Busted! Scientific analysis proves Vatican lied!

Facial Recognition Experts prove Novus Ordo Vatican’s “Sister Lucy of Fatima” was an Impostor

Ladies and gentlemen, this is big news: A team of professional facial recognition experts has concluded a scientific investigation into the question of whether Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, one of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, is in fact the same woman whom the Vatican paraded around as an adherent of Vatican II and the conciliar “popes” from 1958 until her own death in 2005.

The results are now in and can be summarized in two words: HECK NO!

The following announcement was just released on Dr. Peter Chojnowski’s blog, who initiated this project:

I can now release the overall results of the facial recognition tests that have been performed using the most up to date technology available analyzed by the most sophisticated software technicians and organized and analyzed by an expert investigator.

“The only thing similar was the habit” were the words I just heard from the investigator in our phone conversation about the result. More specifics on the technicalities of the result will follow this initial announcement.

On advice, I will not yet reveal the name of the investigators, the names of the companies involved, or the names of the programs being used. They are the best. They are all working on a comprehensive and definite report on the results and this will be released in the coming weeks. I want to avoid any interference in the investigation. After the final facial recognition report is complete, the second phase of the investigation will be launched which will be finding out the identity of the Imposter and finding out what happened to our dear Sister Lucy dos Santos.

More soon.

(Peter Chojnowski, “Fraud: Facial Recognition Technology With 2,400 Picture Comparisons Shows Sister Lucy I (Pre-1958) and Sister Lucy II (Post-1958) are Definitely NOT the Same Person”, RadTrad Thomist, Aug. 1, 2018)

The potential repercussions, once the professional evidence is released, are hard to estimate. First of all, it means that all of the entire Novus Ordo version of Fatima is gone, toast! The interviews, the public appearances, the alleged testimony of “Sr. Lucy”… it’s all gone! Poof!

This will also have a huge impact on the Fatima Center founded many years ago by “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner. So much of its content, of its message, of its theology, of its analysis and advice, is based upon a now documented and proven fraud! Of course this wasn’t known to the individuals involved with the Center, but that’s not the point. The point is that so much of their material is now fit for the garbage can!

So the Novus Ordo “Sr. Lucy” is fake. Folks, if the Modernists are willing to go to such lengths to give credence to their Vatican II religion and keep it going, is it really so hard to believe that they’ve been presenting impostor “Popes” as well?

Perhaps the following video will receive more attention now than before:

We are not sharing this video to argue that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was in fact elected Pope, only to show that very serious and sinister things have taken place, things that we must still uncover in order to bring down the entire Modernist sect and its diabolical subversion of the true Catholic Church.

The real Sr. Lucy, left, and the impostor

Kudos to Dr. Peter Chojnowski for getting this explosive project off the ground! Although for many years people had been speculating that the Novus Ordo “Sister Lucy” is probably not the real Sister Lucy dos Santos, it was Chojnowski who took the initiative to found a non-profit organization, Sister Lucy Truth, to get this question resolved definitively by hiring facial recognition experts to conduct a professional scientific analysis.

The results are now in and will be made public in the coming weeks. We will keep you updated on this explosive story.

For now, make popcorn and celebrate: The Modernist Vatican has been busted!

Image sources: Shrine of Fatima, Portugal (manipulated) / Tradition in Action
Licenses: Fair use / fair use

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