Utterly revolting!

Nothing Sacred: Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico!

[UPDATE: Pastor Juan Pedro Oriol says this was put up during his absence, without his knowledge or permission; condemns as “really disgusting”]

Words fail at this. The image says it all.

The notorious Pachamama idol of the Amazon Synod has now been coopted to serve the function of a Eucharistic monstrance at San Juan de Macías parish in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Vaticanist Marco Tosatti broke this story on his blog Stilum Curiae, where you can find more photos of the incident and additional information:

The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is “Fr.”… READ MORE

Heretical blather, continued…

Ecumenical Journey to Nowhere:
Francis and the Lutherans

A false bishop gives the false pope a chalice made in Taizé, France

On Friday, June 25, 2021, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) received a delegation representing the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), including its current president, “Archbishop” Panti Filibus Musa, pictured above, and its secretary, Rev. Martin Junge.

The LWF is a “global communion of national and regional Lutheran denominations” that has its main offices in Geneva, Switzerland. It was originally founded in Lund, Sweden, a city which Francis excitedly visited on Oct. 31, 2016, in order to celebrate (!)… READ MORE

Hellboy gets “papal” endorsement…

Francis sends Letter to James Martin, commending him for his LGBTQ “Pastoral Work”

Two Jesuit rainbow cheerleaders: Mr. James Martin and Mr. Jorge Bergoglio

The notorious American Jesuit “Fr.” James Martin, whom we have disaffectionately nicknamed “Hellboy”, has received a hand-written letter from the apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), dated June 21, 2021, commending him for his “ministry” to sexual perverts.

Martin published the original letter, a transcript of it, and an inofficial English translation, on his busy Twitter account today:


False teacher denounces false teachers…

Francis “interprets” Galatians:
St. Paul warned of Rigid Clingers to the Past!

Every Wednesday, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) conducts one of his religious re-education sessions known as the General Audience.

It was no different yesterday, June 23, when the anti-Catholic wolf in shepherd’s clothing began a new catechetical series, this time on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. We’ll go through the main portions of Francis’ presentation and fisk them as needed.

Francis begins by noting that St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians is “very topical”, that is, extremely relevant to our times, and in this he couldn’t be more right.… READ MORE

Just an “imprudent application of the communion of saints”, eh?

No Idolatry at Vatican Gardens?
Tim Staples defends Pachamama Ritual

A perfectly Catholic ceremony — according to Tim Staples

Tim Staples is the Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at the improperly-named Novus Ordo non-profit organization Catholic Answers in California. On his personal blog, he recently posted a defense of the outrageous indigenous ceremony that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4, 2019, the eve of the notorious three-week Amazon Synod.

What had been advertised as a celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day it was, included a bizarre ritual of dancing, singing, praying, and prostrations to the ground around a set of wooden Pachamama statues amidst other indigenous paraphernalia.… READ MORE

Examining a theological train wreck…

Why still be a Catholic? A Critique of Peter Kwasniewski’s Answer to a despondent Novus Ordo Seminarian

On May 18, 2021, the semi-trad web site One Peter Five published a moving, desperate cry for answers by a Novus Ordo seminarian. Entitled, “Seminarian: ‘Is There Any Reason Why I Should Remain Catholic?'”, the appeal showcases the impossibility of being a Roman Catholic in the Vatican II Sect, sincerest efforts notwithstanding.

In a nutshell, the reason it is not possible to be a Catholic in the Vatican II religion is that the Vatican II religion is not Catholic — it’s as simple as that.… READ MORE

More confusion on a fundamental Catholic concept…

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto

Ultramontane (Lat., ultra, beyond; montes, mountains; beyond the Alps, viz., Italy, and particularly Rome as the home of the pope), name given to Catholics who agreed with the pope on matters of doctrine, discipline, and policy. It came into vogue after the Vatican Council. Cisalpine (this side of the Alps) was the name adopted by those who differed.–C.E., V, 125.” (The New Catholic Dictionary [1929], p. 979)

What is going on over at the Catholic Family News (CFN) editorial department?… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Brazilian “Cardinal” presides over “Memorial Mass for LGBT-Phobia Victims” featuring Drag Queen

Mr. Sergio da Rocha is the Novus Ordo Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. In 2016, “Pope” Francis had the glorious idea of making him a “cardinal”, and da Rocha has not failed to deliver.

