Better a vacant Chair than a defected Chair!

A Church without Popes forever?
Response to an Inquiring Writer at One Peter Five

On July 23, 2020, an article appeared on the One Peter Five web site that is addressed to sedevacantists:

The piece was written by Mr. Nishant Xavier, and it represents a reasonable and evidence-based challenge to the sedevacantist position. This is unusual for One Peter Five, which in the past (and also since then) has revealed itself to be a theological comedy site more than anything.… READ MORE

Recognize-and-Resisters pushed over the edge…

Bergoglio breaks the Semi-Trads: Is the Fence-Sitting coming to an End?

Good news, everyone: It seems more and more semi-traditionalists are finally at the breaking point with Jorge Bergoglio. His recent apology tour for indigenous Canadians seems to have put some people over the edge. During this trip, the man otherwise known by his stage name, “Pope Francis”, did not just unload heaps of the expected ideological blather, he also participated in a pagan smudge ceremony petitioning the “western grandmother” for “access to the sacred circle of spirits”.

At this point, even Taylor Marshall has had enough: “I’m at a loss.… READ MORE

Fr. Felix Cappello, S.J., on a hot-button issue…

Distinguished Pre-Vatican II Theologian:
A Heretical Pope is Impossible

The Jesuit Fr. Felix Cappello (1879-1962) was an outstanding theologian of the Catholic Church. He held doctorates in Sacred Theology, philosophy, and canon law. He taught at the Pontifical Gregorian University from 1920 to 1959 and served as a Vatican advisor.

In 1911/12, Fr. Cappello’s 2-volume work De Curia Romana (“On the Roman Curia”) was published. Volume 2 deals specifically with the Roman Curia during a time when there is no Pope, the state of sede vacante. It contains a treatment of the question of the “heretical Pope” (Papa haereticus) and whether the Church has the power to depose him.… READ MORE

March 1, 2022

A merciless look at the “unique expression” of the Novus Ordo liturgy – truly, each one is unique!

“Pachamama is a Demon” — dismayed at Francis’ antics, a convert to the Novus Ordo religion shares testimony of a missionary.

Novus Ordo presbyter who thinks “we do not know what we mean by the word ‘god’” wants to lecture you on the Sacred Liturgy. Here’s a preview: “…each situation generates a liturgy, and as the situation changes, so must its liturgy.” Sounds like someone Francis would want to make a “cardinal”!

Do your children feel drawn to members of the same sex?… READ MORE

The tragedy of schizophrenic theology…

 Denouncing “Newchurch”:
Another Theological Train Wreck from The Remnant

Dr. Jason Morgan is a university professor in Japan and author of numerous articles that have appeared in various journals and papers over the years.

Since 2018, he has been writing for the recognize-and-resist flagship publication The Remnant. One of his first posts was about Sedevacantism, to which we responded here:

One of his most recent contributions is a scathing denouncement of the Vatican II Sect, to which he, quite appropriately, gives the Orwellian term “Newchurch”:

This write-up is actually quite tragic itself, especially considering that the author believes himself to be a faithful traditional Roman Catholic and his position to be expressive of orthodox Catholicism.… READ MORE

End your cognitive dissonance!

Canceling Francis:
15 Videos on Why You Should Be a Sedevacantist

Dear traditionalists in the Vatican II Church: Francis has canceled you. Isn’t it time you canceled him?

For year’s end, we want to provide a convenient post that lists 15 of the most important and most compelling videos we have promoted on this web site over the years that make the case for Sedevacantism in one way or another. Some are long, some are short; some are more riveting, others more dry — but all of them are well worth your time.

Here they are, in no particular order:

The Papacy and Sedevacantism: Have the Gates of Hell prevailed?


Theological nuances matter…

Is Jesus Christ a “Divine-Human Person”?
A New Heresy from Antipope Francis

As discussed in our most recent podcast, on Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2021, the false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) dropped the following bombshell at his weekly General Audience “catechesis” lesson:

Here, then, is the grace of Christian prayer: Christ is not far away, but is always in a relationship with us. There is no aspect of his divine-human person that cannot become a place of salvation and happiness for us. Every moment of Jesus’ earthly life, through the grace of prayer, can become immediate to us, thanks to the Holy Spirit, the guide.


News Digest February 23, 2021

February 23, 2021

“Catholicism” in AD 2021…

The Jorge of Babylon: Francis to hold interreligious prayer service at Abraham’s birthplace in ancient city of Ur, Iraq.

The Abomination of Desolation in the Holy Place: Hare Krishna in the Sanctuary in Rio de Janeiro.

It’s Lent, so… what are you doing for the environment?!

