Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 38

“Saint” Paul VI, Never-Revoked Covenant?, and “Me Too”

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. Theological shenanigans by “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI and “Bp.”… READ MORE

Talk about losing the Faith…

Michael Matt of The Remnant:
“Our Pope has Lost the Faith”

Great movie set, horrible theology…

It’s a new year, and we’re ready to make a prediction: By the time Dec. 31, 2019 rolls around, “Pope” Francis will still not be a Catholic, and the semi-traditionalist publication The Remnant will, after numerous articles and videos denouncing him, still hold that he’s nevertheless the Pope of the Catholic Church.

We are quite confident in this prediction because, alas, it is not unwarranted but solidly grounded in newly-released evidence.

On Dec. 31, 2018, the editor-in-chief of The Remnant, Mr.… READ MORE

Sixty years without a Pope — how could this happen?

Like Sheep without a Shepherd:
60 Years of Sede Vacante

During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, delivered a lecture on the subject of 60 years of sede vacante since the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958. We are happy to be able to share the 42-minute audio recording and also a written transcript in this post.

Looking at the extreme devastation of the Catholic landscape that has been wrought in the past 60 years, Mr.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank opened his mouth again…

Francis denies Immaculate Conception, says Virgin Mary Not a Saint from the Beginning

The Novus Ordo circus in Vatican City continues unabated even during one of the most solemn times of the year. Francis is so far removed from Catholicism that he cannot even offer Christmas greetings to his staff without uttering heresy.

On Dec. 21, 2018, Francis received the employees of his Unholy See and Vatican City State at the hideous Paul VI audience hall and, referring to the Nativity scene set up there, said:

Our Lady and Saint Joseph are full of joy: they look at the Child Jesus and they are happy because, after a thousand worries, they have accepted this gift of God, with so much faith and so much love.


News Digest December 24, 2018

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 24, 2018

Grotesque: “Traditional Latin Mass” offered by Fraternity of St. Peter presbyter at Modernist Church of the Atonement at their seminary in Wigratzbad, Germany

Would Francis help a marginalized member of his own religion who is persecuted by the mob in Pakistan and threatened with being lynched? OF COURSE NOT! As Bilderberg-visiting “Cardinal” Pietro Parolin made unmistakably clear: “It’s an internal question that regards Pakistan…” If only Asia Bibi was a Muslim migrant…

Can you guess what the focus of this year’s Vatican Christmas concert was?

In Brisbane, Australia, SSPX youth are indoctrinated into the Novus Ordo religion with “Bishop” Robert Barron.… READ MORE

Setting the Word on fire…

“Bp.” Robert Barron tells Jewish Man: No need to become Catholic, Jesus is only the “Privileged” Way

Someone once said that what’s new about the “New Evangelization” of the Vatican II Church is that they never get around to actually evangelizing.

That would be bad enough, but as the Novus Ordo Sect’s rising media star, “Bishop” Robert Barron, demonstrated on a special edition of The Ben Shapiro Show the other day, the reality is much worse: The New Evangelization is actually an Anti-Evangelization, in which souls are not merely not taught the Gospel but are actually taught a false gospel (cf.… READ MORE

Interview with Austrian newspaper

New SSPX Superior: ‘We are Deeply Distraught by this Pope’

The Dec. 15, 2018 edition of the Austrian newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten contains a brief, half-page interview with the new Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Fr. Davide Pagliarani, who succeeded Bp. Bernard Fellay as head of the Lefebvrists this past summer.

The conversation, which was conducted by Josef Bruckmoser, was published on the paper’s web site (digital subscription required), and an English translation was released on the SSPX’s news portal, where it can be accessed in full for free:


An important message from the “Pope”…

Francis: “The Earth must be treated with Tenderness”

If someone were trying to make sure that the Papacy will forever be perceived as the butt of all jokes among men, he could not do a better job than Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who styles himself “Pope Francis.”

The headlines about the “Pope” that emerge from the Vatican II Sect these days are anything from bizarre to ridiculous to downright idiotic. Latest case in point: Today’s report on Zenit“‘The Earth Must Be Treated With Tenderness,’ Says Pope Francis”. One really has to wonder whether the poor journalists who have to cover this poppycock are secretly snickering behind their computer screens or whether they actually take this bunk seriously.… READ MORE

“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

When Novus Ordos build a Church…

Source: (Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart; screenshot)

One of the most annoying Novus Ordo hymns in the United States is “Sing a New Church”, the lyrics to which were created by Sr. Delores Dufner, OSB. If your ears will tolerate it, this train wreck of a church song can be listened to here. That Dufner has since received a Lutheran award comes as no real surprise.

But while there are those who try to sing a new church into being, others get busy actually building one.

