Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism


Available Translations: POLISH | PORTUGUESE

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism

by Mario Derksen

presented on October 8, 2021, at the Fatima Conference
at Mount Saint Michael’s in Spokane, Washington

(video here | audio here | purchase audio CD)

This script has been slightly revised by the author and optimized for print publication. All scriptural quotations are from the Douay-Rheims translation, unless otherwise noted.

When our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church, He did so not merely as an institution that would teach His doctrine throughout the world and confer His grace through the sacraments.… READ MORE

Humanity has a new savior!

Apostate adrift: Francis says Fraternity is “Anchor of Salvation for Humanity”

To mark the second anniversary of the incredibly important International Day of Human Fraternity proclaimed by the United Nations, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) released a video message on Feb. 4, 2022.

Before we critique the contents of this latest Bergoglian drivel, let’s first look at the larger context in which it appeared: the interreligious “human fraternity” project started by Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

The Egyptian Al-Tayeb is the grand imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo and, in addition to Bergoglio, the other signatory to the apostate Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which the two formally ratified at Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.,… READ MORE

Abu Dhabi heresy published in ‘Acts of the Apostolic See’…

Game Over: Blasphemous and Heretical Declaration on Human Fraternity becomes official “Papal” Act

Jorge Bergoglio and Ahmed Al-Tayyeb sign the Document on Human Fraternity on Feb. 4, 2019
(image: WENN US / Alamy Stock Photo)

It was three years ago today, on Feb. 4, 2019, that the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) joined the Egyptian Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayyeb, in signing a common declaration entitled A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together. This took place as part of an interreligious meeting in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (video here).… READ MORE

All religions are the same to him anyway…

Indifferentism for Kids: Francis endorses interreligious “Park of Encounter” in Argentina

On Oct. 20, 2021, the city of Santiago del Estero in Argentina inaugurated what amounts to an interreligious park. Called Parque del Encuentro (“Park of Encounter”), it features buildings representative of each of the five most common religions there: Buddhism, Judaism, the Vatican II religion (under the false label “Catholicism”), Islam, and Protestantism. The site is part of Aguirre Park and is aimed especially at children.

The image above shows what the finished product looks like. The setup virtually screams “Indifferentism”, the belief that one religion is as good as another, that all religions are more or less equal, that it does not matter what one believes.… READ MORE

Fr. Timothy Zapelena, S.J.

Pre-Vatican II Theologian: Catholicity of Church “Very Restricted” during Great Apostasy

The dome of St. Peter’s Basilica as seen through the keyhole of the entrance portal of the Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill in Rome (image: / Simone Migliaro)

Earlier this month we published a post on St. Augustine of Hippo writing to one Bp. Hesychius regarding the Church’s visibility during the Great Apostasy before Christ returns:

The question of the visibility of the Church is a crucial one, for the Church founded by Christ is visible by her very nature and she must ever remain in her essential constitution exactly the way Christ founded her: “But since the Church is such [having both visible and invisible elements] by divine will and constitution, such it must uniformly remain to the end of time.… READ MORE

Doctor of the Church speaks on the End Times…

Saint Augustine: “The Church Will Not Appear” during Great Tribulation before Christ’s Return

When people debate the issue of Sedevacantism, sooner or later someone who does not agree with the position will object that Sedevacantism is not reconcilable with the Catholic doctrine of the Church’s visibility.

While it is certainly true that our current situation presents some difficulties in that regard, the objection is by no means as powerful as it is often thought to be. The following articles provide some good information on the visibility issue:

If Sedevacantism were understood to mean that the Church does not, per se and by unalterable divine institution, have a visible hierarchy, then such a position would indeed be unacceptable because it would be heretical.… READ MORE

False pope unloads Masonic bilge…

Apostate Bergoglio endorses World’s Religions as “Different Ways of Coming to God”

On Oct. 5, 2021, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) hosted the round-table meeting “Religions and Education: Towards a Global Compact on Education” at the Vatican. It was the latest installment in the false pope’s ongoing attempts to come up with a one-size-fits-all educational model that will adequately prepare the world for the eventual arrival of the Antichrist.

Before we look at the details, however, let’s first recall the two preceding episodes in that ominous Bergoglian saga:

When he speaks to an interreligious audience, Francis will always speak about religion in terms of the lowest common denominator.… READ MORE

Dynamite lecture on the Catholic crisis!

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism

During this year’s Fatima Conference hosted by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, delivered a compelling 79-minute lecture making the case for Sedevacantism in a way you may not have heard before.

