A steady stream of Bergoglian bilge…

Francis Unhinged: Word of God leads us to Man, Caring for Others more important than Religious Ceremony

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God” (Apoc 13:6):
The Jesuit apostate and false pope Jorge Bergoglio

This past Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022, the Novus Ordo Church celebrated “Sunday of the Word of God” for its Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (in the traditional Roman calendar, it was the Third Sunday after the Epiphany). The feast was instituted only recently by “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) himself, with the motu proprio letter Aperuit Illis of Sep. 30, 2019.… READ MORE

False pope poisons vulnerable souls…

Hot Air and Heresy:
Bergoglio misleads Young People in Athens

Earlier this month, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) graced the people of Cyprus and Greece not only with his humble presence but also his infinite wisdom, which he is always very eager to communicate.

In our latest podcast, TRADCAST EXPRESS 144, we took apart a few objectionable things His Phoniness said in Cyprus, specifically regarding walls, proselytism, the claim that God never tires of forgiving, and the idea that “the Gospel is not handed on by communication but by communion.” You can listen here:

More TRADCAST episodes are available on our Soundcloud channel here

After spending two days in Cyprus, Francis traveled to Greece.… READ MORE

Martin Luther would be proud!

Francis drops another Heresy Bomb:
“Friendship with Jesus cannot be broken”

Every year on Dec. 3 the United Nations observes an “International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. Not surprisingly, the secularist organization’s garrulous de facto chaplain, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has released a message for the occasion:

There is nothing wrong, of course, with a Catholic Pope — which is what Bergoglio pretends to be — releasing a message for disabled people. In fact, it is perhaps a particularly opportune time to reach souls.… READ MORE

Can you guess in what context?!

Hot Air Alert:
Francis warns Mankind of God’s Judgment!

Breaking news: The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, better known by his stage name, “Pope Francis”, has suddenly warned mankind of “God’s judgment” if it should not finally amend its ways!

What brought this on? Did the false pope accidentally open an accurate translation of the New Testament? Did memory of his childhood catechism classes suddenly return? Did he have a long-overdue conversion a few weeks before his 85th birthday? Is he becoming remorseful concerning all the Modernist piffle he has been spouting for so many years?… READ MORE

“Impressive”, eh?!

Indelible Signs:
Free Tattoos offered in Novus Ordo church in Frankfurt

If you thought the “Show-Your-Tattoo Mass” we reported on in 2014 was bad, wait till you read this story.

On Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 in Frankfurt, Germany, the historic 16th-century Liebfrauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), currently used as a monastic church and occuppied by clerics of the Vatican II Sect, was defiled by an absurd spectacle: For a total of roughly five hours, the church was open for people to enter and get a calligraphical tattoo imprinted on their skin, free of charge. Participants had to choose from one of eight pre-selected words or phrases.… READ MORE

Annual message for Diwali…

Vatican hopes Hindu Idolatry will bring Light and Hope to World of Darkness and Despair

It’s that time of the year again when the Novus Ordo Sect congratulates Hindus on their celebration of “light”, known as Diwali or Deepavali, which this year is observed on Nov. 4.

This year’s message, sent by “Cardinal” Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot of the so-called Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, bears the ominous title: “Christians and Hindus: Together Bringing Light in People’s Lives in Times of Despair”. What hopeful light might this be? Let’s find out.

The letter begins with the “Cardinal’s” expressed desire that observing the idolatrous Hindu feast may, “even in the midst of anxiety and uncertainty arising from the present pandemic, and its resultant worldwide crises, light up your lives, homes and communities with the hope for a better future!”… READ MORE

False pope unloads Masonic bilge…

Apostate Bergoglio endorses World’s Religions as “Different Ways of Coming to God”

On Oct. 5, 2021, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) hosted the round-table meeting “Religions and Education: Towards a Global Compact on Education” at the Vatican. It was the latest installment in the false pope’s ongoing attempts to come up with a one-size-fits-all educational model that will adequately prepare the world for the eventual arrival of the Antichrist.

Before we look at the details, however, let’s first recall the two preceding episodes in that ominous Bergoglian saga:

When he speaks to an interreligious audience, Francis will always speak about religion in terms of the lowest common denominator.… READ MORE

Queasy listening!

Fratelli Tutti in a Nutshell:
Human Fraternity Theme Song discovered!

Many in the Vatican II Church are still reeling from Francis’ infernal motu proprio letter Traditionis Custodes, which severely curtails the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. While they’re trying to find ways around it, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the false pope is going full steam ahead with his Naturalist human fraternity agenda.

