Rev. Michael DeSaye of Trenton, NJ

Novus Ordo Priest becomes Sedevacantist, Diocese Excommunicates

On June 2, 2018, Rev. Michael G. DeSaye was ordained a Catholic priest.

At least that is what he thought at the time.

Less than three years after what he has since come to understand was an invalid ordination ceremony, presided over by a Modernist layman rather than a Roman Catholic bishop, “Father” DeSaye asked his local ordinary, “Bishop” David M. O’Connell, to accept his resignation from the diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. The request was granted.

On May 10 of this year, “Bp.” O’Connell released the following extremely diplomatic announcement:



Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

False Church, False Doctrine, but True Pope?

TRADCAST 030 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on May 1: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

TRADCAST 030 addresses a number of topics.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 030 (1 MAY 2021)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ latest heresy: Is Jesus Christ a “Divine-Human Person”? / Why the new book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies, directed at Francis, is guaranteed to fail / Answering objections to the sedevacantist position: (a) If the Catholic Church was so strong before Vatican II, how could the council do so much damage? – excursion on Ecumenism; (b) If Sedevacantism is true, why are there Eucharistic miracles in the Novus Ordo Church?
  • Segment 2: A false church with a true Pope? / Vatican I’s teaching about St. Peter’s perpetual successors and the indefectibility of the Church / Interlude: world’s first anti-Vatican II song / “Abp.”

Before John XXIII “opened the windows”…

Before Vatican II:
What Catholic Nuns used to be like

Not everything was perfect in the Catholic Church before the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), but by and large things were in proper order and the Church was flourishing.

One of the most visible ways one can demonstrate the utter devastation caused by the aggiornamento (“updating”) of Vatican II, is by comparing Catholic nuns before and after the “Great Renewal”.

We recently stumbled upon the following 2-minute clip in which a Welsh Carmelite novice is interviewed by a TV reporter. (A novice is a nun who has not yet taken vows but is preparing to.)… READ MORE

Catholicism vs. the Novus Ordo religion

In a Nutshell:
The Roman Catholic Church vs. the Vatican II Church

It just doesn’t fit: the Vatican II religion isn’t Catholicism

This past Sunday was Low Sunday, on which Holy Mother Church in the Roman rite reads the Gospel of the doubting St. Thomas, to whom our Blessed Lord replied: “Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed” (Jn 20:29).

Fr. Nicolás Despósito of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary used the occasion to give an eloquent and highly informative sermon explaining what “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church” actually means.… READ MORE

It’s John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”: How the Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer betrays the Crucified Christ

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Logical consequence of Abu Dhabi heresy…

Francis expands the “People of God”:
Now it includes All Religions!

The heresy superspreader Jorge Bergoglio — a.k.a. “Pope Francis” — held another general audience today. The topic this time was the Easter Triduum, that is, the three days leading up to Easter: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday.

Not surprisingly, the Argentinian pseudo-pope was busy shifting the focus from Christ’s Passion and Death onto “the sufferings of the sick, the poor, the rejected of this world; …the ‘sacrificed lambs’, the innocent victims of wars, dictatorships, everyday violence, abortions… the too many who are crucified in our time … who are the image of Jesus Crucified….”… READ MORE

The “Great Renewal” that wasn’t…

The New Springtime of Vatican II in one Building:
St. Peter’s Seminary in Cardross, Scotland

(image: tom Kidd / Alamy Stock Photo)

If there is one building complex in the entire world that is emblematic of the state of the Vatican II Church, it is probably that of St. Peter’s Seminary near Cardross, Scotland.

Conceptualized in the 1950s, construction began in 1961 and concluded in 1966. The Catholic Church left behind by Pope Pius XII (d. 1958) was robust and thriving, and so the seminary was constructed to house as many as 100 young men studying for the Catholic priesthood.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s “Ecumenism of Blood” returns…

“Christian Saints of all Confessions”:
Francis again pushes Ecumenical Martyrdom Heresy

In February of 2015, terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS) revealed that they had beheaded 21 men belonging to the Coptic Orthodox religion. Twenty of them were Egyptian, one was from Ghana. The case received a lot of media attention, and on Feb. 21, 2015, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Tawadros II, in a special ceremony declared the men to be saints and martyrs.

Over at the Vatican, the false pope Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) seized the opportunity to preach what he called an “ecumenism of blood”, a kind of “ecumenical martyrdom”.… READ MORE

Rigidly clinging to his certainties…

Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable

The traditionalist wing of the Vatican II Church is concerned. On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, their extremely valid “Pope” opened his mouth about the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and a Catholic’s supposed obligation to adhere to it.

In a flowery discourse to Italian catechists filled with blather about kerygma, encounter, journey, listening, the “dialect of closeness” and what not, the Argentinian apostate playing Pope said:

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church.


Deflating a popular Resistance myth…

Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed Always, Everywhere, and by All?

The True Meaning of the Canon of St. Vincent of Lérins

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (especially politicians) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, belief in an afterlife, or the importance of loving our neighbor); whereas what is rejected is usually those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of an eternal hell for unrepentant sinners, or most sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE

Video interview with Sr. Mary Bernadette, CMRI

Eyewitness to the Modernist Revolution in the Catholic Church: A Nun tells her Story

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are happy to present to you an exclusive video interview with an eye witness to the Modernist revolution against the Catholic Church that took place during the 1960s.

In an hour-long conversation, Sister Mary Bernadette Urban, CMRI, recalls the turbulent years just after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), when Catholics found themselves bewildered at the Modernist revolution that had begun with the accession of the false popes John XXIII (1958-63) and Paul VI (1963-78).… READ MORE

Condemned prior to Vatican II…

Christian Unity without Catholicism: Francis spews Ecumenical Bilge at General Audience

At his Wednesday audience of Jan. 20, 2021, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), interrupted his current series of lectures on the subject of prayer and spoke about Christian unity.

This he did because every year from Jan. 18 through Jan. 25, the Novus Ordo Sect observes what it calls the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”. It is an ecumenicized version of the traditional Catholic “Chair of Unity Octave”, which was approved by Pope St. Pius X in 1909 and extended to the Universal Church by Pope Benedict XV in 1916.… READ MORE

But prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Th 5:21)…

Viganò’s Theological Vortex: A Critical Commentary
(PART 2)

[Continued from PART 1]

Continuing with our critical assessment of the former Vatican nuncio “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò’s recent theological reflections, we now turn to his letter of Sep. 3, 2020, published by Catholic Family News the same day:

In that particular missive, Fr. Viganò complains of being charged with schism by his Novus Ordo opponents, but as we showed in Part 1 of our ongoing assessment, that point of criticism is justified.… READ MORE

Caution! Vatican II speak ahead…

“Bishop” Robert Barron on whether Protestants should become Catholics

The Novus Ordo Sect’s flagship American media bishop — a man who is considered hip, erudite, telegenic, and theologically middle-of-the-road — is Robert Emmett Barron.

Born in Chicago and now auxiliary “bishop” in Los Angeles, he is reputed to be a great and model evangelizer as he uses social and traditional media to spread knowledge and love of the Vatican II religion. Many years ago he founded an apologetics ministry called Word on Fire and produced a 10-part documentary grossly misnamed Catholicism, which aired on PBS and is available now on DVD and streaming.… READ MORE