The Bergoglian shell game continues…

Did Francis approve Blessings for Homo Couples? Examining his Response to the Pre-Synod Dubia

October 2 of this year was D-Day — ‘Dubia Day’: The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, now headed by ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, released official and authoritative responses (personally signed by Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) to two sets of Dubia that had been submitted in July: one set of ten questions by ‘Cardinal’ Dominik Duka, and one set of five questions by ‘Cardinals’ Raymond Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Walter Brandmüller, Robert Sarah, and Joseph Zen.

As was to be expected, the Vatican responses were loaded with fireworks.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Ecclesiastical Déjà Vu:
The Apostasy Advances, Semi-Trads out of Ideas

TRADCAST 036 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 28: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE

Lengthy conversation published in Spanish…

In new Interview, Francis rebukes Traditionalists, calls himself ‘Victim of the Holy Spirit’

Few people love to hear themselves talk more than the octogenarian apostate Jorge Bergoglio from Buenos Aires. Under his appropriated moniker ‘Pope Francis’, the stream of words that continually pours from his profane lips does immense damage to countless souls who mistakenly think this Modernist Jesuit is the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ, the Father and Teacher of all Christians.

The ‘Catholic Woodstock’ event formally known as World Youth Day is currently underway, and during this time the Spain-based religious publication Vida Nueva has published a colossal new interview with the garrulous Jesuit.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 036 (28 JUL 2023)


  • Segment 1 — Ecclesiastical déjà vu: the eerie similarities between the 1960s and today; critique of a recent Remnant article by Robert Morrison; ecumenical requiem for a glacier; some comments on the Victor Manuel Fernandez appointment; how Vatican City defends its own borders; Vatican condemns desecration of religious symbols as offense against human dignity; president of ‘Pontifical International Marian Academy’ says Marian apparitions that warn of divine punishment are false.
  • Segment 2 — Francis’ message to World Youth Day pilgrims; Francis to travel to Mongolia; comments on the upcoming Synod on Synodality; response to Remnant editor Michael Matt and his ‘Bellarmine Moment’; critique of Peter Kwasniewski’s attempt to bring a Coptic Orthodox man back to the Vatican II Church.

“Through [ecumenical] martyrdom, the Church is already one”…

Vatican Prelate accidentally admits Vatican II Ecclesiology denies Unity of the Church

‘Abp.’ Fabio Fabene (b. 1959) is the Vatican’s Secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. In that role, he was interviewed recently by Rome Reports regarding Jorge Bergoglio’s recent establishment of the ‘Commission of the New Martyrs – Witnesses of the Faith’, which is “a working group at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to draw up a catalogue of all Christians – not only Catholics – who have shed their blood to confess Christ in the last quarter of a century” (Vatican News).… READ MORE

Law was on the books from 1967 to at least 1983…

Historical Tidbit: ‘Pope’ Paul VI permitted active Catholic Participation in Eastern Orthodox Masses

About a month ago, we published an article demonstrating that the Catholic Church teaches that she is infallible not only in her dogmas but also in her universal laws and sacramental rites — not in the sense that these could never be changed, but rather, that they could never be in themselves impious, heretical, sacrilegious, or otherwise harmful.

In his magnificent encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII taught this explicitly:

Certainly the loving Mother [the Church] is spotless in the Sacraments, by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children; in the faith which she has always preserved inviolate; in her sacred laws imposed on all; in the evangelical counsels which she recommends; in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which, with inexhaustible fecundity she generates hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors.


Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

Non-Catholic ‘Martyrs’: Francis adds 21 murdered Copts as ‘Saints’ to Roman Martyrology

An icon of the 21 Coptic Orthodox who were murdered by ISIS terrorists in 2015 (created by Tony Rezk)

If you blinked, you probably missed it: Jorge Bergoglio, the Modernist apostate from Buenos Aires who has occupied the Vatican for over a decade now under the stage name ‘Pope Francis’, has just declared 21 non-Catholic (Coptic Orthodox) ‘martyrs’ to be added to the Roman martyrology, which is the official list of martyrs accepted by and venerated in the Latin Church.

Even the Novus Ordo press recognizes that this is a big deal: “A ‘bolt out of the blue’: Pope Francis sets off an ecumenical earthquake”, The Catholic World Report writes; “Unpacking how history changed … with recognition of Coptic martyrs”, Crux explains.… READ MORE

Beware of false apparitions and suspect devotions…

The Divine Mercy Devotion:
Condemned by the Vatican in 1959

Only few people have never heard of the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion. It has its origin in the alleged visions of a Polish nun by the name of Sr. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. The “Divine Mercy” devotion is extremely popular in the Vatican II Church, owing for the most part to the efforts of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, first as the “Archbishop” of Cracow, then as “Pope” John Paul II.

