Today is the great 100th Anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal — a perfect time to stop for a moment and recall to mind and ponder the great events that took place during the incredibly momentous year of 1917. What follows is a brief historical review, and then a list of resources at the end.
Our Lady of Fatima: A Brief Overview
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three little shepherd children at a field called Cova da Iria at Fatima for a total of six different times, between May 13 and October 13, 1917.… READ MORE
Allocution of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, Delegates in General Congregation XXIX, Sep. 17, 1946
Now there is nothing that calls us more urgently and pressingly than to restore the authority of religion and Christian moral discipline with due honor and vigor. Alas, into what times we have fallen because of the negligence of those immortal goods given to us by God! Wherever one looks one sees those who are totally ignorant of the Catholic faith, even the rudiments of religion itself. We see those who see nothing impious in crimes and license, those who disregard even the most elementary norms of morality and justice.… READ MORE
White Smoke, Anti-Pope:
A Response to “Fr.” Brian Harrison
The Rev. Brian Harrison, O.S., is a former professor of theology of the so-called Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Australian by birth, he is a convert to the Vatican II Sect from Presbyterianism (1972). Harrison belongs to the conservative/semi-traditionalist wing of the Novus Ordo Sect and has contributed to publications such as The Remnant, The Latin Mass, This Rock (now Catholic Answers Magazine), and Living Tradition, whose associate editor he is. One of the few clerics of the Modernist Sect who is willing to deal with traditionalist issues, Harrison is often tapped when the Novus Ordo Church needs someone to weigh in on traditionalist controversy, especially Sedevacantism.… READ MORE
During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, gave a most informative lecture on the subject of the Catholic Papacy and the Church’s Mystical Passion. We are happy to be able to share the audio and also a written version of this presentation.
What has happened to the Catholic Church? This is the question that everyone who has a love for the Church is asking himself in our time. The Church of Jesus Christ is divinely guaranteed to be indefectible: She cannot change in her essence; she cannot defect from her divine mission; she cannot compromise with the errors of the world; she cannot lose the Faith and suddenly promote a different religion.… READ MORE
Another year has passed. It is now 2017 Anno Domini. The reason we live in this time period of history and not in any other is a matter of Divine Providence. In His perfect omniscience and omnibenevolence, the Triune God, “who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4), has placed us in the world at this time and no other because, despite how it may seem at times, this is the period of world history that is most conducive to the eternal salvation of our very own particular soul.… READ MORE
Smoke Signals:
The White Conclave Smoke of Oct. 26, 1958
We realize we’ve brought this up a few times before, and we don’t want to beat the topic to death, but there are probably a lot of new readers of our site out there now who may not be aware of what happened 58 years ago today at the conclave that was taking place in Rome to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII.
As happens after the death of every Pope, so too in 1958 the cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City to determine who would succeed the late Pius XII, who had died on Oct.… READ MORE
October 9, 2016, marks the 58th anniversary of the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli, reigned 1939-1958. To honor and remember him, we are sharing the video below of a broadcast clip shown in 1958 at the passing of the Supreme Pontiff.
When Pius XII died, the Novus Ordo Religion was as yet unknown to the world, for it would not come into existence until later, beginning with the election during a bizarre conclave of the first Modernist Antipope, John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli).… READ MORE
Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 2): A False Church to imitate the True Church
The terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII have been predicted and prophesied in Catholic Tradition, in one way or another. In Part 1 of this series of posts, we looked at Fr. E. Sylvester Berry’s explanation of Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse and how it is a prophecy of Satan’s persecution of the Papacy; in this current post we will look at what the same Fr.… READ MORE
Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 1): Satan will Attack the Papacy
This may not be new to frequent visitors of our web site, but it bears repeating, especially now: The terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII were predicted and prophesied, in one way or another. We have had numerous posts on this topic in the past, and today we would like to call to mind one of them: The prediction made by Fr. Elwood Sylvester Berry (1879-1954), professor of apologetics at Mt.… READ MORE
Vatican Launches Explicit Sex Education Program for Teenagers at World Youth Day
The Vatican offers the uncensored version, of course…
The entire reason for the existence of the Novus Ordo Sect is the destruction of souls. Although most of the time this is committed through spiritual poison such as heresy, doctrinal error, and impiety administered by the supposed “Catholic authorities”, it is also accomplished by a deliberate assault on children’s innocence, modesty, and purity.
