Condemned by St. Pius X, loved by Francis!

Dirty Dancing meets Fake News:
Vatican News spreads false claim Pope St. Pius X approved of the Tango

On May 29, 1954, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, Pope Pius X (r. 1903-1914), was canonized a saint by Pope Pius XII, who fixed his annual liturgical feast day on September 3.

Even in the Vatican II Sect, St. Pius X retains a feast day, although the false pope Paul VI moved it to August 21. Being the mauler of Modernists and thus the archenemy of the Vatican II religion, especially “Pope” Francis, St. Pius X is rarely talked about in the New Church.… READ MORE

A victim of his own panache…

Pope or Antipope?
“Fr.” John Hunwicke and the Case of Felix II

The English Novus Ordo presbyter John Hunwicke is once again outdoing himself on his Mutual Enrichment blog. In a post published Aug. 9, 2020, entitled, “Holy Antipopes, pray for us”, the convert from Anglicanism can barely contain his excitement with regard to what he calls “the Mysterious Affair of Pope Felix II”.

In a style reminiscent of a child who’s just found a big box of candies and knows Momma isn’t looking, “Fr.” Hunwicke revels in a discovery he’s made that he apparently thinks is a tremendous blow to sedevacantists, to Francis, or to both.… READ MORE

Utterly revolting…

Vatican “Abp.” Vincenzo Paglia retweets Picture of Naked Adults with Naked Children

Some stories are so disgusting that one absolutely detests having to blog about them. This is one of them.

This morning, the Vatican’s president of the so-called Pontifical Academy for Life, “Abp.” Vincenzo Paglia, sent a message on the social media platform Twitter that includes an image showing a nude man and a nude woman lying on the floor, surrounded by four nude little children.

The conservative Novus Ordo web site Life Site covers the story in a news article by Anthony Murdoch and Pete Baklinski:

The tweet in question did not originate with Paglia; he “merely” retweeted it and commented on it.… READ MORE

Tongue-in-cheek commentary on the Vatican summer camp…

Summer Fun at the Vatican — but does Francis approve?

Fun and games at the Vatican — nothing wrong with that! Although tiny, Vatican City State is a sovereign nation that has real citizens, old and young.

For the first time ever, Vatican City is now offering summer fun to the children of Vatican employees. Rome Reports has put together a little video overview of what’s going down in the world’s smallest country this summer. Have a look:

Just recently we got a peek inside the infernal Paul VI Audience Hall, which, as mentioned in the video, has now been set up for children to have fun while the Vatican apparatus is on vacation.… READ MORE

Infernal Art and Architecture in the Vatican

The Vatican’s Hell Hall:
The Weird Mysteries of the Paul VI Audience Hall

Darkness Visible: Eerie, shrieking skull-like faces seem to peer out menacingly from the base 0f La Resurrezione, an eight ton sculpture, as “Pope” Francis speaks during an audience on November 21, 2015 at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. It is only one of the many bizarre things associated with this auditorium. (image: Getty Images/AFP / rights-managed)

by Francis Del Sarto

G.K. Chesterton once referred to architecture as “the most practical and the most dangerous of the arts.”… READ MORE

No “exile” for Ratzinger after all…

Br. Alexis Bugnolo’s Narrative collapses as Benedict XVI returns to Vatican City

Another post on Benedict XVI’s trip to Germany? Yes, one more. The reason for giving this so much attention is the fact that more and more people who are sick and tired of Francis but don’t want to be sedevacantists are turning to “that fox” (Lk 13:32) Joseph Ratzinger as their alternative. This gives them the happy illusion of having a real Pope who in their minds retains some semblance of orthodoxy, especially compared to the openly apostate Jorge Bergoglio. The leading English-speaking voice among them is Brother Alexis Bugnolo.READ MORE

First known trip outside Italy since resignation…

Benedict XVI leaves Vatican City to visit sick Brother in Germany

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger on Sep. 22, 2012

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the public heretic who played Pope of the Catholic Church under the stage name of “Benedict XVI” from 2005-13 and now calls himself “Pope Emeritus”, has left Vatican City for an indefinite period of time. This morning he was flown to Germany to visit his gravely ill brother, “Mgr.” Georg Ratzinger, who is 96 and resides at his private home in the Bavarian city of Regensburg (Ratisbonne).

Benedict, himself 93, arrived at Munich airport around noon local time, where he was picked up by “Bishop” Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg.… READ MORE

Vatican II Sect vs. Fatima

Explosive: Major TV Network to air Documentary on Vatican’s “Sister Lucy” Imposture

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a very exciting development: Peter Chojnowski of the Sister Lucy Truth project has announced on his personal blog that an (as of yet unidentified) major mainstream media network is planning on producing and broadcasting a 2-3 hour professional documentary on the true vs. fake Sister Lucy of Fatima controversy. The program is to be aired on Aug. 11 of this year, in connection with the official release of the new movie Fatima (watch trailer here), which will begin showing in theaters on Aug.… READ MORE

Sillonism to the rescue!