Amazing insight: Words can be “kisses” but also “swords”, Francis, obviously bored, writes in yet another foreword to yet another book.

New vices for old: On Italian TV, Francis speaks on the seven capital sins but substitutes five of them for more politically correct ones.… READ MORE

News Digest November 4, 2020

November 4, 2020

Vatican II has consequences: Irish Novus Ordo priest allows Muslim to lead prayer in church…

As always, Vatican News knows to ask the really crucial questions: “How will the US election impact climate change?”

Breaking silence: “Abp.” Carlo Vigano reveals details – including names – about Vatican gay lobby.

Meanwhile: Francis puts McCarrick roommate “Cardinal” Kevin Farrell in charge of “scrutinizing Vatican financial decisions not governed by ordinary Vatican oversight norms.”

By the way: Financial and operational questions surround Bergoglio’ favorite Scholas Occurrentes foundation….

Lefebvrists celebrate: Fifty Years of the Society of Saint Pius X.… READ MORE



  • Special Topic: PART 2 of critical review of Taylor R. Marshall’s book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (Manchester, NH: Sophia Institute Press, 2019)
  • Segment 1: Chapters 21-32
  • Segment 2: Chapter 32 continued; Chapter 33; appendices; other reviews of Infiltration; how Marshall’s book got over 800 overwhelmingly positive reviews at Amazon on day of release [UPDATE: The electronic Kindle edition was released a week prior — this would account for a certain number of legitimate organic reviews by launch day for the print edition]; a challenge to Taylor Marshall; what Infiltration should have included but didn’t; concluding comments
  • Total run time: 2 hours 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Fr. Frederick Faber’s warning…

What will make the Antichrist so Deceptive?

Fr. Frederick W. Faber (1814-1863) warned his flock

Although the person of the Antichrist is perhaps not yet in our world, it is clear that the mystery of iniquity that will culminate in his arrival has been at work ever since the fall of Lucifer, and has never been more active than in our own day.

In his Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, St. Paul the Apostle warned: “For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way” (2 Th 2:7).… READ MORE

Another online tempest in a tea pot…

“Against Recent Sacrileges”: 100 Novus Ordo Clerics & Scholars protest Francis’ Pachamama Idolatry

“An international group of 100 priests and lay scholars published a statement today to protest the pagan worship of Pachamama that took place last month during the Amazon Synod in Rome with Pope Francis’ active participation and apparent support”, Maike Hickson reports for Life Site in a report released today, Nov. 12.

The statement, dated Nov. 9, 2019, is posted at a web site put up specifically for this cause, where other clergy and scholars can request their own names to be appended to the document to express their support.… READ MORE

Response to theological sophistry…

Is Francis the Pope?
A Devastating Refutation of Eric Sammons

Is Francis the Pope?

That is the question Eric Sammons asks in a recent article on the One Peter Five web site. Of course even without reading it you already know what his conclusion is; for were it anything other than affirmative, One Peter Five wouldn’t have published it to begin with. To test the merits of the author’s arguments is the purpose of this post.

Sammons’ essay “Is Francis the Pope?”, released on Oct. 29, 2019, follows a common pattern among writers of the recognize-and-resist (aka semi-traditionalist) camp: It’s got plenty to say but is woefully short on documenting assertions made from traditional Catholic teaching.… READ MORE

Last part of our massive rebuttal of Andrew Fornak…

Peace in the Crisis?
Catholic Family News Promotes a Dangerous Tranquility
 (PART 3)

by Francis del Sarto

[NOTE: This is Part 3 of a response to a series of articles that the author has since withdrawn and that Catholic Family News has removed from its web site. As a courtesy, we have changed the name of the original author to the pseudonym “Andrew Fornak”.]


This analysis is a response to the conclusion of Part II along with Part III of Andrew Fornak’s Catholic Family News article series “Finding Peace in the Crisis”.… READ MORE

Introducing: green apostasy!

Nature Worship, Spiritism, Indigenous Liturgy:
Get ready for the Amazon Synod!

He’s ready — are you?!

If the preparatory document just released for the upcoming Amazon Synod is any indication, then the last few synods that caused chaos in the Vatican II Church were small potatoes. Communion for adulterers? Situation ethics? Sin as an imperfect participation in virtue? The youth as a privileged place of God’s revelation? You will wish to return to those topics if what’s on the Amazon Synod agenda will actually be implemented.

Officially called the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, the Vatican has put up a special web site dedicated to the event:

This past Monday, June 17, the Roman Modernists released the full text of the synod’s Instrumentum Laboris, as the working document is formally called, accompanied by a press conference to introduce it.… READ MORE