Just in time for World Youth Day currently underway in Cracow, Poland, the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Council for the Family has launched a sexual education program for the youth called “The Meeting Point”, available in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian.… READ MORE
The Vacancy of the Papal Throne since the Death of Pope Pius XII
The Chair of St. Peter in Vatican City(image:
On this page we present a slew of links to articles, blog posts, books, audios, and videos dealing with the subject matter of the Papacy, Sedevacantism, the false theological position known as “recognize-but-resist”, the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), the Second Vatican Council, and the Novus Ordo Magisterium. We have tried as much as possible to group the links by topic. Due to the recent publication of the book True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, there is a separate group of links relating just to that.… READ MORE
Former FBI Consultant Claims: U.S. Intel Docs show Cardinal Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII in 1958
Former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams cites declassified U.S. intelligence documents allegedly showing that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope Gregory XVII at the conclave that, two days later, produced John XXIII
In 2003, former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams published a book called The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia (Prometheus Books). Although the book deals with alleged Vatican corruption in terms of money and power and has a decidedly liberal flavor, Williams also — almost as a side note — includes some straightforward, objective information on the papal conclave of 1958.… READ MORE
Information about the 1958 Conclave and CARDINAL GIUSEPPE SIRI
(Cardinal Joseph Siri, 1906-1989)
Was he elected Pope Gregory XVII
on October 26, 1958?
White smoke pouring from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel for five long minutes on Oct. 26, 1958, two days before Angelo Roncalli appeared as “Pope” John XXIII
There were certain irregularities about the election during that 1958 conclave, as Cardinal Tisserant has himself acknowledged. Some say Agagianian was elected, others Siri, others some other cardinal, and that the camerlengo [=chamberlain] then annulled the election. In any case, I’m quite sure John XXIII chose his name, the name of an antipope [of the 15th century], quite consciously, to show he had been irregularly elected.
His Holiness Pope Pius XII
Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
Cum Compertum (1948)
Canonical Warning on Catholics attending Ecumenical Gatherings
Editorial Comment: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to provide the first English translation of this rare, hard-to-find document issued by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of the Roman Catholic Church, dated June 5, 1948, entitled Cum Compertum. It is a canonical warning, a so-called Monitum, issued by the Church’s highest authority against Catholic involved in ecumenical gatherings with non-Catholics, very much the kind now fully endorsed and promoted by the Novus Ordo Church and its bogus “Second Vatican Council”.… READ MORE
“If Satan would contrive to hinder a papal election, the Church would suffer great travail.”
In 1956, Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer published a work called The Book of Destiny, which is an explanation of the Apocalypse, the last book of the Holy Bible (otherwise known as the book of Revelation).
In Apocalypse 12:1-5, we read:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.
Vatican continues to ignore pleas of Rupnik’s victims and brandish his art like a taunt -
‘Cardinal’ Dolan: Christ’s New Covenant Exists Side-By-Side with Jewish Old Covenant! - That's what Our Lord must have meant when he told the Jews: "...if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin" (Jn 8:24). #catholictwitter #catholic
Strickland criticizes Francis over ‘siren call of sodomy’ in Mar-a-Lago letter - #catholictwitter
"The total number of Catholics in Germany is 19,769,237, of which only 6.6% — just over 1.3 million Catholics — practice their faith and regularly attend Mass on Sundays" - But it's the almost 20 million who pay church tax, so that's why they're