Bad theology against a false pope – not going to work!

Over a Dozen ‘Prominent Catholics’ Warn Francis:
Resign or Be Deposed!

On May 2, 2024, the feast of Saint Athanasius, the semi-traditionalist blog Rorate Caeli published a ‘major statement’ against Jorge Bergoglio (aka ‘Pope Francis’). It is entitled “Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis” and bears the signatures of 16 people Life Site describes as “prominent Catholics”.

Just how prominent the signatories are, is another question, but it doesn’t really matter. Their names, along with their respective credentials, are listed by Rorate Caeli as follows:

Rev. Linus F.


‘Mystical Passion: Spirituality and Sensuality’…

Another Scandalous Fernández Book Unearthed:
DDF Prefect Published Blasphemous Porn in 1998

There are news stories so sordid that no decent person wants to cover them. Then there are news stories so significant that there’s no way one can ignore them.

This current one is a mix of both, so please be forewarned:

The remainder of the post, including any links, may include explicit words or ideas that pertain to human sexuality and/or involve blasphemy.

In 1998, then-‘Fr.’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, today the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, published a book on spirituality and erotic love that is so sexually explicit/pornographic that it makes his 1995 book Heal Me With Your Mouth look like a chastity manual by comparison.… READ MORE

New document Fiducia Supplicans released…

‘Pope’ Francis Green-Lights Blessings of Sodomite Couples

The so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) released a document today that essentially allows Novus Ordo priests to bless sinful unions. In particular, it permits the blessing not simply of sodomitic individuals but precisely of couples. Of course the same goes for heterosexual couples who are in an adulterous union or otherwise ‘irregular situation’.

Entitled Fiducia Supplicans, the document has been published by the Vatican press office in Italian, French, English, German, and Spanish:


The Bergoglian shell game continues…

Did Francis approve Blessings for Homo Couples? Examining his Response to the Pre-Synod Dubia

October 2 of this year was D-Day — ‘Dubia Day’: The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, now headed by ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez, released official and authoritative responses (personally signed by Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) to two sets of Dubia that had been submitted in July: one set of ten questions by ‘Cardinal’ Dominik Duka, and one set of five questions by ‘Cardinals’ Raymond Burke, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Walter Brandmüller, Robert Sarah, and Joseph Zen.

As was to be expected, the Vatican responses were loaded with fireworks.… READ MORE

Francis & Fernandez respond to Dubia of ‘Cardinal’ Duka…

Vatican Doctrine Office explains Amoris Laetitia:
Adultery can be a Venial Sin only!

All hell broke loose yesterday, Oct. 2, with the publication of more Dubia by five Novus Ordo cardinals after ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) had responded to their first attempt to get straight answers from the ‘Pope’ but would not answer the follow-up questions.

In the tumult of the day — following a busy weekend that saw an ecumenical prayer vigil few people bothered to attend in St. Peter’s Square, in preparation for the Synod on Synodality — there was another big story that went under: the DDF’s response to the Dubia of ‘Cardinal’ Dominik Jaroslav Duka (b.READ MORE

Transcript of Q&A with Portuguese Jesuits released…

Francis to Jesuits in Portugal: Some Sodomites aren’t ‘Capable’ or ‘Mature Enough’ to Stop Sinning!

When Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) visited Lisbon in early August for World Youth Day, he also met with members of the Jesuit province there, as is his custom.

An English transcript of the question-and-answer session was released on Aug. 28, 2023, by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who just recently published a blasphemous sermon on Our Lord’s encounter with the Canaanite woman:

As always, Francis had a lot to say.… READ MORE

Ghostwriter of Amoris Laetitia, authored book on ‘art’ of kissing…

Francis appoints ‘Abp.’ Victor Manuel Fernandez to head Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Breaking news out of Rome: Another fox has been put in charge of the henhouse.

The July 1, 2023 news bulletin released by the Vatican press office announces the appointment of Victor Manuel Fernandez (b. 1962), currently the ‘Archbishop’ of La Plata, Argentina, as the new Prefect of the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF):

The Holy Father Francis has thanked the Most Eminent Card. Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.J., at the conclusion of his mandate as Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and of the International Theological Commission, and has called to succeed him in the same offices His Most Reverend Excellency Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, until now Archbishop of La Plata (Argentina).


Quick turn-around for fellow-ideologue…

Francis answers the Dubia — from James Martin!

The not-so-Reverend “Fr.” James Martin, S.J., has been stirring the pot again.

The Jesuit we affectionately call “Hellboy” (for good reason) is always on an unholy mission to drive the Vatican II Church further and further into accepting and celebrating the filth of unnatural impurity. In this he is happy to collaborate with Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis), himself an apostate Jesuit with a fondness for perversion.

