Bah, humbug!

Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions

Move over, Grinch, Scrooge, and other sourpusses: No one wrecks Christmas like the Frankster!

This past Saturday, Dec. 18, His Phoniness “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) issued an utterly merciless decree against those in his Modernist church who attempt to practice traditional Catholicism while nevertheless recognizing him as Pope. As they are dependent on ready access to the Traditional Latin Mass “in full communion” with the Modernist hierarchy as the center of their sacramental lives, Francis knows exactly the spot at which to strike to ensure they will hurt the most.… READ MORE

Clear ideas on a confusing subject…

Is the Pope an Absolute Monarch?
The Authority of the Roman Pontiff in the Catholic Church

True Vicar of Christ: His Holiness, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-58)
(image: Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo)

We live in a post-Traditionis Custodes world. It is not surprising, therefore, that it has become more fashionable than ever now for recognize-and-resist traditionalists to try to find all sorts of ways to limit or downplay papal authority, lest they should actually have to submit loyally to the decree their extremely valid “Pope” Francis released this past July 16, which gradually phases out the Traditional Latin Mass.… READ MORE

The longest text ever…

Antipope Francis

Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti
on Fraternity and Social Friendship

October 3, 2020

The Vatican’s endless text factory has just released another monster of a document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Pope Francis”) has released his third Encyclical Letter, after Lumen Fidei (2013) and Laudato Si’ (2015). It is entitled Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”).

In its English version, Fratelli Tutti has 42,994 words. It consists of eight chapters that include a total of 287 numbered paragraphs, and it has 288 footnotes. The vast majority of them are references to himself, his own documents, his own addresses, and those of the conciliar and post-conciliar pseudo-magisterium.… READ MORE

Talk about being in error!

Did the Council of Florence Teach Error? A Response to Athanasius Schneider’s Attempt to Save Vatican II

No matter how one looks at it, the only way one can ever justify or excuse the abominable Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is by trashing the Catholic Church prior to the council. Mr. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” (why the quotes?) of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has just shown that that goes not only for open Modernists but also for some “traditionalists.”

In a newly-released text, the Kazakh prelate once again repeats his claim that there is historical precedent for the idea that a Pope can correct the errors of a prior ecumenical council.… READ MORE

Utterly explosive indictment…

Viganò lets it rip: Former Vatican Nuncio publishes scathing Condemnation of Vatican II Religion

Fr. Viganò at Rome’s “National March for Life” on May 19, 2018
(photo: Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images)

One day after we blasted “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò‘s open letter to President Trump for containing “dangerous heresy in attractive wrapping paper”, the former Vatican nuncio to the United States released yet another statement.

Contrary to our expectations, however, it wasn’t simply “more of the same” as his previous contributions. This time, he delivered a stunningly severe condemnation of the entire Novus Ordo religion and correctly pointed to the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as its root cause.… READ MORE

Total run time: 1 hr 19 mins…

TRADCAST Episode 027
Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration Unmasked (Part 1)

Traditional Catholic Podcast


After a ridiculously long hiatus, our popular TRADCAST podcast is back with a hard-hitting special edition that deals exclusively with Dr. Taylor R. Marshall’s best-selling book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (2019).

What has been marketed by the publisher as a “carefully documented book” and by the author himself as his “greatest literary accomplishment” is in actual fact an embarrassingly sloppy work based on slap-dash research. For the most part, documentation is non-existent, and where it does exist, it is often inaccurate or incomplete.… READ MORE

“On the Question of the True Pope” refuted…

Comedy Hour with Athanasius Schneider: Kazakh Auxiliary torpedoes Traditional Doctrine on the Papacy to bail out Francis

Days after the British Tablet published a story on the retired Kazakh Novus Ordo bishop Jan Pawel Lenga publicly declaring that he does not recognize Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) as a valid Pope because he is a “heretic” and an “Antichrist” (Lenga’s words) — adding that he opts instead for Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) –, his famous compatriot and Astana auxiliary “bishop” Athanasius Schneider has injected himself into the debate.

