Forget Waldo — where’s Georg?!

The Sudden Disappearance of Georg Gänswein: Vatican confirms “Redistribution” of Duties

It must be a complete coincidence that after the inglorious kerfuffle over the Ratzinger/Sarah book on celibacy and the priesthood, the man caught in the middle of it all has suddenly vanished from the public eye.

We are talking about Archbishop Mr. Georg Gänswein, a 63-year-old German who plays an interesting and significant double role in the Vatican: On the one hand, he is the head of the “papal” household under Francis and therefore present at most of the “Pope’s” public appearances. At the same time, he is Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, a job he’s had since Joseph Ratzinger was elected in April of 2005.… READ MORE

 October 5 Event in Rome

The True and the False Passion of the Church:

 Comments on a Public Prayer Gathering in Rome against Bergoglianism

In Italy, conservative members of the Vatican II Church are planning a gathering of public prayer for the Church at a location very close to the Vatican. It is scheduled for Oct. 5, the day before the dreaded Amazon Synod begins, and it coincides with a conference announced by Pan-Amazon Synod Watch, “Amazonia: the Stakes”, which will be held on the same day in Rome. October 5 is also the day on which Francis will create the 13 terrifying new “cardinals” that were just announced.… READ MORE

Enough with all the globe-trotting…

Francis cracks down on “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, orders him to reduce his traveling abroad

[UPDATE 08-NOV-2018 01:17 UTC: The German paper Die Tagespost reports that “Bp.” Schneider says the Vatican has merely asked him to ensure that his travels outside his diocese do not exceed the 30 days’ limit legislated in canon law. He has not been censured or forbidden from traveling. UPDATE 16:52 UTC: Schneider speaks to Life Site to explain the situation.]

We all know that “Pope” Francis is a big friend of migration, but even he has his limits when it comes to tolerating persistent moving about.… READ MORE

Argentine woman speaks out against Bergoglio…

Francis Accused of Involvement in Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002

UPDATE 01-JUL-18 12:09 UTC: Links with additional information added (see end of post) 

On May 26, 2018, high-profile Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti posted on his blog an explosive story about Francis’ past in Buenos Aires that was removed again after publication without explanation.

Thankfully, a cached copy of the post is available online here. A Portuguese translation of the Italian text was published at Fratres in Unum, and the semi-trad web site Tradition in Action has made available an English report on the contents of the Tosatti post, with additional commentary.… READ MORE