In 2021, Bergoglio commended Martin for his “pastoral work” in a personal letter to him. Four years prior, he had already appointed him consultor for the Vatican’s department of communications.… READ MORE

When Bergoglio rediscovers a traditional moral concept…

Tendentious Theology:
Francis’ Selective Use of the Concept of Moral Obligation

Discovers moral obligations only when useful to him: The false pope Jorge Bergoglio

It is well known that “Pope” Francis’ 2016 exhortation Amoris Laetitia is far removed from any notion of moral obligation with regard to the sexual purity demanded by God in the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.

In the controversial document, the false pope, whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio, goes so far as to introduce a subjective morality (based on personal conscience) to replace the objective demands of traditional Catholic morality.… READ MORE

Explosive transcript released…

Bombshells and Drivel galore:
In Q&A with Slovak Jesuits, Francis hits back at Critics

During his recent trip to Slovakia, the Argentinian aposte Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) once again took time to meet with his fellow Jesuits, which usually means they get to ask him questions and he then responds with his incredibly profound wisdom.

This is something he’s been doing on pretty much all his trips outside of Italy, so it was expected. A full transcript of the question-and-answer session is always released a few weeks later by “Fr.” Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor-in-chief of the Jesuit review La Civiltà Cattolica, which under Pope Pius IX started out as an eminently orthodox publication but has long since degenerated into an utter Modernist rag.… READ MORE

In-flight press conference from Slovakia…

Francis jokes about Jewish Woman receiving “Communion”, addresses Amoris Laetitia and Abortion

Today the false pope, Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), concluded his trip to Hungary and Slovakia. On his return flight aboard Airhead One, he held another one of his notorious press conferences, where he answers questions from journalists more or less spontaneously and candidly.

A full video of the 28-minute conference has been provided by Vatican News (Italian), with a full English transcript, available here:

Most of the tidbits came in his lengthy answer given to American journalist Gerard O’Connell, who asked:

You have often said we are all sinners, and that the Eucharist is not a reward for the perfect but a medicine and food for the weak.


Crying sincerely to Heaven for vengeance…

Vienna’s “Cardinal” Schönborn:
Sincere Sodomite Couples deserve a Blessing

The Satanic “Archbishop” of Vienna, Austria, has commented on the recently-published Vatican document rejecting the blessings of sodomite couples. We are talking about the 76-year-old “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, O.P., a man whose track record exposes him to be one of the most vile prelates the Vatican II Sect has to offer.

In recent days, more than 230 Novus Ordo bishops and theologians/academics from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands had already condemned the decision by the so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.… READ MORE

‘Amoris Laetitia’ in action…

Francis facilitates Sodomite Pseudo-Family’s Acceptance in Novus Ordo Parish

Bergoglian “accompaniment” is the gift that keeps on giving, and it will do so for decades to come if God does not intervene.

Today the so-called National Catholic Reporter happily informs us that thanks to Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), a “married” sodomite couple is now raising “its” three children at a Novus Ordo parish in Rome.

Participating at a “Mass” with Francis at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, Andrea Rubera (“Andrea” is a man’s name in Italian) had a letter given to Francis asking him for advice on whether he and his “husband”, Dario, should enroll “their” children in a Novus Ordo catechism program at a parish in Rome, or whether they would be rejected because of “prejudice.” … READ MORE

Get your barf bags ready…

Diocese-endorsed “Catholic” Christmas Video features Celebrity Drag Queen

Michael Panzer as “Miss Wommy Wonder” reads Christmas story for a “Catholic” video

Right off the start, we must apologize for publishing yet another post on such a disgusting topic, and so close to Christmas to boot. However, we are dealing with the apostate Vatican II Sect, which does not rest in its hellish endeavor of poisoning souls at even the most sacred times.

The city of Stuttgart is the capital of the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany. It is part of the Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, which was once shepherded by the apostate Walter Kasper (1989-99) and has been in the hands of the theologically-toxic Gebhard Fürst since 2000.… READ MORE

You just can’t make it up…

Latvian Novus Ordo Bishops ask Parliament to Legalize Sodomite Civil Unions

He looks harmless on the outside: Mr. Zbignev Stankevics plays Catholic archbishop in Riga

You may remember that back in October, the apostate Antipope Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) made waves when it was revealed that he was personally in favor of governments establishing legal protections for sodomite couples (so-called “civil unions”) as a kind of juridical equivalent to the protections and privileges granted to the married. This resulted in a veritable firestorm of controversy and protest among those in the Vatican II Church that retain even a modicum of Catholicism:

Francis’ remarks, however “inofficial” they may have been, have naturally emboldened the homo lobby and have increased the philosophical and theological confusion of those weaned on the theology of Vatican II.… READ MORE