The most recent case in point: St.… READ MORE

News Digest December 10, 2018

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 10, 2018

With the authorization of the Novus Ordo authorities:
Sacrilegious light show projected onto Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome, in late October

An investigative report by a Honduran news site claims to have confirmation that “Cardinal” Oscar Maradiaga’s auxiliary “bishop” Juan Pineda Fasquelle “embezzled approximately 1.2 million USD of government money destined for poor parishes and spent the money on a lavish lifestyle for himself and his homosexual lovers.” Ah yes, the “poor church for the poor.” So far, they’re only working on the “poor church” part.

Shocking, stunning, explosive testimony: James Grein, who says ex-“Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick abused him for 18 years, tells (almost) all in video interview with Taylor Marshall.… READ MORE

Improvement from last year, but…

Made of Sand: Vatican’s New Nativity Scene Unveiled

Photo credit: Marina Testino

You may recall that last year the Vatican’s Christmas nativity scene was basically a harrowing homo-erotic horror show. Compared to that, virtually anything is an improvement.

This year, the powers that be in the Modernist Unholy See are presenting a nativity scene made entirely of sand, sculpted by the professional team of Rich Varano, right in St. Peter’s Square. The unveiling and inauguration took place today, and Vatican News has released a video of the entire ceremony:

In case you don’t care to watch the entire 75-minute video, Rome Reports has summarized the event in a brief clip:

The core of this year’s nativity scene, pictured at the top of this post, is odd.… READ MORE

Why those troubles do point to Sedevacantism…

Peter Kwasniewski and “the Troubles of this Pontificate”:
A Sedevacantist Reply

As of late, more and more Novus Ordo and semi-trad publications have felt the need to write something about — that is, something againstSedevacantism. That’s a good sign, since it shows that the truth about the nature of the Vatican II Sect and its anti-Catholic hierarchy is making inroads like never before. Were it not so, the Novus Ordo pundits and commentators would not give this issue the time of day.

And no wonder: Never since the Modernists took over the Vatican in 1958 has the chaos been greater than today under the man who styles himself “Pope Francis” — Jorge Bergoglio — a mere layman, an Argentine Jesuit without even so much as a valid diaconate ordination.… READ MORE

Psalm 73:3 Alert…

“Cardinal” Schönborn hosts Flamboyant Rock Play in Cathedral Sanctuary

Photo Credit: © APA/Hans Punz

December 1 is World AIDS Day, and for the Chief Modernist in Vienna that means it’s time to desecrate the Cathedral of St. Stephen again.

Last year, the Austrian capital’s “Cardinal-Archbishop” Christoph Schönborn used the beautiful and historic cathedral as a venue for an interconfessional prayer service he co-hosted with a blasphemous transvestite. What was officially labeled Mozart Requiem was de facto a massive “gay pride” promo celebrating Sodom and Gomorrah.

This year, Schönborn found another way to profane St. Stephen’s Cathedral: He invited a rock ensemble to perform a flamboyant play called Jedermann (reloaded) — “Everyman (reloaded)”.… READ MORE

Substantial error on Barnhardt’s part…

Benedict XVI’s Mysterious Resignation:
A Reply to Ann Barnhardt

On Nov. 17, 2018, the colorful blogger Ann Barnhardt, a Resignationist since 2016, released a video presentation in which she tries to convince her audience that “Pope” Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid because he is, so she argues, in “substantial error” about the Papacy, and substantial error renders a resignation invalid according to Canon 188 of the 1983 Novus Ordo Code of Canon Law (this same law is also found in the 1917 Catholic Code of Canon Law; see Canon 185). Ergo, Barnhardt reasons, the resignation was not valid and Benedict XVI is the Pope, albeit, so she says, the worst Pope in history.… READ MORE

New Ratzinger article published…

Benedict XVI: No Mission to the Jews, just Dialogue

Instead of remaining silently retreated in his little safe house in Vatican City, “hidden from the world”, as he had initially promised, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger — a.k.a. “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI — has once again inserted himself into the world of theological discourse. Although he speaks with much greater finesse and academic credibility than his boorish successor, the blasphemies he utters differ at best in degree, not in kind.

The German theological journal Herder Korrespondenz just released its December 2018 edition. On the cover, pictured above, we see Benedict XVI next to the words Die Entgegnung — “The Rejoinder” — because in this issue the retired “Pope” responds to those who had blasted him for an essay published in the July/August 2018 issue of Communio, wherein Ratzinger had dared to assert that “[t]he [Novus Ordo] formula of the ‘never-revoked covenant’ [between God and the Jews] may have been helpful in a first stage of the new dialogue between Jews and Christians, but it is not adequate in the long run to express the magnitude of the reality in a way that is passably appropriate” (source; our translation).… READ MORE