Bad theology against a false pope – not going to work!

Over a Dozen ‘Prominent Catholics’ Warn Francis:
Resign or Be Deposed!

On May 2, 2024, the feast of Saint Athanasius, the semi-traditionalist blog Rorate Caeli published a ‘major statement’ against Jorge Bergoglio (aka ‘Pope Francis’). It is entitled “Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis” and bears the signatures of 16 people Life Site describes as “prominent Catholics”.

Just how prominent the signatories are, is another question, but it doesn’t really matter. Their names, along with their respective credentials, are listed by Rorate Caeli as follows:

Rev. Linus F.


Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Ecclesiastical Déjà Vu:
The Apostasy Advances, Semi-Trads out of Ideas

TRADCAST 036 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 28: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 036 (28 JUL 2023)


  • Segment 1 — Ecclesiastical déjà vu: the eerie similarities between the 1960s and today; critique of a recent Remnant article by Robert Morrison; ecumenical requiem for a glacier; some comments on the Victor Manuel Fernandez appointment; how Vatican City defends its own borders; Vatican condemns desecration of religious symbols as offense against human dignity; president of ‘Pontifical International Marian Academy’ says Marian apparitions that warn of divine punishment are false.
  • Segment 2 — Francis’ message to World Youth Day pilgrims; Francis to travel to Mongolia; comments on the upcoming Synod on Synodality; response to Remnant editor Michael Matt and his ‘Bellarmine Moment’; critique of Peter Kwasniewski’s attempt to bring a Coptic Orthodox man back to the Vatican II Church.

Lecture by Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI

Can Catholics resist the Pope because St. Paul resisted St. Peter?

Time and again the recognize-and-resist traditionalists — those who recognize Francis as a true Pope but resist his teachings, laws, and canonizations if they judge them not to be “in line with Tradition” — invoke the incident described in the second chapter of St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, in which the Apostle resisted Pope St. Peter “to his face”, as supposed historical precedent and divine approval for “resisting the Pope”.

In a prior blog post, we had already explained, using solid Catholic authorities, why this argument does not hold water.… READ MORE

Fr. Felix Cappello, S.J., on a hot-button issue…

Distinguished Pre-Vatican II Theologian:
A Heretical Pope is Impossible

The Jesuit Fr. Felix Cappello (1879-1962) was an outstanding theologian of the Catholic Church. He held doctorates in Sacred Theology, philosophy, and canon law. He taught at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 1920 to 1959 and served as a Vatican advisor.

In 1911/12, Fr. Cappello’s 2-volume work De Curia Romana (“On the Roman Curia”) was published. Volume 2 deals specifically with the Roman Curia during a time when there is no Pope, the state of sede vacante. It contains a treatment of the question of the “heretical Pope” (Papa haereticus) and whether the Church has the power to depose him.… READ MORE

Deeper down the theological rabbit hole…

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto


A Brief Review

In PART ONE of this article, we explored how Dr. Peter Kwasniewski dared to use a secular, decidedly non-theological source to discuss the singularly Catholic and thoroughly theological subject of Ultramontanism, when he could have utilized a reference at his very fingertips that would have provided an authoritative article about it: The Catholic Encyclopedia.

Compound that with the fact that by using the secular source he was able to conceal important information to his audience that would have shown the fraudulent nature of the title of his own article, “My Journey from Ultramontanism to Catholicism”, with its unscrupulous innuendo that Ultramontanism is a heresy that stands in opposition to Catholic truth.… READ MORE

Clear ideas on a confusing subject…

Is the Pope an Absolute Monarch?
The Authority of the Roman Pontiff in the Catholic Church

True Vicar of Christ: His Holiness, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-58)
(image: Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo)

We live in a post-Traditionis Custodes world. It is not surprising, therefore, that it has become more fashionable than ever now for recognize-and-resist traditionalists to try to find all sorts of ways to limit or downplay papal authority, lest they should actually have to submit loyally to the decree their extremely valid “Pope” Francis released this past July 16, which gradually phases out the Traditional Latin Mass.… READ MORE

Return of an old straw man…

On Disobeying the Pope:
Comments on a recent One Peter Five Article

“Can a Catholic Ever Disobey a Pope?” That is the question currently being asked at One Peter Five. An article by that title was posted on July 17, 2020, written by Paul Casey.

The author begins by claiming:

“No one is ever allowed to disobey the pope. Period.”