Earlier this year the Vatican released a chronology of “Human Fraternity in the Pontificate of Pope Francis.” February 4 is now “International Day of Human Fraternity”, and is recognized as such by the United Nations.… READ MORE

Allocution of Apr. 17, 1907, now in English…

Pope St. Pius X condemns Bergoglio’s Gospel of Man

Not interested in Bergoglio’s false gospel: His Holiness, Pope St. Pius X

Roughly five months before releasing his monumental encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis against Modernism, Pope Saint Pius X gave an address to newly-created cardinals gathered in consistory, in which he sounded the alarm against Modernistic attempts to subvert Catholicism by feigning a return to the “pure” gospel of a dogmaless humanitarianism.

This papal allocution, which has never before been seen in English, is relevant in our day because it condemns more or less directly some of the very errors being promoted by the false pope Jorge Bergoglio, commonly known as “Pope Francis”.… READ MORE

How NOT to speak about the Holy Eucharist…

“The Greatness of God in a Piece of Bread”:

A Commentary on Francis’ Corpus Christi Sermon and Angelus Address

Always has a profound insight, or thinks he does: The Modernist antipope Jorge Bergoglio

This past Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Vatican observed the Solemnity of Corpus Christi or Corpus Domini, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

The false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) has long had a very strained relationship with this feast. Not only does he habitually refuse to kneel before the “Blessed Sacrament” exposed for adoration (unlike for other occasions), he also refuses to participate in the processions (the only time he did was in 2013, his first year), and he repudiates the dogma of Transubstantiation, usually opting for the Lutheran heresy of Consubstantiation instead:

In a separate post, we already reported on the latest bout of Eucharistic Knee Failure that predictably attacked him; in this post, we shall focus on the words he spoke during his sermon, delivered in the evening, and what he said during the Angelus address he had given earlier in the day.… READ MORE

Seeks “miracle of an ever wider ‘we’…”

Anticipating Antichrist: In World Migrant Day Message, Francis hints at “Messianic Future” of Naturalist Heaven on Earth

Few things allow the Argentinian apostate Jesuit and professional papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) to do his part to advance the globalist New World Order agenda more effectively than the topic of migrants and refugees. It allows him to exploit the natural human desire to help those in need by inculcating in people his pseudo-Catholic Masonic concepts of liberty, equality, fraternity, and open borders, thus placing the temporal over the eternal, the natural over the supernatural, man over Christ.… READ MORE

Not exactly a Vatican II document…

Pope Pius IX condemns Anti-Christian Civilization: Exclusive English Translation of Allocution Iamdudum Cernimus (1861)

The Supreme Pontiff Pius IX (reigned 1846-1878)

Virtually everyone who considers himself a traditional Roman Catholic has heard of Pope Pius IX’s famous Syllabus of Errors. It is a list of some of the chief philosophical, theological, and socio-political errors of the 19th century. A total of 80 condemned theses, the list was appended to the encyclical Quanta Cura and released together with it on Dec. 8, 1864.

With regard to how the Syllabus came to be, the Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

The commission [for the creation of the Syllabus] took the wording of the errors to be condemned from the official declarations of Pius IX and appended to each of the eighty theses a reference indicating its content, so as to determine the true meaning and the theological value of the subjects treated.


Theology has consequences…

Vatican II in Action: Nigerian Diocese builds Mosque for Muslim Refugees

The Novus Ordo bishop of Yola in front of the mosque being built for IDPs in Adamawa, Nigeria

It is well-known that the members of the Vatican II Sect worship the same god as the Moslems. They say so themselves. In the 1964 dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium of their beloved Second Vatican Council, they note that the followers of Islam “along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind” (n. 16).

Now, we know what god the Muslims worship because they are happy to let us know.… READ MORE

Charles Coulombe, Robert Spaemann, and others

Occultists masquerading as “Traditional Catholics”

On January 12, 2021, a researcher who goes by the pseudonym Alistair McFadden and describes himself as a “traditional Catholic layman unschooled in either philosophy or theology”, published a lengthy article entitled “Observations on the Influence of the Occult in Traditional Catholic Discourse”. It uncovers unsettling facts about an occultist influence on “Traditional Catholicism” or “Catholic Traditionalism” — and here we use the term in a very loose sense.

The essay was published on the social media platform Medium and takes over an hour to read in full. Here is the direct link:

The sedevacantist media apostolate True Restoration has recently provided a summary of McFadden’s lengthy but highly-informative monograph.… READ MORE

Logical consequence of Abu Dhabi heresy…

Francis expands the “People of God”:
Now it includes All Religions!

The heresy superspreader Jorge Bergoglio — a.k.a. “Pope Francis” — held another general audience today. The topic this time was the Easter Triduum, that is, the three days leading up to Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.

Not surprisingly, the Argentinian pseudo-pope was busy shifting the focus from Christ’s Passion and Death onto “the sufferings of the sick, the poor, the rejected of this world; …the ‘sacrificed lambs’, the innocent victims of wars, dictatorships, everyday violence, abortions… the too many who are crucified in our time … who are the image of Jesus Crucified….”… READ MORE