Vatican promotes Interfaith Prayer in wake of Coronavirus Pandemic

Apostates and infidels for peace, but not for the Prince of Peace…

The apostates running the Vatican II Church are not very creative. No matter what problem is, when it comes to dealing with matters not internal to their church, the proposed solution is always the same: dialogue, solidarity, fraternity, harmony, freedom, equality, human dignity, mutual understanding — you get the drift.

The Coronavirus epidemic is no different.

On April 1, 2020, a global coalition called Religions for Peace engaged in what they called an “Interfaith Moment of Hope and Solidarity”.… READ MORE

Bergoglio makes it possible…

Rome’s Miraculous Crucifix “at Risk of Bursting” after Francis exposes it to Rain in St. Peter’s Square

The 16th-century wooden crucifix was not shielded from the rain in St. Peter’s Square

[UPDATE 01-APR-20: “Damage to ‘miraculous crucifix’ not as serious as reported, rector says”]

God is making things very obvious if only we are willing to see.

This past Friday, Mar. 27, 2020, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, held an extraordinary prayer event in the Vatican to petition God for an end to the Coronavirus pandemic. To that end, the blaspheming apostate had had the 16th-century Miraculous Plague Crucifix brought from the Roman parish church of San Marcello al Corso to St.… READ MORE

No comment yet from Vatican…

Infection at the Casa Santa Marta:
Person with COVID-19 in Francis’ Residence

[UPDATE 26-MAR-20 03:00 UTC: Infected individual identified as “Mgr.” Gianluca Pezzoli]

On Mar. 16, we reported that Francis had met with French Novus Ordo bishops at the Vatican, one of whom later tested positive for the presence of COVID-19, the dreaded Coronavirus. Upon their return to France, he and all the other prelates who had accompanied him went into quarantine. Thus we concluded: “The question is whether Francis himself will now be quarantined, and if not, why not.” He has not been quarantined since; or if he has been, it wasn’t reported.… READ MORE

Encounter at the Vatican…

Francis to be Quarantined after meeting with COVID-infected French Prelates?

“Surreal” is perhaps the most fitting adjective to describe the current situation in the world concerning Coronavirus Disease, aka COVID-19. Vatican City is no exception.

Today, March 16, the French news site Courrier de l’Ouest reports that the Novus Ordo bishop of Angers, France, Emmanuel Delmas, has tested positive for COVID-19, after spending a few days in Rome, which included a meeting with “Pope” Francis and the heads of various dicasteries at the Vatican on March 9. Delmas and the 29 other French “bishops” who accompanied him on the ad limina visit have all been put under quarantine, according to the report.… READ MORE

Pachamama worship still okay!

Lenten Retreat for Vatican Curia: Preacher warns of Idolatry for adhering to “Ritualism” and “Certainties”!

“Father” Pietro Bovati, S.J., has found the idols in the Vatican!

It’s the first week of Lent, and that means it’s time for the annual Lenten retreat for the “Pope” and his Roman Curia. This year Francis isn’t attending, however, but following along from the Casa Santa Marta, on account of the cold with which he’s been diagnosed.

This year the retreat master is “Fr.” Pietro Bovati, S.J., another one of those Modernist “biblical scholars” who writes for the Jesuit rag La Civiltà Cattolica and is currently the Secretary of the so-called Pontifical Biblical Commission, the Vatican’s think thank for reinterpreting Sacred Scripture in line with the latest Modernist trends.… READ MORE

Forget Waldo — where’s Georg?!

The Sudden Disappearance of Georg Gänswein: Vatican confirms “Redistribution” of Duties

It must be a complete coincidence that after the inglorious kerfuffle over the Ratzinger/Sarah book on celibacy and the priesthood, the man caught in the middle of it all has suddenly vanished from the public eye.

We are talking about Archbishop Mr. Georg Gänswein, a 63-year-old German who plays an interesting and significant double role in the Vatican: On the one hand, he is the head of the “papal” household under Francis and therefore present at most of the “Pope’s” public appearances. At the same time, he is Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, a job he’s had since Joseph Ratzinger was elected in April of 2005.… READ MORE

Celibacy, shmelibacy!

Roberto de Mattei: Francis Opens Door to Married Priests in upcoming Exhortation on Amazon Synod

Peek-a-boo! Open or closed?!

The Novus Ordo Church historian Prof. Roberto de Mattei has published an article on his web site asserting that several “bishops” have leaked to him a pre-released portion of Francis’ upcoming post-synodal “Apostolic exhortation” that speaks of lifting the requirement of clerical celibacy.

But first, some background.

On Jan. 13, 2020, “Cardinal” Claudio Hummes, the general relator of the notorious Amazon Synod held in the Vatican in October of last year, sent a confidential letter to the world’s Novus Ordo bishops announcing that Francis’ exhortation would be published “by the end of this month or in early February.”… READ MORE