Utterly revolting!

Nothing Sacred: Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico!

[UPDATE: Pastor Juan Pedro Oriol says this was put up during his absence, without his knowledge or permission; condemns as “really disgusting”]

Words fail at this. The image says it all.

The notorious Pachamama idol of the Amazon Synod has now been coopted to serve the function of a Eucharistic monstrance at San Juan de Macías parish in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Vaticanist Marco Tosatti broke this story on his blog Stilum Curiae, where you can find more photos of the incident and additional information:

The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is “Fr.”… READ MORE

Just an “imprudent application of the communion of saints”, eh?

No Idolatry at Vatican Gardens?
Tim Staples defends Pachamama Ritual

A perfectly Catholic ceremony — according to Tim Staples

Tim Staples is the Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at the improperly-named Novus Ordo non-profit organization Catholic Answers in California. On his personal blog, he recently posted a defense of the outrageous indigenous ceremony that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4, 2019, the eve of the notorious three-week Amazon Synod.

What had been advertised as a celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day it was, included a bizarre ritual of dancing, singing, praying, and prostrations to the ground around a set of wooden Pachamama statues amidst other indigenous paraphernalia.… READ MORE

Effective treatment options available!

Eucharistic Knee Failure:
Francis’ Medical Condition identified?

“For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.” (Rom 14:11)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce that Novus Ordo Watch has finally been able to determine by means of remote diagnosis the reason for Jorge Bergoglio’s persistent failure to kneel before what he claims to believe is the Holy Eucharist.

The Argentinian Jesuit, known to the world by his stage name “Pope Francis”, suffers from an extraordinary and highly localized medical condition known as “Eucharistic Knee Failure”, or EKF.… READ MORE

Matthew 7:6 alert…

Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?

© Vatican Media

Actions speak louder than words, and that is particularly true in the case of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who has been starring as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing theological tragicomedy that is the Vatican II religion.

We only need to recall his happy reception of Italian abortion icon Emma Bonino, his acceptance of the invalid “blessing” of the Anglican Archlayman of Canterbury, or his blessing of the adulterous union of the Colombian president and his mistress. These actions say more than enough — no explanation needed.… READ MORE

Creepy masquerade mayhem…

Nightmare on Third Avenue: Palm Sunday Puppet Madness at St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis

If you’re ever in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and want to check out a parish that is in “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, we recommend you try “Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community” at 4537 Third Avenue South. It’s one of those dynamic and vibrant social justice parishes where all are welcome, and it combines everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo religion in one place. The Jesus Christ that is preached there is a sorry caricature of the Incarnate Son of God.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo nonsense taken to a whole new level…

Think you’ve seen it all?
Not until you’ve seen Fr. Bob Maguire!

We struggle for words to introduce to you Father — yes, he’s actually a valid priest — Bob Maguire (b. 1934), an eccentric celebrity in the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia. “Everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo in one man” — that is perhaps the best one-line description one can give of this anti-Catholic lowlife.

The video below shows Fr. Maguire’s final Novus Ordo “Mass” at his parish of Ss. Peter and Paul, which he perpetrated on January 29, 2012, having resisted his forcible retirement for over two years.… READ MORE

“An enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28)…

Salacious Dance Crew opens “Ladder to Heaven” Installation in Vienna Cathedral

The notorious “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, O.P., and his sidekick “Fr.” Anton Faber have once again found a way to desecrate St. Stephen’s Cathedral in the Austrian capital of Vienna under the guise of “art”.

Never mind that during the Lenten season there was installed, once again, an oversized purple sweater to cover the otherwise unimpeded view of the beautiful traditional sanctuary art. That’s simply small potatoes compared to what else just went on in the gorgeous building that was once consecrated exclusively to the worship of the Most Holy Trinity.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Another Monster Church:
St. Francis de Sales in Norton Shores, Michigan

There is something about eyesores. Even though they’re horrendously ugly and therefore inherently repulsive, somehow many people nevertheless experience the urge to look. Perhaps it’s due to an instinctive “this is too ugly to be true” reaction.

On this web site we occasionally feature extremely hideous, blasphemous, and otherwise repulsive Novus Ordo churches that are officially but deceptively branded “Roman Catholic”. Think of the Jesuit “Chapel of Encounter” in Salamanca, “God’s Ski Jump” in Munich, the “Novus Horror Church” of St. Martin in Erdmannhausen, or the horrific pile of junk that blasphemously calls itself “Most Holy Trinity Church” in Vienna, to name just a few.… READ MORE

Modernism is as Modernism does…

Blasphemous “Artwork” in Seminary Chapel
in Tübingen, Germany

Almost three years ago, we published an exposé on the horrific blasphemy that hangs right in the sanctuary worship space of the diocesan seminary chapel in Graz, Austria. What at first glance looks like it’s an act of vandalism against a crucifix painting, is actually the finished “artwork”. Remember?

