Ratzinger speaks again…

Benedict XVI: “There is one single Pope, Francis”

[UPDATE 06-JUL-2019: Massimo Franco may have lied – apparently no evidence words attributed to Benedict XVI were actually said by him]

Although he promised to be inaccessible to the world after his departure on Feb. 28, 2013, somehow the “Pope Emeritus”, as he calls himself, cannot refrain from speaking in public, much like his inglorious successor.

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the German Modernist who fooled the world by playing “Pope Benedict XVI” from 2005 to 2013, has given an interview to the Italian paper Corriere della Sera, which was published today, June 28. … READ MORE

TRADCAST 024 (12 APR 2019)


  • Segment 1: Introductory comments; reading suggestions for new or potential converts; From the Jorge’s Mouth: a critical review of some of Francis’ recent utterances; modesty in dress and the beauty of femininity
  • Segment 2: The pop traditionalism and drive-by theology of the recognize-and-resist traditionalists: the Ultramontanism objection / Steve Skojec / Michael Matt / Christopher Ferrara / Roberto de Mattei
  • Total run time: 1 hr 24 mins

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The return of Resignationism…

Antonio Socci rocks Vatican with New Book:
“The Secret of Benedict XVI: Why he is still Pope”

After over five-and-a-half years of the antics of Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis”, many Novus Ordos and semi-traditionalists simply cannot take it anymore and are starting to look for ways to rid themselves of Francis, yet while still trying to avoid the Sedevacantist conclusion. Thus we are witnessing once again the “anything but Sedevacantism” dogma being put into practice.

A few years ago we had already seen a few people embrace the phenomenon we have nicknamed “Resignationism” (see all our posts on the topic here) — the idea that Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid and he is therefore “still” Pope — but it was not accepted by most.… READ MORE

Conciliar Catechism chaos…

Bergoglio’s Lethal Injection:
Chaos ensues after Francis’ Death Penalty Update

Now that a few days have passed since Francis’ little aggiornamento to the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is time for a look at the chaos his move of declaring capital punishment to be contrary to the Gospel and human dignity, has caused in Novus Ordo Land.

The word “chaos” here is no exaggeration: The reactions to the amendment reflect the entire spectrum of those who profess themselves to be Roman Catholics and acknowledge the man’s claim to be Pope as valid, from ultra-liberal to hyper-traditionalist.… READ MORE

Priceless In-Flight Entertainment

Chaos Frank brings down the House:

Embed from Getty Images

Church “must ask Forgiveness” of Homosexuals because “Who are we to Judge?!”; Martin Luther “did not err” on Justification; “All of us are Saints, because all of us have the Holy Spirit”

As we all know, “Pope” Francis provides free in-flight entertainment on the way home from every trip he takes by plane, and this was no less the case on June 26, as he was flying back from Armenia after a three-day trip. Speaking his mind freely in response to unscreened questions from journalists who accompanied him, Jorge Bergoglio proved once again today that the moniker we have given him — “Chaos Frank” — is a perfect fit.… READ MORE



The Vacancy of the Papal Throne since the Death of Pope Pius XII

The Chair of St. Peter in Vatican City (image: shutterstock.com)

On this page we present a slew of links to articles, blog posts, books, audios, and videos dealing with the subject matter of the Papacy, Sedevacantism, the false theological position known as “recognize-but-resist”, the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), the Second Vatican Council, and the Novus Ordo Magisterium. We have tried as much as possible to group the links by topic. Due to the recent publication of the book True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors by John Salza and Robert Siscoe, there is a separate group of links relating just to that.… READ MORE

Deflating a misused analogy…

On that “Passion of the Church” Argument

Yes, the Church is undergoing a Passion, but Francis isn’t Simon Peter — he’s Judas

It has become quite popular in recent weeks for Semi-Traditionalists to justify their utterly novel and theologically absurd “recognize-and-resist” position by simply repeating an attractive but misleading analogy found in the new book True or False Pope? by John Salza, a former 32nd-degree Freemason, and Robert Siscoe (pp. 9-10, 23, 39-40, 80, 677-680). According to this idea, the Catholic Church is currently undergoing a Mystical Passion, similar to that of her Divine Founder: Like Him, she is bleeding and agonizing, lacerated and disfigured; like Him, she is suffering at the hands of the lawful spiritual authorities.… READ MORE

006 TRADCAST (1 JUL 2015)


  • Segment 1: Recent Vatican News (June 2015) — From the Jorge’s Mouth — Blogosphere & Twitterverse: A look at a recent post by Louie Verrecchio and an argument against Sedevacantism from Twitter
  • Segment 2: The Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized “gay marriage” in the United States — “Pope” Francis’ eco-encyclical Laudato Si and the Neo-Traditionalist reaction critiqued

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Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 1, 2015

In Austrian church, little children dance to Miriam Makeba’s “Patta Patta” after “Holy Mass” – and then, an attempt at breakdance


As in: “Reformation”…


“The Great Reformer”:
Another Book causes Problems for the Vatican

A few months after the release of Antonio Socci’s inconvenient book Non È Francesco, in which the author claims that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and Francis is not in fact the Pope, another book has now appeared that is getting Francis into hot water, though this time the dispute over Francis’ validity was entirely unintended by the author. The book in question is Austen Ivereigh’s 445-page biography The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope.

Dr. Ivereigh, once the press secretary of the “Archbishop” of Westminster, “Cardinal” Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, is a veteran journalist and author.… READ MORE