The statement is made repeatedly on social media, usually in an attempt to end a debate. It’s taken as a given. No sources cited, no documentation provided. It’s merely assumed. It is, after all, obvious.


Talk about being in error!

Did the Council of Florence Teach Error? A Response to Athanasius Schneider’s Attempt to Save Vatican II

No matter how one looks at it, the only way one can ever justify or excuse the abominable Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is by trashing the Catholic Church prior to the council. Mr. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” (why the quotes?) of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has just shown that that goes not only for open Modernists but also for some “traditionalists.”

In a newly-released text, the Kazakh prelate once again repeats his claim that there is historical precedent for the idea that a Pope can correct the errors of a prior ecumenical council.… READ MORE

Retired academic again misleads his readers…

Clueless Kwasniewski cranks out another Load of Howlers on the Papacy

On Jan. 9, 2020, the conservative Novus Ordo web site Life Site published yet another blog post by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, currently the semi-trads’ favorite academic because he continually reassures them that despite all his heresies and other errors, Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) really is the Pope of the Catholic Church — you just can’t follow the man without gravely endangering your Faith (which in turn would render the Papacy not only useless but extremely dangerous, but they never think that far).

Brilliant though he may be on many other issues, when it comes to the topic of the Papacy, Kwasniewski is simply abysmal.… READ MORE

“On the Question of the True Pope” refuted…

Comedy Hour with Athanasius Schneider: Kazakh Auxiliary torpedoes Traditional Doctrine on the Papacy to bail out Francis

Days after the British Tablet published a story on the retired Kazakh Novus Ordo bishop Jan Pawel Lenga publicly declaring that he does not recognize Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) as a valid Pope because he is a “heretic” and an “Antichrist” (Lenga’s words) — adding that he opts instead for Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) –, his famous compatriot and Astana auxiliary “bishop” Athanasius Schneider has injected himself into the debate.

On Feb. 28, 2020, Schneider released a statement via his usual channels, which means LifeSiteNews.comREAD MORE

Response to theological sophistry…

Is Francis the Pope?
A Devastating Refutation of Eric Sammons

Is Francis the Pope?

That is the question Eric Sammons asks in a recent article on the One Peter Five web site. Of course even without reading it you already know what his conclusion is; for were it anything other than affirmative, One Peter Five wouldn’t have published it to begin with. To test the merits of the author’s arguments is the purpose of this post.

Sammons’ essay “Is Francis the Pope?”, released on Oct. 29, 2019, follows a common pattern among writers of the recognize-and-resist (aka semi-traditionalist) camp: It’s got plenty to say but is woefully short on documenting assertions made from traditional Catholic teaching.… READ MORE

Response to a critic continued…

Peace in the Crisis?
Catholic Family News Promotes a Dangerous Tranquility
 (PART 2)

by Francis del Sarto

[NOTE: This is Part 2 of a response to a series of articles that the author has since withdrawn and that Catholic Family News has removed from its web site. As a courtesy, we have changed the name of the original author to the pseudonym “Andrew Fornak”.]


This analysis is a response to most of Part II of Andrew Fornak’s article “Finding Peace in the Crisis” published in November 2018 in Catholic Family News.… READ MORE

Another irrelevant argument…

Bouix on the “Heretical Pope”: A big Nothingburger from John Salza and Robert Siscoe

More than three years after the release of their book True or False Pope? A Refutation of Sedevacantism and other Modern Errors, John Salza and Robert Siscoe are still busy wasting everybody’s time.

On May 14, they posted on their web site an English translation of an excerpt from the 3-volume book Tractatus de Papa, ubi et de Concilio Oecumenico (“Treatise on the Pope and the Ecumenical Council”) written by the French canonist Marie Dominique Bouix (1808-1870). Bouix took the unusual position that if a Pope as a private person were to become a heretic, he would not lose the pontificate in any way, nor could anyone take it from him.… READ MORE

What to do with a “heretical Pope”?

The Open Letter accusing Francis of Heresy:
A Sedevacantist Analysis

More than a week has now passed since the publication of the “Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church” released on Apr. 30 by nineteen Novus Ordo clergymen and academics accusing “Pope” Francis of being a pertinacious heretic and asking the addressees to declare him such and thereby remove him from office. Since then, many more academics and clerics have added their names to the Open Letter, and at the time of this writing, the total is up to 81 (see updates here).… READ MORE