On Friday, May 21, 2021, “Cardinal” da Rocha presided over the Novus Ordo worship service that was offered specifically “in memory of murdered members of the LGBT community”, as reported by Crux on June 11. The acronym “LGBT” is a euphemism for people who engage in aberrosexual practices and claim that their propensity for sins against the Sixth Commandment is part of their “identity.”… READ MORE

How NOT to speak about the Holy Eucharist…

“The Greatness of God in a Piece of Bread”:

A Commentary on Francis’ Corpus Christi Sermon and Angelus Address

Always has a profound insight, or thinks he does: The Modernist antipope Jorge Bergoglio

This past Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Vatican observed the Solemnity of Corpus Christi or Corpus Domini, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

The false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) has long had a very strained relationship with this feast. Not only does he habitually refuse to kneel before the “Blessed Sacrament” exposed for adoration (unlike for other occasions), he also refuses to participate in the processions (the only time he did was in 2013, his first year), and he repudiates the dogma of Transubstantiation, usually opting for the Lutheran heresy of Consubstantiation instead:

In a separate post, we already reported on the latest bout of Eucharistic Knee Failure that predictably attacked him; in this post, we shall focus on the words he spoke during his sermon, delivered in the evening, and what he said during the Angelus address he had given earlier in the day.… READ MORE

Effective treatment options available!

Eucharistic Knee Failure:
Francis’ Medical Condition identified?

“For it is written: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.” (Rom 14:11)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are happy to announce that Novus Ordo Watch has finally been able to determine by means of remote diagnosis the reason for Jorge Bergoglio’s persistent failure to kneel before what he claims to believe is the Holy Eucharist.

The Argentinian Jesuit, known to the world by his stage name “Pope Francis”, suffers from an extraordinary and highly localized medical condition known as “Eucharistic Knee Failure”, or EKF.… READ MORE

Theological poppycock under the guise of piety and humility…

Is Everyone Unworthy to Receive Holy Communion?
A Refutation of “Cardinal” Blase Cupich

“For such false apostles are deceitful workmen,
transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.” (2 Cor 11:13)

One of the biggest theological shysters in the American Vatican II Church is “Cardinal” Blase J. Cupich, the supposed Catholic Archbishop of Chicago.

The most recent example is his pious-sounding article “We Are All Unworthy”, published by the Chicago Catholic a few days ago. In it, this Modernist false shepherd puts on his somber face and argues that since everyone is unworthy of God’s gifts, and yet God loves us anyway, we shouldn’t “judge” others and exclude them from receiving Holy Communion.… READ MORE

How not to sway souls…

Novus Ordo Parish in Germany installs “Pentecost Swing”

The Vatican II religion in full, uh, swing…

One of the biggest liturgical loony bins on the planet is the Novus Ordo church of Maria Geburt (“Nativity of Mary”) in Aschaffenburg, Germany. It is infamous for its absurd, bizarre, idiotic, and even explicitly blasphemous liturgical theater.

Since the average German “Catholic” is incredibly bored by the Novus Ordo liturgical act, some kind of entertainment is occasionally introduced in order to keep people in the game. That, at least, appears to be the reasoning behind the shenanigans at Maria Geburt.… READ MORE

June 1, 2021

The Emeritus Nope: New documentary on Benedict XVI released

Move over, UFOs: Alien spacecraft are no match for Unidentified Ecclesiastical Objects!

You can’t make this stuff up: Bergoglio-appointed Novus Ordo bishop down under is “concerned that students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender could be harassed” if “gender fluidity” isn’t taught in schools! Good luck getting the guy removed!

Talk about a self-referential church: Upcoming Synod on Synodality has been made into a process about processes. It’s needed to drum up, or at least make it look like there is, massive support for Bergoglio’s ‘new and improved’ Vatican II Church.… READ MORE

Matthew 7:6 alert…

Speaking of Intercommunion: Why did Francis gift a Eucharistic Chalice to a Lutheran Pastor?

© Vatican Media

Actions speak louder than words, and that is particularly true in the case of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who has been starring as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing theological tragicomedy that is the Vatican II religion.

We only need to recall his happy reception of Italian abortion icon Emma Bonino, his acceptance of the invalid “blessing” of the Anglican Archlayman of Canterbury, or his blessing of the adulterous union of the Colombian president and his mistress. These actions say more than enough — no explanation needed.… READ MORE

Removing the traditional mask…

Francis reportedly tells Italian “Bishops” he will revoke Benedict XVI’s Universal Latin Mass Authorization

The Argentinian Jesuit who calls himself “Pope Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio) has always been a defender of the rights of tradition. The only exception he makes is for Roman Catholic tradition.

For example, in his encylical letter on human fraternity, the false pope quotes the Chilean Novus Ordo cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez (1907-99), saying:

Let us not forget that “peoples that abandon their tradition and, either from a craze to mimic others or to foment violence, or from unpardonable negligence or apathy, allow others to rob their very soul, end up losing not only their spiritual identity but also their moral consistency and, in the end, their intellectual, economic and political independence”.