False Prophet Alert…

The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision

Ratzinger’s posthumous Revenge? Don’t fall for it…

Perhaps we should have seen this coming.

Barely a month after the death of ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI (Fr. Joseph Ratzinger) on Dec. 31, 2022, a Novus Ordo religious sister (nun) in Colombia has claimed that the ‘Pope Emeritus’ appeared to her twice in a vision on Feb. 2, 2023, and revealed to her what he called the second part of his spiritual testament (the first having been released to the public the day of his death).… READ MORE

Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

UPDATED: Vatican permits Anglican ‘Mass’ at St. John Lateran Cathedral in Rome

Mr. Jonathan Baker leads an Anglican ‘Mass’ in St. John’s Cathedral, Rome


20-APR-2023 18:29 UTC:


If only the Popes had thought of that!

Vatican Preacher: ‘Vicar of Christ’ is Misleading Title for Pope because Christ is Never Absent from His Church

The Papacy isn’t the only dogma the apostate Fr. Cantalamessa has a problem with…

In 1555, Pope Paul IV instituted the office of the Preacher Apostolic, also known as the Preacher of the Papal Household. Whoever is appointed Preacher of the Papal Household is the only person in the world who is allowed to preach to the Pope. This is a rather useful function, considering that the Pope too is just a man, a sinner whose soul needs to receive spiritual nourishment from the sermons and exhortations of a preacher: “And how shall they hear, without a preacher?”… READ MORE

Meetings canceled for next two days…

Italian Media: ‘Pope’ Francis taken to Hospital for possible Heart Attack, Breathing Problems… Developing…

BERGOGLIO HEALTH UPDATES for April 1, 2023 (last updated 01:24 pm EDT):




Sedevacantists dismantle the false pope…

Jorge Bergoglio as ‘Pope’ Francis:
Ten Years of Apostasy

Complete Video Broadcast

This past March 13, 2023, marked the 10-year anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio’s ongoing ‘Pope Francis’ act. As we had announced a few days before, a special live edition of the Catholic Family Podcast was aired on YouTube for the occasion.

Host Kevin Davis and co-host Mario Derksen (yours truly) of Novus Ordo Watch spent 2 hours and 50 minutes discussing the disastrous past ten years with special guests Steven Speray, Louie Verrecchio, and the editor of the anonymous Introibo ad Altare Dei blog. … READ MORE

Bergoglio and that pesky dogma of hell…

Hell is an Attitude? ‘Pope’ Francis shows he does not believe in Eternal Damnation for the Wicked

Not surprisingly, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) doesn’t talk much about hell. When he does, it’s usually to deny its existence, or to deny that anyone is in it; or to downplay it in other ways, or simply to joke about it.

Bergoglio’s latest remarks on hell come from one of the half-dozen interviews released in just the last week or so, on the occasion of his 10-year anniversary as ‘Pope’. … READ MORE

Mark your calendars!

Announcement of Upcoming Livestream:
Special Broadcast on Ten Years of ‘Pope’ Francis

[UPDATE: Link to Full Video Broadcast HERE]

This coming Monday, Jorge Bergoglio will celebrate his tenth anniversary as “Pope Francis”.

To mark this infernal milestone, we are happy to announce a live-streamed special edition of the Catholic Family Podcast on March 13, 2023. It will start at 5:00 pm EDT (2:00 pm PDT; 21:00 UTC; 22:00 CET).

Host Kevin Davis will be joined by co-host Mario Derksen of Novus Ordo Watch and sundry interesting guests. We will review and discuss some of the worst, ugliest, and most ridiculous that has transpired since the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires has claimed the papal throne:

Our special guests will include former Novus Ordo priest Fr.READ MORE

Bergoglio’s baneful baby…

‘Abrahamic Family House’ with Church, Mosque, and Synagogue opens in Abu Dhabi

Three cubes for a more fraternal — and less Catholic — world

The ever-advancing global apostasy has just reached another mile marker. On Feb. 16, 2023, the so-called Abrahamic Family House was solemnly inaugurated in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The project comes with the full endorsement of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who has been playing “Pope Francis” for nearly 10 years now in the post-Catholic Vatican. In fact, Francis is one of the instigators of this unholy endeavor, which has been called the “first fruits” of the blasphemous and heretical Document on Human Fraternity the false pope signed together with the Moslem imam Ahmad Al-Tayyib in Abu Dhabi on Feb.… READ MORE

Don’t worry, ‘Pope’ Francis doesn’t either!

