Sex ed in daycare centers part of diocese’s “inclusive educational concept”…

Assault on Innocence: Archdiocese of Cologne Promotes Sexualization of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers!


The Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, under the leadership of ‘Cardinal’ Rainer Maria Woelki (b. 1956), apparently subjects the children in its ‘Catholic’ daycare facilities to early sexualization. We are talking about children aged 0-6.

In recent weeks, at least two daycare centers that are run by the archdiocese — that of St. Martin and that of Ss. Cosmas and Damian — have been in the news thanks to watchful independent reporters.… READ MORE

Nude, lewd, and crude…

Sick ‘Art’ Exhibit Defiles Catholic Church Buildings in Germany

(We have intentionally blurred certain parts of the sculptures for the sake of modesty)

Huge wooden sculptures of naked men and women in a ‘Catholic’ church? The Vatican II Sect in Germany makes it possible. The following scandal took place during Advent of last year but we have only now become aware of it, thanks to a recent post on GloriaTV.

Cityadvent is the name given to an annual art installation in a ‘Catholic’ church in the city of Münster, Germany. Every year during Advent, a special art display, open to the public, is installed in the Überwasserkirche of the diocese of Münster.… READ MORE

Part of “Mass for the LGBTQ+ Community”…

Rainbow Dance in Jesuit NYC Church
Celebrates World AIDS Day

A video clip is making the rounds on social media. It shows two women dancing through a church, waving a total of four rainbow flags as they swirl down the nave and through the sanctuary. It is a spectacle to behold (click here if video won’t show):

We did a little bit of research on this and can now provide the following details:

The absurd performance took place on Dec. 2, 2024, at St. Ignatius of Loyola ‘Catholic’ Church in Manhattan/New York City.… READ MORE

The post-Christian ‘new man’ worships himself…

Blasphemous Art in Linz Cathedral:
Adoration of ‘The New Family’

Austrian ‘artist’ Bernadette Huber kneels before a digital image of herself
(image: Facebook/censored and cropped by Novus Ordo Watch)

For at least the third time this year, Immaculate Conception Cathedral in the diocese of Linz, Austria, has been the site of revolting blasphemy, legitimized and promoted under cover of its status as ‘art’.

Frequent visitors of this blog will recall the disgusting ‘Virgin Mary Giving Birth’ statue that was displayed in a side chapel of the cathedral in late June, followed by an absurd installation of pink hoses hanging from the ceiling that were draped over a balcony and the staircase leading up to the pulpit, under the title ‘They Call Me Mama’.… READ MORE

The Fun Church at work…

Anime Kitsch for the Masses:
Vatican Presents Mascot for Jubilee Year 2025

The year of Our Lord 2025 is a Holy Year of Jubilee, something that ordinarily takes place every 25 years.

For the Vatican under Novus Ordo occupation, this means, first of all, a logo for the occasion is needed. Back in 2022, we reported on the cringeworthy ‘artwork’ the Vatican had chosen for its Jubilee ’25 logo, which supposedly depicts the Holy Year motto, “Pilgrims of Hope”:

If that is what ‘pilgrims of hope’ look like, one would hate to see pilgrims of despair.… READ MORE

Consistory scheduled for Dec. 8

Francis Selects LGBTQ Supporter ‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe to Become a ‘Cardinal’ (among others)

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis revealed he will hold a consistory on Dec. 8 to create 21 new ‘cardinals’, 20 of whom will be eligible to vote in conclave to elect his successor.

“A number of the men tapped for the red hat have vocally supported Pope Francis’ controversial 2023 document Fiducia Supplicans – in which the blessing of homosexual and ‘irregular unions’ is sanctioned – as well as holding liberal positions on transgenderism”, Life Site reported on Oct. 9.… READ MORE

The ‘Horan of Babylon’ calls it quits!

Breaking Out of the Habit: ‘Fr.’ Daniel Horan Leaves Franciscan Order, Petitions Vatican for Laicization

Today the world has received a gift of immeasurable value, perhaps due to the intercession of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, whose feast we celebrate: The pro-abort woke social justice warrior Rev. Daniel Patrick Horan, OFM, has announced he has left the Franciscan order and is seeking laicization from the Vatican! In other words, he’s done being a friar and a ‘priest’.

Quite appropriately, Horan announced his decision in an article for the progressivist rag National Catholic Reporter, and he did not fail to note that it was the fruit of “prayerful discernment”:


‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe prepping for the Synod…

Synod Spiritual Adviser in Vatican Newspaper: Same-Sex Desire was Created by God!

L’Osservatore Romano (‘The Roman Observer’) is the Vatican’s own in-house newspaper, currently under the editorship of Andrea Monda, who was appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018. The paper is published daily in Italian and less frequently in other languages. A weekly English edition has been issued since 1968.

