No, it’s not satire…

Watch out, Coronavirus! Jesuit parish introduces “Ministers of Hand Sanitizer”

Distributing “Communion” in hazmat gear: “Fr.” Phil Hurley, S.J. (photo: Hanna Wondmagegn)

The Prophetic Church of the Second Vatican Council just never runs out of gifts, movements, or ministries. The latest one is the “ministry of hand sanitizer” introduced at a Jesuit-run parish in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This past Friday, the Twitter account of the U.S. Eastern Province of the “Society of Jesus” drew attention to it, publishing the following tweet:


Hope for our difficult times…

The Catholic Church is a Social Miracle

Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal, Canada

There is no doubt that we live in a time of apostasy. The Gospel of Jesus Christ had been preached, accepted, and practiced, and now it has been largely abandoned. That which until the death of Pope Pius XII on Oct. 9, 1958 the entire world knew to be the Roman Catholic religion, is actually believed and practiced (regardless of good intentions) in only a handful of souls, relatively speaking.

As distressing as that is, it would be a great mistake to think that this apostasy has caught the Catholic Church by surprise.… READ MORE

The ‘Sister Lucy Truth’ project explained

Sr. Lucia of Fatima and the Woman who Replaced Her

For years the Thomist philosopher Dr. Peter Chojnowski (aka “RadTrad Thomist”) has been busy gathering data for professional evaluation by accredited and recognized scientific experts to determine the truth regarding the rumors and corresponding circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Fatima seer Sister Lucia dos Santos, to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, was replaced by an impostor some time after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.

To that end, Chojnowski even established a tax-exempt non-profit organization called Sister Lucy Truth in 2017.… READ MORE

Yes, Hinduism is that far gone already…

Hindu Eco-Activist: Francis’ Laudato Si Encyclical reads like Sacred Text of Hinduism

We are indebted to Dr. Jules Gomes for alerting us to this find.

Chances are you haven’t heard of Vandana Shiva, and that’s probably a good thing. The 68-year old Indian woman is a “physicist, ecofeminist, philosopher, activist, and author”, according to the United Nations Environment Programme.

With that kind of résumé, it is no wonder that “Pope” Francis thought she would make for a good addition to his much-advertised Economy of Francesco conference, a three-day “make the world a better place” event that was originally going to be held in Assisi, Italy, in March of this year, but that now took place online Nov.READ MORE

That’s what the five foolish virgins thought, too (see Mt 25:11)…

Francis claims Gates of Heaven “are always Open to all Peoples”

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has a difficult job. He constantly has to read his Naturalist-Masonic ideology into the New Testament and hope people won’t notice that the “Gospel of Man” he preaches is in fact a counterfeit and not the genuine supernatural Gospel of Jesus Christ (cf. Gal 1:8-9).

One way to accomplish that is to lie so brazenly and out in the open that no decent person would suspect him of not telling the truth.… READ MORE

Arthur Preuss refutes old lies…

Were Popes Benedict XIV and Pius IX Freemasons?

In 1884, Pope Leo XIII addressed the threat of Freemasonry against Holy Mother Church:

At every period of time each [the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan] has been in conflict with the other, with a variety and multiplicity of weapons and of warfare, although not always with equal ardor and assault. At this period, however, the partisans of evil seem to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons.


Enough of the nonsense!

Are the Poor really at the Center of the Gospel?
Countering a misleading Bergoglian Mantra

Preaching a false but attractive-sounding gospel: the Jesuit Antipope Jorge Bergoglio

This past Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020, the Novus Ordo Sect observed the World Day of the Poor. The annual event was instituted by the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (commonly known by his pseudonym, “Pope Francis”) in his 2016 “Apostolic Letter” Misericordia et Misera (n. 21) and was first observed on Nov. 19, 2017.

Francis loves to harp on service to the poor, and it is easy to see why. For one thing, it makes for easy applause from all quarters.… READ MORE

A premature phone call…

President-Elect? “Pope” Francis congratulates Joe Biden

Here in the United States, the Biden-Harris campaign has just released the following statement on its web site:

President-elect [sic] Joe Biden spoke this morning with His Holiness Pope [sic] Francis. The President-elect thanked His Holiness for extending blessings and congratulations and noted his appreciation for His Holiness’ leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world. The President-elect expressed his desire to work together on the basis of a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all humankind on issues such as caring for the marginalized and the poor, addressing the crisis of climate change, and welcoming and integrating immigrants and refugees into our communities.