A great number of traditional Catholics, as well, have been led to accept this devotion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes confused with the most noble and laudable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is based chiefly on the revelations of Our Lord to St.… READ MORE

False pope teaches false doctrine…

The Impossible Encyclical: Pacem in Terris turns 60

The false pope John XXIII as he unleashes false doctrine on unsuspecting Catholics (Apr. 10, 1963)

These days the Vatican is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”) by Angelo Roncalli (‘Pope John XXIII’). Although officially dated Apr. 11, 1963 — Holy Thursday — it was actually signed and issued a day early.

Pacem in Terris came at the tail end of Roncalli’s usurped pontificate — less than two months later, he was dead. It was the height of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis having occurred roughly six months before.… READ MORE

So inviting and edifying!

Welcome to Vienna:
‘Donau City Church’ is waiting for you!

Donau City is a part of Vienna, the capital of Austria. It means “Danube City” and was established in 1996. Home to a lot of skyscrapers with offices and apartments, it has an impressive-looking skyline.

In such hip surroundings, of course a cool, contemporary Novus Ordo church cannot be missing. This is where “Donau City Church” comes in. Actually, its proper name is Christ, Hope of the World Church, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at it, as the image above demonstrates.

Donau City Church is part of a larger parish family and belongs to the Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Vienna, which is still being led by the quasi-Satanist ‘Cardinal’ Christoph Schönborn (b.READ MORE

Four video lectures on recent Church history…

The History of Christendom:
From the French Revolution to ‘Pope’ Francis (1789-Present)

The Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn explains the history of the Catholic Church

Long-time readers of this blog may remember that years ago we presented, courtesy of True Restoration, a video lecture series on the history of Christendom with Bishop Donald Sanborn. Beginning with the Edict of Milan in the early 4th century, which legalized Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, Bp. Sanborn traced the history of the Catholic Church all the way up to, but not including, the French Revolution.… READ MORE

Rev. Leonardo Holtz becomes Catholic priest

Brazilian Novus Ordo Priest ‘Excommunicated’ for becoming Sedevacantist, receiving Ordination

This time it was valid: Fr. Leonardo Holtz after his ordination by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva

News broke the other day that ‘Cardinal’ Orani João Tempesta (b. 1950), who is the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has declared one of his former presbyters excommunicated (from the ‘Conciliar’ Church).

The happy soul in question is Fr. Leonardo Holtz Peixoto, who, having become a sedevacantist and rejected the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), was properly ordained a Catholic priest by Bp. Rodrigo da Silva on Nov.… READ MORE

Now THERE is a prophet!

Theologian warns of ‘End of the Catholic Religion as We Have Known It’

Preparations for the 2023 “Synod on Synodality” are in full swing. Yes indeed, in October of next year a considerable number of Novus Ordo bishops will convene in the Vatican to have a 3-week meeting about meetings, so to speak.

The long “synodal process” began a year ago and is currently somewhere between the diocesan phase and the continental phase. Exciting stuff! The whole thing is basically a bureaucratic and blather-laden process to find a way to change Catholic teaching and practice with some semblance of legitimacy.… READ MORE

From the Vatican II religion to Catholicism…

From Novus Ordo Presbyter to Roman Catholic Priest:
An Interview with Father Michael DeSaye

Few things could be more difficult than for a Novus Ordo priest to realize that, despite his sincere love of God and genuine piety, the religion to which he has been unwittingly adhering all his life is not in fact the Roman Catholic religion of time immemorial but a counterfeit concocted in the 20th century.

Probably the only thing more distressing still is the realization that, through no fault of his own, his ordination to the priesthood was most probably invalid, meaning he has never in his life offered a valid Mass nor granted a single valid absolution.… READ MORE

“Hermeneutic of Continuity” Update…

The Vatican and the Ecumenical Movement:
From Stern Condemnation to Enthusiastic Approval

The Second Vatican Council in session (image: manhai/Flickr/CC BY 2.0; cropped)

The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is the Modernist robber synod that was presided over by Angelo Roncalli (“Pope John XXIII”) and Giovanni Battista Montini (“Pope Paul VI”) to usher in the new religion that has since replaced Catholicism not only in the Vatican but also in all dioceses and religious orders under its jurisdiction.

To this very day there are still people who claim that the documents released by this fateful assembly, typically abbreviated as “Vatican II”, do not represent a genuine rupture in Catholic doctrine compared to the prior magisterium of 1,900 years.… READ MORE