High-Profile Jesuit: ‘I Do Not Believe in Transubstantiation’

Catholicism just isn’t his thing: the Jesuit Modernist ‘Fr.’ Tom Reese

It is rare that a Novus Ordo Jesuit comes out and states explicitly that he does not believe in a dogma of the Faith, but it does happen on occasion.

A recent example is the American ‘Fr.’ Thomas J. Reese, S.J. (b. 1945), who was editor-in-chief of the Jesuit rag America until 2005.

In a Jan. 31 article suspiciously entitled “The Eucharist is about More than the Real Presence” — a write-up meant to contribute to the “Eucharistic revival” the Novus Ordo bishops of the United States want to bring about — Reese openly proclaims his rejection of Transubstantiation, which was defined dogmatically and infallibly at the Council of Trent in the 16th century.… READ MORE

Document allegedly to be released in Holy Week…

Details emerge: Bergoglio’s rumored Next Attack on the Traditional Latin Mass

The false pope is determined to protect the world from the liturgical books of 1962…

On Jan. 14, 2023, the German indult blog Summorum Pontificum reported on a credible rumor about “Pope Francis” and his liturgical henchmen preparing another, more severe set of restrictions for the use of the Roman Missal of 1962, after the implementation of Traditionis Custodes has apparently been too lackluster and too slow for the man whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio:

Today, Feb.… READ MORE

Quick turn-around for fellow-ideologue…

Francis answers the Dubia — from James Martin!

The not-so-Reverend “Fr.” James Martin, S.J., has been stirring the pot again.

The Jesuit we affectionately call “Hellboy” (for good reason) is always on an unholy mission to drive the Vatican II Church further and further into accepting and celebrating the filth of unnatural impurity. In this he is happy to collaborate with Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis), himself an apostate Jesuit with a fondness for perversion.

In 2021, Bergoglio commended Martin for his “pastoral work” in a personal letter to him. Four years prior, he had already appointed him consultor for the Vatican’s department of communications.… READ MORE

Chief ‘Talking Bull’ is at it again…

Francis in New Interview: ‘The Most Serious Sin a Missionary can commit is Proselytism’

No one protects the world from “paganism” quite like Jorge Bergoglio. Just a week ago, on Jan. 11, 2023, the Argentinian apostate, typically referred to as “Pope Francis” by most, proclaimed during an audience that Catholics who proselytize are “pagan” at heart:

Another time, he made clear that he considered proselytism to be a grave sin against ecumenism. Both of these labels were clearly a serious upgrade from his initial dismissal of proselytism as mere “solemn nonsense”.… READ MORE

Now that Benedict XVI is gone…

Francis rumored to be preparing new Decree against Traditional Latin Mass

It behooves bloggers to be careful with rumors. It is too easy for a story to make the rounds that ends up being false — “fake news”, as it is called in our day.

At the same time, not all rumors are equal. Some are more credible than others, and in the case of the one before us right now, we think it worth reporting on, considering the source: the German ‘indult’ blog Motu-proprio: Summorum-Pontificum, which is run by Michael Charlier. It is a kind of German equivalent to the English-speaking Rorate Caeli blog, although the two are not connected.… READ MORE

No compromises with paganism, see?

Bergoglio: Proselytism is Pagan!

Doesn’t want you to succumb to paganism: Jorge Mario Bergoglio as ‘Pope Francis’

This past Wednesday, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope Francis” — began a new cycle of catechetical lectures for his weekly general audience. The topic of this new series is the passion for evangelization, the believer’s zeal for mission. And who better to preach on this than the Jesuit from Buenos Aires, who considers false religions an “enrichment” for humanity and asserts that God wants there to be a diversity of religions?

Of course the false pope wasted no time making clear that he is not talking about that detested proselytism, which would mean trying to convert others to Catholicism by means of arguments, that is, by trying to convince others of the truth of the Catholic Faith.… READ MORE

Explanation of Acts 17:22-23

Do Pagans worship the True God without knowing it?
A Look at St. Paul’s Discourse to the Athenians

In Chapter 17 of the Acts of the Apostles, we find St. Paul discoursing with the pagan inhabitants of Athens, Greece. The city is immersed in idolatry, and the holy Apostle notices an altar dedicated “to the unknown god”. He uses this as a cue to preach to the Athenians the true God, whom indeed they do not yet know but are apparently disposed, however confusedly, to worship.

This incident is sometimes used by Novus Ordo apologists to support the positive view of paganism that the Vatican II religion has been fostering, and none more than Jorge Bergoglio, the man otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. … READ MORE