

Introducing “God’s Castle”

The eyesore you are looking at above is not a garbage incinerator, a silo complex, or an unfinished nuclear power plant. It is St. Vincent’s “Catholic” Church in Untermarchtal, Germany, part of the notorious Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, where Mr. Gebhard Fürst presides over the systematic destruction of Catholicism. It serves as the mother church for the St. Vincent de Paul Sisters in the region, who are utterly in love with the building.

Although the building is hideous on the outside, the interior isn’t any better. The following video is in German but it gives a pictorial tour of what’s inside the building.… READ MORE

Pachamama’s revenge…

Francis says controversial statues have been recovered, will be used at Synod Closing in St. Peter’s Basilica [UPDATED]

[UPDATE 26-OCT-2019 00:03 UTC: Vatican Media releases Francis’ statement — find full text and links with more coverage and updated details at end of post]

Breaking news from the Rorate Caeli blog, everyone. The following was just posted on the popular recognize-and-resist blog, which, despite its faulty theological position, is nevertheless highly reliable in terms of reporting news:

At the end of Synod works this Friday, Francis spoke on the pagan idols that were being displayed at various Synod events and permanently at various altars at the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, near the Vatican.


Pachamama’s got competition…

Time for Diwali: Vatican promotes Idolatry in Message to Hindus

The idols Lakshmi (left) and Ganesh are worshipped by Hindus on Diwali

Enough digital ink has been spilled on the Pachamama worship in and around the Vatican — it’s time we looked at what other idolatries the inglorious pack of Roman apostates likes to promote. Such as Hinduism, for example.

Frequent visitors to this blog will remember the following story we published this past summer:

Now the Vatican has doubled down. In its newly-released message to Hindus for the feast of Diwali (aka Deepavali), which is celebrated from Oct.… READ MORE

Unidentified man takes action…

Amazon Synod Pachamama Idols Thrown into Tiber River in Rome [Updated with Reactions]

[UPDATE 22-OCT-2019 22:59 UTC: Reactions added at end of post]

Breaking news from Rome, everyone: Some courageous soul has decided there’s been enough dialogue and bridge building and it’s now time for some action: The disgusting Pachamama idols that had popped up in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and that Francis had blessed in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4 in connection with the ongoing Amazon Synod, have been removed by an as-yet unidentified individual and cast into the Tiber river.… READ MORE

Vatican always insisted he died of natural causes…

Ex-Mafia Gangster confesses he helped murder “Pope” John Paul I in 1978, accuses “Abp.” Paul Marcinkus of poisoning him

Just as the Vatican is still reeling from inconvenient journalists and bloggers calling attention to various scandals related to the ongoing Amazon Synod (such as the continuing idolatrous Pachamama worship at and around the Vatican and the fact that the Synod has been funded by the pro-abortion Ford Foundation), another hugely embarrassing bomb has now been dropped on the Mason-infested Vatican.

Yesterday, Oct. 19, the New York Post published a story on Anthony Raimondi, a 69-year-old former Colombo gangster who has confessed in a recently-published book that he helped to kill “Pope” John Paul I.… READ MORE

The Eco-Religion advances…

Francis publishes Book on “Our Mother Earth”

While there is a perpetual debate raging on the precise identity of the bizarre carved image that was worshipped in the Vatican Gardens under Francis’ nose on Oct. 4 and keeps appearing at outrageous events (caution!) connected with the Amazon Synod in Rome, the Vatican has announced the release of a new book by their Dear Leader, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, also known by his stage name, “Pope Francis.”

The title of the book is: Our Mother Earth: A Christian Approach to the Environmental Challenge (original: Nostra Madre Terra: Una Lettura Cristiana della Sfide dell’Ambiente).… READ MORE