On Feb. 28, 2020, Schneider released a statement via his usual channels, which means LifeSiteNews.comREAD MORE

A rebuttal based on real Catholic teaching…

No Saint Athanasius: “Bishop” Schneider continues to spread Errors about the Papacy

The German branch of the Vatican II Sect has recently opened its so-called “Synodal Way” or “Synodal Path” (Synodaler Weg), which is essentially an elaborate and structured series of chat sessions in which the laity get to tell their pastors what changes they want to see in the “Catholic Church” going forward. And since we’re not talking about just any country but about the Land of Luther, long one of the hotbeds of Modernism, this will produce a veritable catalog of ultra-liberal desiderata: married clergy, women priests, homo “marriage” ceremonies in church, and the like.… READ MORE

“We are true friends of Pope Francis”…

Creative Fidelity: Burke & Schneider try to justify their “Loyal Opposition”

They prefer pre-Bergoglian Modernism: Mr. Raymond Burke and Mr. Athanasius Schneider

On the second anniversary of that much-hyped but predictably ineffective “Filial Correction”, two of the most outspoken critics of “Pope” Francis in the Novus Ordo hierarchy, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke and “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, have once again published a document addressing the magisterial errors of their “Pope” and explaining their stance.

On Sep. 24, 2019, Messrs. Burke and Schneider issued a 3-page text entitled “A Clarification about the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff.”… READ MORE

One more document should fix it…

Five Novus Ordo Prelates release “Declaration of Truths” in tacit Rebuke to Francis

“Cardinals” Burke and Pujats, “Archbishops” Peta and Lenga, “Bishop” Schneider

If it seems like you’ve seen this before, it’s because you have:

On Pentecost Monday, June 10, 2019, five high-ranking prelates of the Vatican II Church have released two documents obviously meant to challenge “Pope” Francis and be an orthodox counterpart to the latter’s persistent efforts to destroy any remnants of Catholicism in souls. The two documents are the following:

Although both documents are dated May 31, they were not released to the public until today, June 10.… READ MORE

The Theological Errors of “Bishop” Schneider

A Refutation of Athanasius Schneider on the Heretical Pope Question

On March 20 of this year, the Kazakh Novus Ordo auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider, immensely popular among semi-traditionalists, published a lengthy article entitled, “On the Question of a Heretical Pope” on the Rorate Caeli web site.

In face of the overwhelming evidence that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is not a Catholic but a public heretic, Schneider’s objective was to find a way to reconcile Bergoglio’s obvious stubborn adherence to heresy with his claim to the Papacy, the legitimacy of which Schneider refuses to question.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 39

Adhering to Doctrine; Flagrant Adultery; and a Dream called Jesus

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. In this latest episode, Bp.… READ MORE

Fool me once, shame on you…

Francis lies to Athanasius Schneider, tells him he meant God wills Diversity of Religions merely Permissively

Is that a Masonic handshake? Just asking…

Last Friday, Mar. 1, it was time again for the quinquennial ad limina visit of the Novus Ordo bishops of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Canon Law stipulates that diocesan bishops report in person to the Pope every five years to inform him of the state of their dioceses and discuss any problems and concerns with him (see Canons 340-342 of the Catholic 1917 Code; Canons 399-400 of the Novus Ordo 1983 Code).… READ MORE

Enough with all the globe-trotting…

Francis cracks down on “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, orders him to reduce his traveling abroad

[UPDATE 08-NOV-2018 01:17 UTC: The German paper Die Tagespost reports that “Bp.” Schneider says the Vatican has merely asked him to ensure that his travels outside his diocese do not exceed the 30 days’ limit legislated in canon law. He has not been censured or forbidden from traveling. UPDATE 16:52 UTC: Schneider speaks to Life Site to explain the situation.]

We all know that “Pope” Francis is a big friend of migration, but even he has his limits when it comes to tolerating persistent moving about.… READ MORE

A reality check for Burke, Schneider & Co.

Against the “Loyal Opposition”:

How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism
neutralizes the Catholic Faith

by Francis del Sarto

On May 18, 2018, during his Rome Life Forum keynote address at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke declared: “We cannot fail to observe that the situation which Pope Pius XI described in 1925 has only grown worse in our time, and attempts ever more to infiltrate the life of the Church herself and to corrupt the Bride of Christ by an apostasy from the Apostolic Faith” (see video recording, 12:51ff.… READ MORE