Lengthy study of 449 pages…

Day of Reckoning:
Vatican Releases Explosive McCarrick Report

Demonic not just in appearance: Fr. Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick

[LAST UPDATED: 24-NOV-2020 18:36 UTC]

After over two years of promising its publication, the Vatican has finally released the so-called “McCarrick Report” today. It is 449 pages in length.

As the news is just breaking, we will simply provide links to the full report and initial commentary, along with background information. More may be published in the near future (watch this page for updates).

Official Publications:


New article by ‘Miles Christi’…

Francis, Fratelli Tutti, and Freemasonry

Before our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, He warned His disciples that there would “rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect” (Mk 13:22). These words have arguably never been fulfilled more concretely than in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the man the world knows by his stage name of “Pope Francis”.

Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) is a Catholic writer whose work we have featured on this web site a number of times before.… READ MORE

Reaction roundup…

The Francesco Fiasco: Novus Ordo Land reels from “Papal” Comments on Sodomite Civil Unions

When the news broke on Oct. 21, 2020, that Francis had endorsed legal protections for homosexual couples in an interview aired as part of the new documentary Francesco, it wasn’t difficult to predict that a firestorm of reactions would erupt — and boy, did it!

Before long, a veritable panoply of widely differing reactions presented itself: From irritated cries of “fake news” all the way to shrugs of “nothing new here”, from exasperated condemnations to enthusiastic applause, from “this has no authority” to “this indicates a shift in the Church” — the reactions of Vatican II “Catholics” were as varied as the liturgical chaos one finds in any Novus Ordo diocese.… READ MORE

News Digest November 4, 2020

November 4, 2020

Vatican II has consequences: Irish Novus Ordo priest allows Muslim to lead prayer in church…

As always, Vatican News knows to ask the really crucial questions: “How will the US election impact climate change?”

Breaking silence: “Abp.” Carlo Vigano reveals details – including names – about Vatican gay lobby.

Meanwhile: Francis puts McCarrick roommate “Cardinal” Kevin Farrell in charge of “scrutinizing Vatican financial decisions not governed by ordinary Vatican oversight norms.”

By the way: Financial and operational questions surround Bergoglio’ favorite Scholas Occurrentes foundation….

Lefebvrists celebrate: Fifty Years of the Society of Saint Pius X.… READ MORE

Affirmation of loyalty after civil union kerfuffle…

“I believe in Pope Francis…”:

Bizarre Pseudo-Creed recited at Mexican Parish

A curious thing happened on Sunday, Oct. 25, 2020, during the Novus Ordo meal service performed at the Parroquia de San Agustín (St. Augustine’s Church) in the city of San Agustín, municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Towards the end of the “Mass”, after the usual parish announcements, the presbyter said they were now going to pray a “creed” for “Pope” Francis — for protection from his enemies, against bad intentions, and against those who seek to undermine the credibility of his words.… READ MORE

The Supreme Pontiff speaks…

Pope Pius XII on the Obligation to Vote

In early September, we published a blog post on what traditional Catholic moral theology says about the obligation of voting, both in general and also in particular with regard to more difficult circumstances, such as voting when there are no ideal candidates on the ballot. The post can be accessed here:

Today we present excerpts from two allocutions given by His Holiness, Pope Pius XII (1939-58), in which he addresses the moral obligation to vote.… READ MORE

Cracks in the Masonry?

“Cardinal” Marx’s Cracked Stone Altar

As long-time readers of this blog may recall, the Modernist Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is the home of “God’s Ski Jump”.

At the same time, the diocese does have some beautiful old and therefore traditional church buildings. Since those don’t really fit their Novus Ordo religion, however, they tend to get wreckovated. After all, such truly Catholic churches were designed for the true worship of the Triune God, and the new-and-improved “Catholicism 2.0” of Vatican II just isn’t into that sort of thing.

Even in churches where the basic traditional architecture and most of the beautiful sanctuary have been retained, the one thing they always do is introduce a so-called “people’s altar”.… READ MORE