VIDEO: Sedevacantist Fatima Conference in Spokane, Washington, Oct. 9-13, 2024
Every year the Fatima Conference, sponsored by the sedevacantist Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), takes place at historic Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, during the month of October.
This year’s gathering took place Oct. 9-13. All of the main lectures were live-streamed and so are available to view on YouTube.
The motto for this year’s conference was Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum (“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”). The keynote address was given by Fr. Johannes Heyne from Germany.… READ MORE
Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment
of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena
May 17, 2024
The Vatican’s text factory has just released another official document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has approved the publication of an instruction issued by the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) establishing ‘Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena’. The document does not appear to have an official title besides this descriptive one. The new guidelines are replacing those issued in 1978 under ‘Pope’ Paul VI.
So far, the Vatican has made the text of the Normsavailable in the following languages:
The key changes made by the new Norms appear to be that the local bishop no longer has authority to declare an alleged apparition to be of supernatural origin, and the Vatican will ordinarily not rule regarding its supernatural authenticity either.… READ MORE
The Fatima Center Agrees: After Vatican II, the Public ‘Sister Lucy’ Was Not the Real Fatima Seer
Big news out of Canada: The Fatima Center, the organization founded by ‘Fr.’ Nicholas Gruner for promoting devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and spreading her message, is now officially acknowledging that the oldest of the three seers, Sister Lucia dos Santos, was replaced by an impostor from 1967 onwards, at least in the few public appearances she made.
This announcement was published in a pinned comment by the Fatima Center‘s YouTube channel underneath/beside a video clip that is an extract from a presentation on this very topic by David Rodríguez, the Center‘s content director:
In case the image won’t display, here is the text of the announcement:
The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.
VIDEO: Sedevacantist Fatima Conference in Spokane, Washington, Oct. 11-15, 2023
[UPDATED Oct 15, 2023]
Every year the Fatima Conference, sponsored by the sedevacantist Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), takes place at historic Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, during the month of October.
This year’s gathering is taking place right now and will last until the evening of Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023. All of the main lectures are/will be available on YouTube. The full conference schedule is posted here (all times mentioned are Pacific Time):
This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to Portugal for this occasion. The local time in Lisbon is UTC+01:00.
Sister Lucy Truth answers Church Militant:
Was the true Fatima Seer replaced with an Impostor?
For years now, the non-profit organization Sister Lucy Truth has commissioned scientific experts in various fields to determine scientifically, and not simply based on best guesses or gut feeling, whether the woman presented to the world as Sister Lucy of Fatima from 1967 until her death in 2005 is indeed the former shepherd child to whom our Lady appeared in the small Portuguese town in 1917:
What Sister Lucy Truth has been doing is the only proper way to go about resolving the mystery: by asking third-party experts, those with no dog in the fight and the proper credentials to do scientific analyses and give their professional judgment about the data at hand.… READ MORE
“Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying” (2 Th 2:10)…
Fatima Farce: Apostate Antipope consecrates Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Francis’ much-anticipated “Consecration of Russia” to the Immaculate Heart took place as scheduled today, Mar. 25, 2022, in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican as part of a penitential liturgy during which he himself ostentatiously went to confession. This blog post features the most important resources related to this event.
We call his stunt a “Fatima farce” not because we would in any way cast doubt on the authenticity of the apparitions, messages, warnings, or requests of Our Lady of Fatima, but because the man who performed the consecration is not the Pope, is not a Catholic, and is not a friend of Our Lady, the Mother of God.… READ MORE
Breaking news out of Rome: The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) has announced he will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, together with the Ukraine, on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25. … READ MORE
O texto foi levemente alterado pelo autor e otimizado para publicação impressa. As notas finais seguem o texto principal. De acordo com a permissão do autor, todas as citações bíblicas são da tradução da Bíblia Sagrada de Pe Matos Soares, 6ª edição, 1956.… READ MORE
This script has been slightly revised by the author and optimized for print publication. All scriptural quotations are from the Douay-Rheims translation, unless otherwise noted.
When our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church, He did so not merely as an institution that would teach His doctrine throughout the world and confer His grace through the sacraments.… READ MORE
During this year’s Fatima Conference hosted by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, delivered a compelling 79-minute lecture making the case for Sedevacantism in a way you may not have heard before.
Instead of going through heaps of detailed theological arguments, the speaker presented the “big picture”:
The Catholic Church was founded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the indefectible Ark of Salvation that is nothing less than His very own Mystical Body. Just as Christ the Lord cannot fail to be “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6), neither can His Mystical Body fail to be “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15).… READ MORE
The Fatima Conference is a yearly gathering of Traditional Catholics at historic Mount St. Michael for five days of Latin Masses, spiritual exercises, inspiring lectures, and sermons in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
This year’s conference will take place from October 6-10, 2021. The location will be Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, a historic site that was originally founded as a Jesuit mission in the 19th century.… READ MORE
Questions & Answers on the Sister Lucy Truth project…
Was Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced with an Impostor?
An Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski
Ladies and gentlemen:
Yes, it is tiring. It is tiring to constantly have to question whether what one sees is real or fake. We live in a world in which there is a fake “Catholic” church with a fake pope and, it is pretty certain, also a fake Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima.
If you’re ever tempted to throw in the towel, pray and look around: This world is going crazier by the day, because it is ever more determinedly departing from its Creator and Lord and thus distancing itself from true Life, true Love, and genuine sanity.… READ MORE
New book proves it was neither an illusion nor a hoax!
The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was Real:
Scientific Confirmation
On October 13, 1917, approximately 70,000 people gathered in a field known as the Cova da Iría in Fatima, Portugal, to witness a spectacular miracle that a little shepherd girl had told them the Blessed Virgin Mary would perform on that day. At the precise time predicted, for approximately ten minutes, there occurred what has become known as the “Miracle of the Sun”, described as “extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to ‘dance’ or zig-zag in the sky, careen towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors” (Wikipedia).… READ MORE
Sr. Lucia of Fatima and the Woman who Replaced Her
For years the Thomist philosopher Dr. Peter Chojnowski (aka “RadTrad Thomist”) has been busy gathering data for professional evaluation by accredited and recognized scientific experts to determine the truth regarding the rumors and corresponding circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Fatima seer Sister Lucia dos Santos, to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, was replaced by an impostor some time after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.
To that end, Chojnowski even established a tax-exempt non-profit organization called Sister Lucy Truth in 2017.… READ MORE
@FrJMawdsley There is one thing, however, that I must still share with you because it is so serious, and that is the anathema of Trent in Denzinger 954: "If anyone says that the ceremonies, vestments, and outward signs, which the Catholic Church uses in the celebration of Masses, are
@BigModernism @hautdaug167671 Because it was said that since the Jews genuflected in mockery of Christ, the genuflection should be omitted. What puzzles me now, however, is that per Matthew 27:27-31, it was the Gentile Romans who genuflected in mockery of Christ. 🤔🤷♂️
@place_saver Ultimately, the genuflection means what the Church determines it to mean. All the other genuflections during the Good Friday petitions are made in adoration of Christ.
Vatican releases new guidelines on human dignity - (PDF) #catholicchurch #vatican #catholictwitter
Caution! German Novus Ordo Bishops Concelebrate Eucharist on Bizarre Altar - #catholictwitter