It would be a mistake, however, to suppose that this atrocity is a unique case. After all, the Vatican II Sect is filled with blasphemy, sacrilege, heresy, and impiety, and so we should expect to see outrages like that also in other places.… READ MORE

An indelible character of a different kind?

Bergoglio’s Field Hospital has arrived: COVID Shots administered in Irish Hospital Chapel closed for Sacraments

Francis has long dreamed of his Modernist sect being a “field hospital” that treats the “wounds” of its people — he talks about it every so often (for example, in 2013 | 2015 | 2019). In the town of Waterford, Ireland, that has now come true in a more literal sense that he probably anticipated.

The University Hospital Waterford comes with a “Roman Catholic” chapel on its grounds, under the care of the Novus Ordo diocese of Waterford and Lismore.… READ MORE

So much knowledge, yet no Faith…

Apostasy in Latin: Modernist Fr. Reginald Foster, Vatican’s Top Latin Expert, dies on Christmas Day

Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020) gave up wearing his collar long time ago…

Christmas Day saw the unexpected passing of Fr. Reginald Thomas Foster, O.C.D. (1939-2020), apparently from complications associated with COVID-19. The name of the discalced Carmelite friar probably does not ring a bell with most people, but for decades he was a most important individual in Vatican City. “Reggie”, as he liked to be called, was the foremost living authority on the Latin language, certainly in the Vatican II Church and probably in the entire world.… READ MORE

Quick! Hide the kids…

Mayday! Mayday! Vatican Nativity Scene Unveiled

[UPDATED 14-DEC-2020 02:22 UTC — scroll down for new developments appended at the end]

In case you thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse, it just did: The Vatican has unveiled its Nativity Scene in St. Peter’s Square.

Although this year we’re not confronted with a homo-erotic Frankie Horror Picture Show or an unconventional Nativity display made of sand, what Bergoglio’s sect came up with this time around is a fitting end to an annus horribilis, a truly horrific year.

Pictures tell the story quite well. Words are not really necessary.… READ MORE

The sacred and the profane, 2020 edition….

ChrisMASK is coming: Nativity Scene Figurines wearing COVID Masks pop up in Novus Ordo Land

It was pretty much a given that this year we would see Nativity scenes with “woke” figures wearing face masks. This world is a hell-hole of apostasy, sacrilege, and irreverence that has lost all sense and respect for that which is holy and sacred, thanks in no small part to decades of the Vatican II Sect doing its work of devastation in the Catholic vineyard.

In Turin, Italy, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist has put up a large indoor Nativity display that is gorgeous to look at — except for the cloth masks found on everyone’s face:

Getty Images has released a few close-up images, some of which you can browse in the carousel below:

Embed from Getty ImagesREAD MORE

Cracks in the Masonry?

“Cardinal” Marx’s Cracked Stone Altar

As long-time readers of this blog may recall, the Modernist Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is the home of “God’s Ski Jump”.

At the same time, the diocese does have some beautiful old and therefore traditional church buildings. Since those don’t really fit their Novus Ordo religion, however, they tend to get wreckovated. After all, such truly Catholic churches were designed for the true worship of the Triune God, and the new-and-improved “Catholicism 2.0” of Vatican II just isn’t into that sort of thing.

Even in churches where the basic traditional architecture and most of the beautiful sanctuary have been retained, the one thing they always do is introduce a so-called “people’s altar”.… READ MORE

A Fun Church update…

Nothing Sacred: Idiotic Buffoonery at Novus Ordo Parish in Nebraska

As stated in big letters on their home page, Sacred Heart Church in Omaha, Nebraska, is a “vibrant” and “diverse” Novus Ordo community. Being part of the Vatican II Sect (Archdiocese of Omaha), it is naturally a church of joy. How that works out in practice could be seen at a “Mass” four months ago.

In the Novus Ordo liturgy, on Sundays the reception of “Holy Communion” is typically followed by parish announcements (such an appropriate time!). On June 21 at Sacred Heart in Omaha, those announcements came with a pool noodle fight and all kinds of other buffooneries only people completely ignorant of, or hostile to, Catholicism would dare to engage in.… READ MORE