Instead of going through heaps of detailed theological arguments, the speaker presented the “big picture”:

The Catholic Church was founded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the indefectible Ark of Salvation that is nothing less than His very own Mystical Body. Just as Christ the Lord cannot fail to be “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6), neither can His Mystical Body fail to be “the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15).… READ MORE

There’s more to report…

An Update on Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico

PLUS: Novus Ordo Priest burns Pachamama Effigy (Video)

Predictably, countless people have been outraged over the Pachamama monstrance displayed in the Novus Ordo parish of San Juan Macías in Zapopan near Guadalajara, Mexico, in recent days. We reported on this here:

In that July 1 post, we wrote: “The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is ‘Fr.’ Juan Pedro Oriol. The archlayman overseeing the diocese is ‘Cardinal’ José Robles Ortega.” Now there has been an important update on this.

In a July 3 report on the incident, the Catholic News Agency writes via the National Catholic Register:



Seeks “miracle of an ever wider ‘we’…”

Anticipating Antichrist: In World Migrant Day Message, Francis hints at “Messianic Future” of Naturalist Heaven on Earth

Few things allow the Argentinian apostate Jesuit and professional papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) to do his part to advance the globalist New World Order agenda more effectively than the topic of migrants and refugees. It allows him to exploit the natural human desire to help those in need by inculcating in people his pseudo-Catholic Masonic concepts of liberty, equality, fraternity, and open borders, thus placing the temporal over the eternal, the natural over the supernatural, man over Christ.… READ MORE

Four-Part Sermon Series

The End of the World and the Antichrist

Detail from Luca Signorelli’s Deeds of the Antichrist, ca. 1501

There has always been much talk about the Antichrist and the end of times. Some people have a virtual obsession with this topic, so much so that they neglect their own spiritual lives, forgetting that understanding and figuring out every bit of divine prophecy is neither required, nor necessarily salutary, nor even possible (cf. 2 Pet 1:20; Mk 13:31-33). As St. Paul said to the Corinthians: “And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing” (1 Cor 13:2).… READ MORE

Charles Coulombe, Robert Spaemann, and others

Occultists masquerading as “Traditional Catholics”

On January 12, 2021, a researcher who goes by the pseudonym Alistair McFadden and describes himself as a “traditional Catholic layman unschooled in either philosophy or theology”, published a lengthy article entitled “Observations on the Influence of the Occult in Traditional Catholic Discourse”. It uncovers unsettling facts about an occultist influence on “Traditional Catholicism” or “Catholic Traditionalism” — and here we use the term in a very loose sense.

The essay was published on the social media platform Medium and takes over an hour to read in full. Here is the direct link:

The sedevacantist media apostolate True Restoration has recently provided a summary of McFadden’s lengthy but highly-informative monograph.… READ MORE

Logical consequence of Abu Dhabi heresy…

Francis expands the “People of God”:
Now it includes All Religions!

The heresy superspreader Jorge Bergoglio — a.k.a. “Pope Francis” — held another general audience today. The topic this time was the Easter Triduum, that is, the three days leading up to Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.

Not surprisingly, the Argentinian pseudo-pope was busy shifting the focus from Christ’s Passion and Death onto “the sufferings of the sick, the poor, the rejected of this world; …the ‘sacrificed lambs’, the innocent victims of wars, dictatorships, everyday violence, abortions… the too many who are crucified in our time … who are the image of Jesus Crucified….”… READ MORE

Jorge in Babylon…

Vicar of Antichrist:
How Francis’ Interreligious Lies betray the Gospel

The one in the middle isn’t a Christian either: The apostate Jorge Bergoglio, S.J.

Saturday, March 6, 2021, saw one of the “highlights” of Francis’ 3-day trip to Iraq. Gathered on the plain of Ur, the city from which God called Abram (see Gen 11:31), the apostate Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) led a group of clerics from different religions and sects in a so-called “interreligious encounter”. The stage was set, quite literally, in front of the ruins of what is believed to be Abraham’s house, with the pagan temple known as the Ziggurat of Ur looming behind it.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Iraq:

Bergoglio’s “Apostolic Journey” of Mar. 5-8, 2021

After more than 15 months since his last trip outside the Vatican or Italy, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) embarked on yet another Masonic blather tour deceptively marketed as an “Apostolic Journey” of the “Holy Father.” This time, Francis visited the land of ancient Babylon, the Republic of Iraq, which is 98% Muslim. Interestingly enough, it was his 33rd visit abroad.

On this page you will find all the major links you need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the embattled Asian nation.… READ MORE