The Italian edition of Sep. 19, 2024, contains a brief article by the Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (pictured above). It is entitled “Portatori del Vangelo gli uni per gli altri” (‘Bearers of the Gospel for one another’) and printed on page 6 under the Zona Franca rubric.… READ MORE

Worshipping the Golden Calf of diversity…

Diocese Offers Blessing Ceremony for Gender Transitions and other ‘Queer-Sensitive’ Pastoral Care

Not an ounce of Catholicism in him: ‘Bishop’ Heiner Wilmer of Hildesheim

When it comes to the apostate German Novus Ordo bishops, some names and faces are quite familiar: Walter Kasper, Reinhard Marx, Georg Bätzing, Stephan Ackermann, Peter Kohlgraf, Franz-Josef Bode. There is, however, another ‘Catholic bishop’ in the land of Luther who is no less apostate and no less dangerous, but whose name and face have not gotten too much exposure just yet.

He is Heiner Wilmer, SCJ (b. 1961), pictured in title image above.… READ MORE

Shamefully shameless…

Vatican Newspaper Publishes
Bishop’s Foreword to Way of the Cross of a Gay Boy

‘Bp.’ Francesco Savino and the Vatican newspaper endorse the Way of the Cross of a Gay Boy

L’Osservatore Romano, Italian for The Roman Observer, is the official newspaper of the Vatican. It used to be, of course, a journal of pristine orthodoxy long time ago, but now it has been a Modernist rag for decades. Its current editor-in-chief, appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018, is Andrea Monda of ‘mercy-for-Judas’ infamy.

On Mar. 25 of this year, the daily Italian edition of the paper printed a scandalous piece written by an Italian Novus Ordo bishop that didn’t get much attention at the time, perhaps because it was Holy Week.… READ MORE

On Feast of the Assumption, no less…

Panama Diocese Participates in Interreligious ‘Afternoon of Open Temples’

The ‘Interreligious Committee of Panama’ recently organized a so-called ‘Afternoon of Open Temples’ (Tarde de Templos Abiertos) in the nation’s capital of Panama City. It was the second of its kind, the first one having been celebrated last year.

From 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Aug. 15, 2024, as many as 12 different religions “communities of faith” opened the doors of their houses of worship to people from other religions or no religion at all, to offer them the opportunity to learn more about what they believe and do.… READ MORE

Brief, lackluster press release issued…

A Week Late, Vatican Releases Milquetoast Statement on Olympics Blasphemy

A week after the shameful, abominable, and deliberately blasphemous performance mocking the Last Supper as part of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris on July 26, 2024, the Vatican has finally also weighed in by releasing a press statement of sorts.

A statement ‘of sorts’ is really all one can call it, for the text released does not even try to be anything so serious as a condemnation. The following three sentences is all the Vatican Press Office had to offer:

The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and can only join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore the offence caused to many Christians and believers of other religions.


All of a sudden, he’s got nothing to say!

Talkative Bergoglio Shamefully SILENT on Olympic Blasphemy

The false pope on Jan. 17, 2024, in the Vatican audience hall
(Shutterstock/Alessia Pierdomenico)

By now, everyone has heard about the incredibly vile and utterly Satanic mockery of the Last Supper that took place on July 26, 2024, as part of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games currently underway in Paris, France.

It was surely no accident that about 24 hours later, Paris suffered an electric blackout which only left the Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacré-Cœur) illuminated.

A number of Novus Ordo prelates and personalities quickly weighed in on the matter, although in different ways.… READ MORE

Dominican Sr. Lucía Caram from Argentina…

Prominent Nun: Sin is Complicated, God Blesses Sodomite Unions, Francis Put Gay Man in Top Vatican Post

image source: Twitter (@sorluciacaram), cropped

Lucía Caram Padilla (b. 1966) is an Argentine Dominican nun living in Barcelona, Spain. She has a history of making heretical, blasphemous, or otherwise scandalous remarks and is a living reminder to the world that simply wearing a religious habit does not make one Catholic, holy, or even just basically decent.

For example, in 2017 Sister Lucia said on Spanish television: “I think Mary was in love with Joseph and that they were a normal couple – and having sex is a normal thing.… READ MORE

Hand-written response to disaffected young man…

Francis to Seminarian Dismissed for Homosexuality: ‘Go Ahead With Your Vocation’

When it comes to advancing and strengthening the sodomite influence in his counterfeit church, ‘Pope’ Francis moves quickly and with determination.

Barely had the controversy over his ‘anti-gay slur’ during a closed-door meeting with Italian Novus Ordo bishops erupted — he had reportedly said that there were too many sodomites already in the church and therefore such people should not be admitted to seminary — when the Vatican quickly communicated an apology of sorts (which, of course, was not enough for some).

This demonstrates that Club Francis knows fully well about the importance of clarifying what could be misunderstood and making reparation for harm done.… READ MORE