Where he plays another round of flamingo croquet with theology!

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto


A Brief Review

In PART ONE of this article, we saw how Dr. Peter Kwasniewski discusses Ultramontanism and the Papacy using a strangely un-Catholic approach to the topic. His use of a secular encyclopedia rather than a Catholic theological reference work for his starting point was a telling and, surely, a totally calculated move on his part to help him discredit Ultramontanism. The real traditional Catholic position is at direct odds with his imaginary renderings of theology and Church history.… READ MORE

Deflating a popular Resistance myth…

Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed Always, Everywhere, and by All?

The True Meaning of the Canon of St. Vincent of Lérins

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (especially politicians) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, belief in an afterlife, or the importance of loving our neighbor); whereas what is rejected is usually those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of an eternal hell for unrepentant sinners, or most sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE